The people's voice of reason

Sunrise Rotary Club Honors Essential Workers

Service Above Self

Even in the midst of a global pandemic, some jobs just cannot be put on hold. That includes what the Montgomery Sanitation Department does. Every week, some 70,000+ customers receive twice a week pickup service from these essential employees.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that as a result of COVID-19, many Montgomery residents are finding themselves home 24/7 and, they’re creating much larger volumes of trash. They’re pulling weeds outside. And perhaps, as we all go a little stir-crazy, some folks are doing the most obsessive spring cleaning in ages. Toss in some debris from severe weather, and the volume of trash has increased significantly.

But that hasn’t stopped MSD workers from fulfilling their mission. Their team is committed to making sure service for customers is not interrupted. And while in “normal times” their work may go unnoticed, their customers are taking note of their efforts and have begun showing their appreciation.

On Friday morning, members of the Montgomery Sunrise Rotary Club rose early to arrive at the City Lot where MSD workers begin their day to do just that – to show their appreciation. Club President Neal Hughes remarked, “Our sanitation workers do a magnificent job and we wanted to express our heartfelt thanks to each of them.”

The appreciation was tangible as Rotary club members distributed some 325 biscuits and multiple cases of water and hand sanitizer provided to the club in cooperation with Patrick and Kam Sidhu, local Burger King franchisees and Booster’s Inc.

Club member and Montgomery City Councilman Richard Bollinger said, “It’s appropriate that we cheer on and support doctors and nurses during this crisis, but we’re here today to also cheer on some unsung heroes. While many of us are at home, these men and women are on the job taking care of us.”

Handmade signs, cheers, elbow bumps, and a fire engine set the scene of appreciation for each MSD employee as they arrived for work and you could not hide the smiles, even under the masks.

Hughes added, “As Rotarians, we are committed to service above self. We share that philosophy with these heroes, and we are so appreciative of not only what they do, but our opportunity to express that appreciation. Together, we’re all trying to connect and make a difference for one another.”

Thank you again Montgomery Sanitation Department. We can all show our appreciation and help protect city workers by bagging all trash, reducing the exposure to items like tissues and other personal hygiene products, and wiping down waste containers and handles regularly. It’s a small thing that makes a huge difference – kind of like a sanitation worker.

Article by Rotarian Jimmy Hill

President & CEO, River Region United Way


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