The people's voice of reason

The Biden Surge – Illegal Afghans

U.S. Constitution vs. Sharia Law Conflict

The Biden Surge of illegal immigrants from the southern border and now Afghanistan has hit the exponential curve. As of this date, only 4,500 of the 75,000 removed from Afghanistan are Americans. Illegal Afghan immigrants being flown in U.S. funded aircraft are on their way to America. Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Great Britain (G7) have begged Biden to force a deadline extension with the Taliban for the removal of Americans and allies from Afghanistan, he has ignored their plight. European allies are now romancing Russia to partner against the Taliban. Biden was chastised on the floor of the British Parliament for abruptly leaving Afghanistan allowing innocent allies, including Americans and $83 billion in U.S. Military equipment left behind for the Taliban terrorist to use against us. American allies worldwide now view America as an unstable and undependable partner. Our problem only begins with this knee jerk decision, just wait until Islamic Sharia Law and the U.S. Constitution collide, stay with me a minute.

Illegal immigration of thousands storming our southern border and now the mass exodus of Afghan Illegals coming to our country is grabbing the daily headlines. Americans have been on high alert since September 11, 2001, when commercial jets became weapons of mass destruction with Islamic terrorist in the cockpit killing approximately 3000 plus innocent people in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania. Most Americans want to know who enters our country, why are you coming into our country and always sleeping with one eye open.

Motivations of those coming to America today could be summed up in three categories. First, those seeking the American Dream; coming to America to be educated, start a business or find a good paying career where they can reach their maximum potential in life. I think the sentiment among the vast majority of Americans is we wholeheartedly embrace legal immigrants with these goals. Secondly, we have some entering our country because they have learned a way to get on our entitlement rolls and enjoy life living off of the backs of hard working American taxpayers receiving a free public education for their children, a government monthly check, free healthcare and being illegally registered to vote. Illegal immigrants entering our country are embraced politically as a protected new voting block for Democrats. Thirdly, those seeking to illegally come to America want to wreak havoc, do harm, destroy and kill U.S. Citizens. The Islamic deep hatred for the Westerners dates back to the Old Testament.

When Abram was ninety years old, God declared his new name Abraham (a father of many nations) and he promised him and his wife Sarah to be blessed with a son. After ten years, Sarah became impatient waiting on God and asked her personal Egyptian handmaid servant, Hagar to lay with Abraham in hopes of a child. Hagar did have a son and his name was Ishmael. As promised, Sarah did have a late in life son and was named Isaac. Tension arose between the two women and like a honeybee hive; there is no room for two queen bees. Sarah demanded that Abraham send Hagar and her illegitimate son Ishmael out of the camp. Ishmael was the beginning of the modern day Palestine. Here in lies the thousands of years old jealousy and hatred of Ishmael against Isaac. Both of these sons have the same father, Abraham and both claim Jerusalem. This has been a controversy even as late when the U.S. Embassy to Israel was placed by Trump in Jerusalem. Jews, Greeks, Gentiles and Christians are from the linage of Isaac; utterly and passionately hated to this day by Ishmael (Radical Islam).

In previous writings I discussed with you the moral code for the English Common Law was the Ten Commandments; and the genesis for the U.S. Constitution and western civilized law was the English Common Law. On the other hand in Muslim countries, the moral code for their foundation of law is the Quran; one might see where this story is going and the conflicts that lie ahead; stay with me.

One of the hallmarks of freedom embedded in the U.S. Constitution is the First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. The “establishment clause” precludes congress and the U.S. Federal government from ever establishing a national sanctioned religion. The spirit and intent behind this clause is American citizens are free to worship or not worship, join the church of their choice, or not attend church and free to be associated with any religion. True freedom to worship as you wish or not worship is at the heart of this clause. The U.S. Government shall not impose any undue burden on an American citizen that causes one to compromise their religious beliefs or religious freedoms.

The emerging conflict already affecting communities across the country is the practice of Sharia law, which is embedded into the Islamic faith. The conflict arises as an immigrant being granted U.S. Citizenship and takes the naturalization oath, which states: “I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America.” Taking this naturalization oath and Sharia law is at the outset a conflict. Multiple media accounts authenticate when some Muslims are pressed, they will say Sharia Law supersedes the U.S. Constitution. . . .

Let’s look at the core of Sharia Law.

In Arabic, “Sharia” literally means “path” or the path to salvation. Sharia, a set of guiding principles derived from the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed is inseparable from the practice of Islam. There are many tenants of Sharia law, but here are a few:

• Muslims should engage in Taqiyya (Lying to advance Islam). Lying to non-Muslims is encouraged by Muhammad – the Taliban will look you right in the face and lie for the advancement of Ali and to kill the infidel

• Men are allowed to practice polygamy and to be married to four wives at the same time; women can only be married to one man

• Muhammad instructs female genital mutilation, girls clitoris is cut out so they cannot ever enjoy sex

• A man can beat his wife for insubordination

• A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death

• Muslim men have sexual rights to any girl or woman not wearing the hijab (Head Covering)

• A woman or girl that has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist. Testimonies of 4 male witnesses are required to prove rape of a female

• A woman’s testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries half the weight of a man’s.

• A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a wife needs her husband’s consent to divorce.

• A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.

• Criticizing Muhammad, Allah or any part of the Quran is punishable by death.

• Homosexuality is punishable up to death

Goals of the Muslim Brotherhood include executing their 100 year plan to advance Islamic theology and Sharia law worldwide, support a Jihadist mindset, inflame violence, destroying “The Great Satan” (United States), pass pro-Islamic legislation and use deception to mask the goals of Islam and Sharia law.

In conclusion, if you come to America in the aforementioned Category One, we welcome you with open arms. Welcome to America. If a man is knocking on your front door with a loaded weapon wanting to come in and kill you and your family; do you let him in? NO!! If someone has a tendency to embrace Sharia law over the U.S. Constitution, should they be allowed to run for or hold public office, build a Mosque or abuse, rape and mistreat girls and women?

The Biden Surge is allowing illegal immigrants entering our country from the southern border and now Afghanistan.

Many of these issues are tracking in the Federal Judiciary under the façade of “protecting religious liberties.” The ultimate decision will be the U.S. Constitution versus Sharia Law. This is another reason we need strict constructionist and constitutional originalist on the bench and not those given to apply International law.

There is an old saying, when America retreats, chaos emerges, and it is true. Communist Chinese Party (China) supports the Taliban and they are salivating to capture Afghanistan natural resources like lithium (for batteries), Gold and Rare Earth used in the composition of rechargeable batteries.

I am afraid the Biden Doctrine in Afghanistan will lead to mass killings after the Taliban deadline of August 31st.

The Biden Surge on the southern border, the Afghan mass exodus coupled with Obama’s Syrian Surge into America advances the Muslim Brotherhood goals, weakens America and sets us on a course to become another Islamic State. Europe is forecasted to become and Islamic Continent in the next 30 years.

Ismael has been unleashed on Isaac in America. The Biden surge is un-American, pro Chinese Communist Party, dangerous, reckless, irresponsible, and cowardess toward the Taliban.

God Bless and Protect America.


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