I often find myself taking a life inventory at different weigh-points, assessing if I am adequately contributing to leave a positive mark in the world, on my watch. We can never give enough back. I was raised and I taught my children, whatever station assigned in life, or if we borrow something from our neighbor, always return it in better shape, than you received it. This mindset can be found in the “Parable of the Talents,” where Jesus spoke in Matthew 25: 14 – 30. One hallmark icon in my life, where I played a small role, was the approval and implementation of the “Choose Life” automobile tag in Alabama. These tags are a “Gift” that keep on giving, let me explain.
As a little background on these tags, it all began in Florida. I was making a speech to the Christian Coalition of Florida about the Republican sweep in the 2000 Alabama Appellant Court races and what affect our Alabama Christian Coalition Judicial Voter Guides made. A nice gentleman, named Russ Amerling, with “Choose Life Florida,” who started the Pro-Life car tags in the country, nabbed me and encouraged us to do the same in Alabama. I told him I was on board with the concept, but needed a quarterback to research this and marshal it through. One week later, I received a call from Robert Burton, an attorney from Prattville, who volunteered to take on the assignment. Bob Foust, Eric Johnston, Bob Burton and I went before the Alabama Oversight Committee on License Plates (AOCLP) to present our tag idea. As a side note, we got this passed through the AOCLP by one vote. After passing this through the oversight committee, we all had to work within a specific time frame to presale 1000 tags before going into production. Thank God we made it, now to the good news.
There has been an elevated interest and awareness of the abortion issue in America over the past couple of years. When President Trump appointed Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanagh as Associate Justices to the U.S. Supreme Court, Planned Parenthood disgustingly showed out and spent millions attempting to block their confirmation as strict constructionist to the bench. Then, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (Democrat), publicly detailed with his glowing approval of infanticide performed on babies after being born alive. If that was not enough, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (Democrat) in a triumphant news conference celebrated signing into law the further expansion of Roe v. Wade in their state. Abby Johnson, a former employee of Planned Parenthood, was showcased in the film “Unplanned.” This film brought a heightened awareness to the horrifying truths about what happens in an abortion clinic, the way they mistreat vulnerable women and her personal quest to rescue others trapped in that industry of taking lives of unborn children. Currently, there are 24 Democrat candidates running for President in 2020, who are daily trying to out punt each other with outer-space, bazaar Planned Parenthood approved abortion measures. Alabama also banned all abortions with the Alabama Human Life Protection Act, which is now being tested in Federal court.
People are now more than ever looking for ways to be supportive of a pro-life position. One of many ways to show support for the babies and expecting mothers, who find themselves in an unplanned crisis pregnancy, is to buy an Alabama Choose Life auto tag. These tags cost an extra $50.00, but a net $41.25 goes to approximately 67 pro-life agencies across the state. Personalized tags are an option as well. Going down the road, these tags serve as a testament of one being prolife.
The roll out of the first tags were in 2003. Over the past 16 years, including 2019 we will have distributed right at $4 million. All of these funds are designated to bring assistance to women facing a crisis pregnancy, who choose to have their baby. In most cases, these prolife agencies help with pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, initial prenatal care, adoption, parenting education and so much more including basic nursery needs like a starter supply of diapers. Prolife volunteers truly care and are fully invested to help these mothers who chose to spare their baby from abortion.
I am so fortunate to serve as a volunteer on the Board of Directors of the Alabama Prolife Coalition Education Fund (501(c)(3) (Non-Profit organization), which serves as the custodian for the Choose Life tag funds. All of our board members and one administrative assist are volunteers, so the $4.million at $41.25 a tag has an immeasurable impact to help these hurting women.
At this weigh-point, my heart is full of gratitude for all of the fine, good-hearted Alabamians, who have purchased approximately 100,000 Choose Life Tags, funding $4 million in needs of women in crisis pregnancies.
Choose Life, buy a tag and “Give” a gift that keeps on giving.
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