On April 10th Richard Lagrand (who recently lost reelection as the incumbent last summer) was reinstalled to Lee County Commission District 5 by Gov. Ivey, reaffirming her fidelity to ACCA, BCA, et al corruption over the citizens of Lee County. The death of Commissioner Harris (see my February 2022 Gazette column) soon after taking office provided a perfect example for Ivey to show resolve on holding a special election with an entire term of office unexpired. Obviously this wouldn’t bode well with Ivey’s masters still incredulous their shill for political theft had not been reinstalled via our anti-competitive election result in the 2022 Democratic primary. Furthermore voters removing the most corrupt Commissioner of a dozen years (Lagrand had sycophantically enabled in his first and only term) landed another blow to our politburo and indicated the duopoly didn’t have complete control over the Republican primary either.
Fear Lagrand would lose again in a special election was real. Informed, non-politburo voters understood Lagrand was a shameless minion of the Felon Hubbard gang and there were other uncorrupted candidates in the mix. Most notable was an exemplary Army Veteran (in full disclosure he’s one of many wonderful brethren at Green Chapel I attend) who’s been a steadfast volunteer and advocate for Ft. Mitchell Military Cemetery and familiar with the ‘Hubbardland’ gang in Lee County. In fact, it was this good man who helped Commissioner Harris through his severe health problems which surfaced a few months after winning the election. I was pleased he agreed to submit his name to Ivey providing a decent, different alternative to the usual politburo members. The first thing that came to mind when telling me he’d ‘thrown his hat in the ring’ was remembering this good gentleman pushing the wheelchair for Commissioner Harris to be sworn in... no better replacement (who Harris approved of) and would likely win a special election with a little campaigning to get his name recognized by voters. The second thing which came to mind; the Hubbard machine would do a full-court press spewing their poison to smear him... as usual, Felon Hubbard/Auburn Family minions lived up to this well earned repute.
The installation show at the Lee County Courthouse was something to behold. To make clear who’s in charge and in control of Ivey, the Republocrat politburo brought in the former Probate Judge who didn’t run for reelection when told his corrupt actions as a public servant would be exposed when we had functioning media decades ago. This is the same incompetent judge who didn’t follow bonding requirements, used corrupt commissioners to undervalue properties so US 280 would be rerouted to redistribute wealth to “Tiger-Town”/Opelika. Sad how many lives were damaged/lost for a few pieces of silver while feigning care about the public. As years unfolded and deaths/injuries mounted at Veteran’s Parkway, College & 280, etc. individuals began to see the harm done - esp. as the segment of I-85 and US 280 gets increasingly worse, where original plans (designed to limit accidents, deaths, expenses) were designed to be one intersection/crossover on the way to Columbus. Not to be outdone in display of taking the Lord’s name in vain, public servant Fuller held The Bible for Lagrand to remind us of a mayor who would be in prison (think Bristol, VA. https://www.alabamagazette.com/story/2018/11/01/opinion/giggin-for-dollars-in-opelika-as-forecasted-ops-they-did-it-again/1499.html) for accomplishing ‘Gig-City’ political theft from Opelika Power customers. Some tell me Commissioner Lagrand has learned his lesson from losing, they’re not ones who witnessed the re-installation by a corrupt former judge, mayor, et al or ones who regularly attend commission meetings. If Mr. Lagrand has indeed changed, I’ll be happy to admit I was wrong and support Richard’s re-election in 4 years.
Three days later Ivey’s next Installation of President Roberts displayed much more fanfare in keeping with the bigger political theft ‘Poison Ivey’ has aided and abetted these past years. It comes as no surprise to anyone familiar with this public servant’s history with the College Savings Program debacle, Kay has complete disregard for students and taxpayers... not to mention ‘hide the softball’ rape type scandals in athletics along with covering up sham ‘cluster’ degrees. One of the many columns to show Ivey/Administrator disregard for faculty, students and taxpayers is: https://www.alabamagazette.com/story/2021/04/01/opinion/how-our-politburo-puts-the-au-in-fraud/2122.html
Kay’s alma mater [yep, she’s an AU grad] is very familiar with Ivey’s poison installations. As Governor, Lady K is in charge of the AU Board of Trustees. Upon replacing ‘Dr. Luv Guv’ (one couldn’t make this stuff up) of her initial stint in Gov. Bentley’s remaining term, Ivey presided over the installation ceremony of Steven “Crash” Leath as AU President. How was Ivey supposed to know Leath would generate three first amendment lawsuits at AU while also generating a $4.5 million hush-money payoff to NOT serve out the remainder of his term? Perhaps Ivey (along with the search committee?) could’ve done a simple Google search and discovered Leath was responsible for first amendment violations at Iowa State before he was ever installed at Auburn. Moreover, newspapers and internet sources were full of stories about investigations of “Crash” Leath for his misuse of University aircraft at Iowa State, hence the nickname “Crash” in my first column on this well paid ‘Auburn man.’ Seems the Auburn Family gravitates toward Aistrup, Leath, Roberts type administrators.
