I’ve always heard that writing is more about perspiration than inspiration. It’s true. Even though it is very fulfilling to write about the outdoors, it is also difficult at times to continue to find worthy subjects and stories. Sometimes my mind soars with information faster than my fingers can type. Other times those same fingers seem like they’re waiting impatiently for the next command. During the times of inspiration I can’t wait to get to the computer. During other times I dread its call. Every writer loves moments of inspiration.
I’ve discovered over the years there is a catalyst that induces inspiration. That catalyst is presence. Here’s what I mean. I find when I’ve been too busy to be outside, the inspirational juices dry up. But when I am in the presence of the water or woods, those same juices begin to flow. I can remember one year, being in a hotel in the middle of a large city. My view from the fourth floor was of pavement and people. This weekly article had to be written but after a week within those confines, my mind was empty of ideas. I still don’t remember what I wrote about, but I remember how barren I felt and how I longed for a room where my bed was an oak flat and my blanket were the trees that covered it. The lack of presence drained any creativity and inspiration. Sometimes we all must work under the master of perspiration. But unless there are moments of inspiration, we will eventually lay down the task.
In our spiritual life it is the same as well. Our spiritual inspiration must also come from presence. It comes from the presence of other believers, from the presence of the Word, and the presence of the very Spirit of God within us. And when we can enjoy all of these at one time, it is even better. And that’s why it’s so important to find the places where these come together. When we do, our spiritual effort will turn into spiritual rest. Has your passion for the Lord waned? Does your connection with God more feel like an effort instead of the relationship it is meant to be? Perhaps it’s because you have neglected the places where all your spiritual inspiration will be renewed. King David looked up into the rafters of the tabernacle and was inspired to write: “How lovely is your tabernacle, O LORD of hosts! Even the sparrow has found a home and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young.” If the birds can find refreshment in the places that we gather around God, I’m sure we can too.
Gary Miller
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