The people's voice of reason

"Live with Abandon"

Recently, I was doing the dishes. Well, to be honest, my hands were doing the dishes but my mind was elsewhere. I was thinking aboutsituations in life and how to proceed. It was in this moment a thought occurred to me … asupernatural thought or message, if you will. Just as clear as day, God said, “Live with Abandon.”

I was reminded of Peter. When he was in the boat and looked out to see Jesus walking on water. Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you.”

Jesus replied, “Yes, Come.” Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water, and came toward Jesus.” Matthew 14:29.

Jesus’ call was more than an interruption … it was an invitation. It was an invitation to abandon our past and move toward an abundant life. With tears streaming down my face, this message truly spoke to me … and perhaps this message will speak to you, too.

I think all of us want to make a difference and live with abandon. I know I do … always have really. Living life with abandon doesn't mean living recklessly but rather living life without fear. It’s deciding that no matter what comes our way we are going to enjoy everything and be grateful for all things … the good as well as the not so good. That’s right folks … be grateful for the difficult times, too. Afterall, it’s during life’s challenging times that we have the opportunity to learn and grow the most. And, when change is warranted, we proceed without fear.

Friends, trust that God is holding your hand, guiding you so that you, too, may walk on water … living with abandon.

Many Blessings!


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