The people's voice of reason

Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council to meet June 24 to 27

The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council will meet next on June 24 to 27 in Houston, Texas.

The Council will meet on properly managing fishery resources in the U.S. federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico and will consider updating fishing regulations.

The meetings will take place at the Omni Houston Hotel at 4 Riverway in Houston, TX 77056. Phone (713) 871-8181 for more information. Information on lodging and to register from the webinar will be coming soon as well as the agenda and the meeting materials.

The Council previously met in Gulf Shores from April 8 – 11, 2024 at The Lodge at Gulf State Park.

To review the minutes of the April meeting in Alabama:

The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council is one of eight US Regional Fishery Management Councils established by the Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976.

The Council manages fishery resources in the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico; prepares fishery management plans (FMPs) and makes recommendations by balancing competing interests; uses scientific advice from NOAA Fisheries and public opinion to inform FMP recommendations; aims to achieve the greatest overall benefit to the nation by sustaining and maintaining responsible fisheries management; stays consistent with the ten national standards laid out by the Magnuson Stevens Act; and specifically manages reef fish, shrimp, spiny lobster, coastal migratory pelagics, corals, essential fish habitat, red drum, and aquaculture.

Federal fishing regulations


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