Seemingly unrepentant from the Leath fiasco, Special Kay Ivey has now overseen the installment of Dr. Chris Roberts as AU President. Rather than having already been found guilty of First Amendment violations, Dr. Roberts is currently only charged in Federal Court with First Amendment violations as well as conspiracy and defamation. We certainly couldn’t expect Kay Ivey to provide her alma mater with a President respectful of the Auburn Creed and academic freedom. If citizens were to have basic civil rights/freedoms, such as the first amendment, then they might be able to criticize her performance in office or worse yet, organize opposition to the corruption of the Auburn Mafia. Reinstalling BoT members such as president pro tempore Bob Dumas who helped bankroll Felon Hubbard’s failed defense, sends a clear message that Ivey has no intention of cleaning up the AU/Lee County mess sucking the life and resources out of our productive citizens keeping these political parasites well fed. Seems public servant Dumas is bent on driving AU into the ground as much as AuburnBank stock prices this investor has been ditching whenever financially apropos.
The April 13th AU communication (https://ocm.auburn.edu/newsroom/news_articles/2023/04/131753-president-roberts-installation-ceremony.php?ref=hpslider?nlan) on installation of a President who refuses to fire a university employee who’s racked up over a $1mil. in legal fees, settlement cost, judgments ($500,000 for malice) etc. seemed more ‘aspirational’ [sic] of future largess and malfeasance than inspirational AU would once again be guided by the Auburn Creed instead of more Auburn Greed. Of all the reader comments I’ve received on https://www.alabamagazette.com/story/2023/04/01/opinion/the-auburn-greed-20/2522.html
the most biting were explaining how foolish it is to think an AU President (or most public servant administrators of this sort) who aided and abetted wrongdoing would fire one of their own. It is indeed foolhardy to expect a former Samuel Ginn College of Engineering Dean (who is having to answer for similar actions in federal court) to discipline/fire another who has been so deleterious to our students and taxpayers. The Felon Hubbard minions are still sucking AU dry from ‘YellaGrubber’s Hell’s Kitchen’ to failing to support/re-instate the few righteous living up to Auburn Creed and trying to get this once fine university back on course.
In Memoriam: with heavy hands I type on the passing of Camilla L. Rice [1929-2023] a well known, long-standing righteous force in Lee County. Sobering to contemplate the ‘circle of life’ taking good souls of Camilla’s Spirit to witness those (some written of above) who currently drive results in this world. She was the devoted mother of John Rice and supported him in some of the most important political/spiritual battles in our State these past decades. John’s father died at a young age (long before I came to AU from Clemson) so I never met his earthly father, but Rice has always strived to reflect his Heavenly Father in him. As years passed and I got to know Camilla better, I found myself compelled to think those who truly saw John Rice could see the strength and wisdom of his momma in him. I pray readers who understand this will exert great effort to instilling this into younger generations lest we squander God’s blessings resulting from those who struggled for righteousness (realizing their true God; Exodus 20) as the 3rd and 4th generations are always but a blink of an eye in the great travails of time.
Postscript: many thanks for all the [mostly positive] correspondences on last month’s Auburn Greed 2.0 Gazette column. Most noteworthy was an invite to be on Harry Still’s podcast Backstory Podcast No 151 The Auburn Greed. It evokes some optimism to see more AU Alumni starting to notice the unbridled corruption done with malice as recently found in our federal courts. I pray more Alums take note and contact their politicians on malfeasance of this sort and make efforts to repair the harm done some of our best (e.g., Prof. Kat Privett-Duren https://www.alabamagazette.com/story/2023/01/01/opinion/call-her-kat-privett-duren-that-is/2478.html) destroyed by AU administrators and other public servants.
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