The people's voice of reason

Convicted but Unstoppable How Trump's Support is More Energized Than Ever

Let us cut through the noise and look at the facts. The recent conviction of Donald Trump, far from being a setback, has only made him stronger in his relentless battle against the corruption and incompetence of Joe Biden’s administration. The figures do not lie, and the response from Trump’s supporters has been nothing short of phenomenal.

In the first six hours following the verdict, Trump’s campaign and the Republican Party raised a jaw-dropping $34.8 million. Let that sink in for a moment. That is nearly the total amount they raised in the entire month of April. This tidal wave of support demonstrates that Trump’s base is not just resilient, but fiercely loyal and ready to fightback against the relentless attacks from the left. Especially the lawfare.

The numbers tell a powerful story. According to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, 35% of Republican registered voters are now more likely to support Trump after the conviction. Compare that to a mere 10% who said they are less likely to vote for him. The message is crystal clear: over a third of Republicans have been galvanized by this political witch hunt, and they’re rallying behind Trump like never before.

Despite occupying the highest office in the land, Joe Biden has utterly failed to stem the overwhelming tide of support for Donald Trump. His administration, mired in scandal, incompetence, and broken promises, has only served to highlight the stark contrast between Biden’s weak leadership and Trump’s decisive action. Biden’s policies have driven the country into economic turmoil, border chaos, and international embarrassment, while his feeble attempts to discredit Trump have backfired spectacularly. Instead of diminishing Trump’s influence, Biden’s tenure has galvanized Trump’s base, proving that the American people are desperate for the strong, unwavering leadership that only Trump can provide. The growing support for Trump is a direct indictment of Biden’s inability to address the genuine issues facing our nation.

We can fully expect the mainstream media to persist in branding Donald Trump as a convicted felon, relentlessly pushing their biased narrative in an attempt to derail his momentum. However, this strategy is doomed to fail. The American people see through the media’s smear campaigns and recognize the political motivation behind these attacks. In fact, Trump’s lead in the battleground states will continue to rise, as voters grow increasingly disillusioned with the media’s relentless bias and blatant disregard for the truth. The more they try to tarnish Trump’s reputation, the more his support solidifies. The battleground states are turning into strongholds of Trump loyalty, driven by a collective realization that he stands as a beacon of hope and resilience against the corrupt establishment. The media’s desperate attempts to sway public opinion are only strengthening the resolve of Trump’s supporters, ensuring his lead in these crucial states will only continue to grow.

So, while the left continues its crusade against Trump, they might want to take a hard look at the reality on the ground. Every attack, every smear, and yes, every conviction only strengthens his resolve and opens the eyes of all Americans regardless of their race, background, or prior political affiliation to the left’s true motivation to destroy the values and principles that has made this country great. The conviction is not a mark of shame; it is a badge of honor, a testament to Trump’s unyielding spirit in the face of corruption and deceit. Also, Hunter Biden’s trials are about to begin. First trial beginning this week is illegally purchasing and possessing a gun while abusing or being addicted to drugs, a violation of federal law.

Donald Trump is stronger than ever, and his fight against the crooked, senile Joe Bide is only gaining momentum. The American people see through the lies, and they are standing with Trump in record numbers. This is more than a campaign; it is a movement, and it is not going anywhere.

As David Sacks so brilliantly stated: “Dems are going all in on lawfare because they got nothing else to run on.” Stay strong, stay vigilant, and let us keep fighting for the truth. The best is yet to come.

This is an opinion column. The views of opinion writers are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Alabama Gazette, the staff, or the publishers.


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