The people's voice of reason

Biden's Bluff: A One-Word Foreign Policy Disaster

When the stakes are high and the dangers are real, America expects its President to stand firm, to assert power, not to whisper timidly. Yet, in what could only be described as the most limp-wristed attempt at deterrence in history by an American President, Joe Biden issued a one-word warning to a hostile Iran: “Don’t.” This single utterance was supposed to prevent retaliation against Israel following the airstrike that eliminated an Iranian general. Predictably, it failed spectacularly.

Late Saturday, in a historic and brazen assault, Iran launched over 300 drones and missiles towards Israel, marking the first full-scale direct military aggression against Israel since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. This assault didn’t just test Israel’s Iron Dome; it tested American resolve under Biden’s leadership—and found it woefully lacking.

Rabbi Aryeh Lightstone, a former advisor to the U.S. Israeli Ambassador, summed it up on ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ stating that Iran’s actions were a clear “insult” to the Biden administration, viewing it as nothing short of “complete and total weakness.” How else could one interpret Iran’s disdain and disregard for Biden’s feeble warning?

This isn’t just about a failure in the moment. It’s about a fundamental misunderstanding of power dynamics on the global stage. Ronald Reagan’s doctrine of “peace through strength” is proven wisdom. It’s the idea that true peace is maintained through undeniable strength, not through pleas or minimalistic warnings. Reagan understood something Biden has failed to grasp adversaries respect strength, not subtle utterances.

Iran’s outright dismissal of Biden’s “don’t” showcases more than just a failed attempt to deter aggression—it highlights a failure in philosophy. Biden’s approach to foreign policy is one where the U.S. appears hesitant and reactionary, rather than proactive and commanding. This is not the America that Reagan championed—an America that stood tall and carried a big stick.

The consequences of such weakness are clear. Our allies doubt us; our enemies challenge us. The recent attack on Israel is not an isolated incident—it’s a symptom of a larger disease affecting American foreign policy. It’s a direct result of a leadership style that is about as effective as a paper tiger in a storm.

If Donald J. Trump were still in the Oval Office, the recent audacious attack by Iran on Israel would have been a nonstarter. President Trump’s tenure was marked by an uncompromising stance on Iran, exemplified by the withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and the imposition of stringent sanctions that crippled the Iranian economy. His administration’s decisive action in ordering the strike that killed Iranian General Qasem

Soleimani sent a clear, unambiguous message about the repercussions of threatening American interests or those of its allies. Under Trump’s watch, Iran was under no illusions about the immediate and overwhelming force that could be meted out in response to their provocations.

Moreover, this incident underscores a broader narrative of America’s decline in eyes of our adversaries. Where Reagan saw America as a shining city upon a hill, Biden’s administration appears to see it as a beleaguered town in a gully, begging its enemies for peace rather than ensuring it through strength.

Americans deserve better. They deserve a President who speaks clearly, acts decisively, and understands that in the theater of global politics, strength doesn’t just matter—it’s everything. Until we embrace this again, we will continue to see our threats disregarded and our words ignored on the world stage.

President Biden, it’s time to do more than just say “don’t.” It’s time to ensure that when America speaks, the world listens—not because we ask it to, but because it dares not do otherwise.


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