The people's voice of reason


My mind goes to so many outdoor activities this time of year. It's the middle of February so mostly I'm planning for the next couple of months. Not only will turkey season be upon us soon, but some of the best pan fishing is knocking at the door. The walleye run will put fishermen elbow to elbow in the river and the crappie will have boats side by side at the lake. These two fish are my all-time favorite varieties to eat. And the bonus points my wife gives me when I bring them home are enough to do for the next six months. But fishing and planning for the upcoming turkey season is not the only activities available. Shed hunting is coming into the best season as well. These antler sheds not only make for beautiful decorations, but they let us know what bucks made it through the last hunting season. And then there's preparing for the upcoming gardening season, yard work, and just enjoying an occasional warm and dry day until Spring is back on the calendar. Oh, and I love Springtime! I think most of my friends prefer Fall, but I'm a Spring guy. I think I know why. You see, to me Fall represents a reprieve before the Winter struggles, but Spring is a sign the difficult days are over, and I made it. I made it through the long nights and the cold days. I made it through claustrophobic rooms and contagious groups. I made it from hours of darkness to hours of light. I made it from the dark emotions of failure, defeat, sickness, rejection, and hopelessness to another chance to make something good grow.

As I write this, I think about some of my friends who need a Springtime in their life right now. They have been in a Winter season for some time, and it has left its marks, both physically and emotionally. They need to know the Winter days are about over and better days are coming. They need a word from God, their prayers are answered. Someone has already prayed for this, this morning. And God just used a simple little article to let them know He heard, and it's true. Your Spring is near.


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