The people's voice of reason

"Weeds of Life"

The beautiful sights of Spring are beginning to show out. Buttercup, tulips, and many other flowering delights are starting to bloom.

Such beauty!

For those of us who enjoy gardening, sometimes life happens and maybe we are just not able to tend to our gardens for a while.

Unfortunately, when this happens, weeds grow…and lots of them!

If you think about it, the weeds, much like things in life, can sometimes be deceiving. They look pretty but they can easily overtake the real flowers. Some are easy to remove and some need to be raked. In order to enjoy the true beauty, the weeds have to be removed.

Now, any of us can probably do the weeding solo; however, when it (life) seems overwhelming, isn’t nice to have someone come along side of you to help pull the weeds?

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Are you willing to get in the weeds of life with people? We need each other.

A wise person once said, “A person’s most useful asset is not a head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, an ear ready to listen, and a hand willing to help others.”

Many Blessings!


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