Would you love to experience fresh power in your life? You can!
Many people feel powerless in so many areas of their lives. Many feel powerless to change their circumstances, their anxieties, their worries, their relationships, their marriages, their children, their financial conditions, their jobs, their bad habits, their addictions, their attitudes and so many other things in their lives they would like to change.
Did you know that Jesus came to offer us the power to change as well as the power to impact others too? “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” Jesus, Acts 1:8
Did you know? “The same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead is available to you!”
Paul, Ephesians 1:20
Tony Robbins is one of the most successful motivational speakers in the world with over 6.5 million followers on social media, many #1 Best Selling books, and a net worth of over $600 million. People flock to his in-person and on-line seminars by the tens of thousands, and they pay a great deal of money to attend. I actually agree with a lot of things Tony Robbins teaches and find him to be a very wise and generous person as well as a person of integrity. I do not know exactly where Tony Robbins stands in terms of his faith, but I do know that many of his principles are actually based on the wisdom and principles we find in the Bible as well as the teachings of Jesus himself. He often quotes the Bible and Jesus.
Why are people so attracted to Tony Robbins and his books and seminars? I believe it is because he teaches people how to gain control and discover power within their lives. His books and seminars have such intriguing titles as, “Unleash the Power within You” and “Unlimited Power”. People who want more power in their lives are drawn to his motivating and inspiring teachings.
The truth is that many people feel powerless to change their lives and circumstances. So, people are anxious to hear and learn any ways that might help them gain more power and control over their lives which often seem totally out of control and often overwhelming.
But there is one point in particular where I would disagree with Tony Robbins. Robbins teaches that the power is within us ourselves to make the changes we can and may need to make. But, as a Christ follower, I would proclaim that the power to change and the power to take control over our lives comes from God not from ourselves. I believe the Holy Spirit, God’s Spirit, the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead, is the One who empowers us. When we invite the Risen Christ and the Spirit of God to live inside us, then we avail ourselves of His power in our lives. The power to change!
Paul says it this way, “I have strength to face all conditions by the power Christ gives me.” Paul, Philippians 4:13
In fact, Paul goes on to say in 2 Corinthians 12:9 that we can’t do it on our own power. Paul claims that left up to our own power to make the changes in our lives and to gain control, we are in fact weak.
“But he (the Lord) said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness.’ Therefore, (Paul says) I will boast all the more boldly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. For the Spirit God gives us does not make us timid or afraid but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”
I am so glad I do not have to struggle through this life on my own power. Frankly, I am not sure I would make it. The pressures. The let downs. The betrayals. The hurts. The pain. The brokenness. I am so thankful that God has unleashed His power in me through the Risen Christ living in me and the Holy Spirit who dwells in me.
You too can experience the unleashed power of God in your life. You can know the power of the Risen Christ living in you and the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit dwelling in you. So, to summarize Paul, the Spirit God gives us does not make us timid and afraid, rather the Spirit God gives us unleashes God’s power in us to change the way we love, live and lead.
What must you do to Unleash God’s Power in your life?
1. Believe Jesus Christ is who he says he is and that he died on a cross for your sins and mine. And that God raised him from the dead. (John 3:16-17)
2. Accept God’s free gift of grace, forgiveness, and salvation. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
3. Invite the Risen Christ into your heart and receive the gift and the Power of the Holy Spirit. (Philippians 2:10-11 and Acts 1:8)
4. Commit yourself to be a believer and a follower for Jesus Christ from this day forward. (Matthew 4:19)
When you take these four steps you can…
Unleash His power Within You!
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