Evanston, IL, USA, 28 October 2019 — Congratulations to Sam and Mary Adams of Montgomery, Alabama, on becoming the first Arch Klumph Society members from District 6880. Over the weekend, Sam and Mary were honored with a special induction ceremony at Rotary International Headquarters in Evanston, IL. Sam is past president of the Montgomery Rotary Club.
Named after the sixth president of Rotary, the Arch Klumph Society recognizes The Rotary Foundation's highest tier of donors — those who have contributed $250,000 or more during their lifetime.
Membership in the Arch Klumph Society is lifelong. Each member has the opportunity to have his or her portrait placed in the Arch Klumph Society Gallery, located on the 17th floor of Rotary International World Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois, USA. Portraits are etched on glass plaques to create a stunning display of the Foundation's most valued supporters. Members also have their profiles included in an interactive display, and receive pins, pendants, and several other benefits commensurate with their generosity.
Sam and Mary were honored alongside 29 other Arch Klumph Society members from Austria, Taiwan, Switzerland, and the United States for their tremendous generosity and dedication to The Rotary Foundation. Weekend festivities included a tour of RI Headquarters, an exclusive Foundation panel discussion, a reception with Rotary senior leaders, recognition ceremonies, and a celebratory dinner. Sam just completed a successful term as District Governor. He has traveled internationally to give polio vaccines to children and traveled in downtown Montgomery to deliver hot meals to shut-ins through Rotary’s partnership with MACOA. Sam says of this honor, “God blesses us all with opportunities to serve others near and far. Rotary helps you to make your dreams and passions a reality.”
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