The people's voice of reason


One of the aspects I dislike about hunting and fishing is getting ready for the first day. Whether it’s the first turkey hunt of the year or the first deer hunt, there’s always the need to make sure nothing is forgotten on that opening day. One of my on-going paranoias is to be in a tree stand when a deer walks by and realize I have forgotten my trigger release. I’ve actually dreamed several times about such an episode. The first day of fishing is the same way. Gathering up rods and reels and making sure licenses are bought and boat registrations are up to date always makes me have second thoughts about going. There have been times I have decided to stay at home just because I was not willing to take the time to get everything together and accounted for. After that first time, things are just so much easier because most of the stuff never leaves my hunting vehicle. I decide to go, hop in my little SUV, and boom! I’m hunting. For years, I’ve made promises and plans to have everything organized and put in a particular place before that first day. And I do a pretty good job of having most of my stuff in one area. But the time between the last day of the season and the next opening day seems to cause my gear to disperse in regions all around my house and storage buildings. As a result, I dread making that first trip because I’m usually spending all day getting ready. There’s got to be a better way. There is. The seasons that are the easiest to come into are the ones where I begin getting ready weeks before opening day. It’s really not that hard. Except for fishing, there are concrete opening days for most hunting seasons. With a little backward planning, it’s easy to give myself plenty of time to gather up my gear a little at a time. When I do that, I’m not pressing to get ready just before that opening day. I just arrive seamlessly. Instead of an all-or-nothing night, I just do a little at a time to where it almost seems I’m doing nothing. Spending ten minutes, weeks before an opening day, seems insignificant at the time and relieves so much pressure the day and night before a big hunt. I love it when that happens.

What goes for opening days also goes for the most difficult moments of our life. While these occasions may not have specific days and times, they are certain. Most people panic when they happen because they are caught completely unaware. Those who handle these situations the best are the individuals who have been putting a little spiritual truth into their lives day by day and week by week. Don’t wait until you’re under the pressure of a pending circumstance. Stow away God’s word now and you will be ready and prepared when the day comes.

Gary Miller

Gary Miller has written Outdoor Truths articles for 20 years. He has also written five books which include compilations of his articles and a father/son devotional. He also speaks at wild-game dinners and men’s events for churches and associations.


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