The people's voice of reason

Kay Ivey celebrates seven years as Governor

On Tuesday, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (R) celebrated her seventh year in office as Governor of Alabama. Ivey celebrated the occasion by announcing that more than $7.9 million in state funding is being awarded to cities and counties for various, statewide road and bridge projects. Road and bridgework has been a priority of Ivey's administration.

To this end, Gov. Ivey, championed the Rebuild Alabama Act, which created the Annual Grant Program responsible for this allocation by raising fuel taxes across the board. The controversial Rebuild Alabama Act passed by the Legislature and signed by Governor Ivey in 2019, requires the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) to establish an annual program setting aside a minimum of $10 million off the top of the state's share of new gas tax revenue for local projects.

"I am thrilled to announce the significant allocation of over $7.9 million in state funding to address crucial road and bridge projects across our state, especially as I mark the seven-year milestone since taking office," said Gov. Ivey. "From the onset of my tenure, improving Alabama's roads has been my commitment, and this investment underscores our dedication to modernizing infrastructure and enhancing transportation networks to support our communities. Through Rebuild Alabama, we are continuing to lay the critical foundation for a more prosperous Alabama."

Of the awarded projects, cities and counties also contributed a total of over $3.3 million in local matching funds. It is anticipated that a number of projects will be under contract by the end of this year. All projects are required to move forward within one year of the awarding of funds.

With this round of funding, almost $150 million in state transportation has been awarded through the local grant programs created by the Rebuild Alabama Act. Projects have been awarded in all 67 counties.

For more information about the Annual Grant Program, visit the program's dedicated webpage at


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