President Donald J. Trump accomplished more than any President in our Country’s history. He is the greatest President ever. As a member of the Alabama Republican Executive Committee, I will pass the Resolution during our Winter Meeting in February and I will work to get every State Republican Executive Committee in the Country to pass the same Resolution.
WHEREAS, President Donald J. Trump was one of the greatest and most effective Presidents in the 245-year history of this Republic; and WHEREAS, President Trump put the American people and the American worker first in all his decisions and policies; and
WHEREAS, President Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” delivered safe and effective COVID -19 vaccines in record time, which was one the most important feats in medical history; and
WHEREAS, President Trump enacted the largest tax cuts and reforms in American history by signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, cutting $1.1 trillion in taxes over the next decade; and
WHEREAS, President Trump withdrew from the job-and-trade-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and NAFTA, replacing it with the new United States-Canada-Mexico Trade Agreement; stood up to China bringing back manufacturing industry to the U.S. and increasing "Made in the U.S.A." production while securing access to new markets for America's farmers; and
WHEREAS, President Trump withdrew from the job-killing "Paris Climate Agreement, which would have cost the U.S. nearly $3 trillion and led to 6 million fewer industrial sector jobs by 2040; and
WHEREAS, President Trump’s policies led to record low unemployment rates for all Americans, including African, Hispanic and Asian-Americans prior to the pandemic; and
WHEREAS, President Trump appointed three constitutional conservative justices to the U.S. Supreme Court who will serve and protect our country for decades to come: Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Justice Amy Coney Barrett; and confirmed more than 220 federal judges who will interpret the Constitution as written; and
WHEREAS, President Trump built up and bolstered all of the U.S. military branches around the world and launched U.S. Space Force as a new branch of the military; and
WHEREAS, President Trump built and restored America's standing, strength and leadership in the international community by withdrawing from the shady Iran nuclear deal, moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, initiating the Israel-UAE (and other surrounding nations) accord providing more stability and commerce in the Middle East; and
WHEREAS, President Trump accomplished more in 48 months than Joe Biden did in 48 years as a senator and vice-president.
REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, that President Donald J. Trump is highly honored and commended, and this resolution is offered to him in deepest appreciation for his dedication and sacrifice to our country in order to “Make America Great Again.”
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Republican Executive Committee of each state; to each Republican member of Alabama’s United States Congressional Delegation; and to President Donald J. Trump.
This resolution adopted this 27th day of February, 2021, by the Executive Committee of the Alabama Republican Party in session at Montgomery,
____________________, Secretary
____________________, Chairman
Submitted by Perry O. Hooper, Jr, Montgomery County; Jeana Boggs,
Elmore County; Suzelle Josey, Autauga County; John Killian, Fayette County; Dennis Beavers, Blount County; Linda Overton, Houston County; Ann Bennett, Lee County
Reader Comments(1)
HeartofDixie writes:
No doubt President Trump was making great strides in turning back the tide of evil brought on by the socialist communist black supremacist democrat party. So, why did he lose? I don't believe it was because most Southerners disliked what Trump was doing but indeed what the fascist Republican Party on the national level was doing. When Repubs voted with Dems to rename our military bases, that did it and Georgia was lost. The Repubs must stop asking for Confederate American votes but vote w/Dems.
04/09/2021, 2:27 pm