The Gospel is about walking in freedom. That’s why, early in His ministry, Jesus quoted Isaiah’s Old Testament prophecy that He had been sent to “set free those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18). Jesus made clear that this freedom begins with our relationship with Him.
Many Believers (and non-Believers) quote Jesus as saying, “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” But we can forget that there was a condition to this freedom. Jesus said this only is available to those who “continue in My Word,” to those who are “truly disciples of Mine” (John 8:31-32).
The Old Testament stresses this same principle. We read how the Psalmist could walk in freedom because he had “devoted myself to your commandments,” basing his life on God’s Word.
Many in the world think that freedom means doing whatever they want.
But the Bible urges us to remember that freedom begins with a loving, obedient relationship with God. He is our Creator, and He knows us better than we know ourselves. He desires to bless us physically, financially, and spiritually. He wants to enrich our lives in every way and free us from all fears and worries.
We only experience real freedom after we make Jesus our Lord, devote ourselves to God’s Word, and are filled with the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to direct our lives.
Today, remember that “the truth will make you free.” You don’t have to be dominated by sin or bad habits, worry or fear. Make Jesus your Lord. Renew your commitment to base your life on God’s Word. This is His plan to give you real freedom, real victory, and real peace. You can be confident and secure, guided by His wisdom.
Many Blessings & Happy 4th of July!
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