Mr. Speaker, I read with great interest and frustration
the 1819 News article, “Rampant' illegal gambling
in Jefferson County shows need for enforcement
arm, House Speaker Ledbetter says.” In the past,
advocacy for legalized gambling was all about the
need for additional revenues. Now that state coffers
are overflowing with surplus revenue in the General
and Education Trust Funds, however, the “new
message” to legalize gambling has turned into the need for a Gaming
Regulatory Commission.
Let’s talk about this seriously flawed proposal.
Gambling in Alabama is already unconstitutional and laws against it should be
enforced. Are Attorney General Steve Marshall, the Alabama Supreme Court,
a handful of conservative legislators, Greg Davis with Alabama Citizens
Action Program (representing 3,500 churches statewide), and Becky Gerritson
with Eagle Forum the only ones in this state that get it right? All these folks
take the position that we should enforce the closure of these unconstitutional
illegal operations and arrest the owners.
Instead of following suit, Mr. Speaker, your solution is forming a commission?
This is not a solution. You do not regulate an illegal operation, you close it
First, let’s break this down. you want to create a new commission, increasing
the cost of government, legalizing and expanding current illegal gambling
activity, and allowing new casinos – including one in Jackson County, right
next door to your own house district.
Second, according to the 1819 News article, there are 70 illegal gambling
operations in Jefferson County that Sheriff Pettaway refuses to close. He is the
top law enforcement officer in Jefferson County. How does this new commission
somehow fix irresponsible law enforcement? Such a situation sounds like
President Joe Biden turning his head away from the illegal immigrants passing
through our border every day. Illegal is illegal, just enforce it.
Third, notice how these conversations always drift to the lottery, making the
argument that it has been 25 years since Alabama voters rejected it. Polling
back then hit a highwater mark of 60% in favor – until the public realized the
lottery prohibition lifted out of the Alabama Constitution paves the way for
casinos on every corner, making state corruption soar exponentially.
Here is tip for the readership, anytime a legislator uses the words, “it’s complicated,”
that is your cue to dig deeper. On this gambling/casino issue alone, the
complicated thing for legislators is that their pastors and the facts are pulling
in one direction, while the gambling lobbyists funding their political futures
are pulling in the opposite direction. Again, we must ask, “Who is driving
Alabama’s legislative priorities?”
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