The people's voice of reason

"God is Our Strength"

This month my husband, Brian, and I will celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary. According to Hallmark, the 11th wedding anniversary’s material (or gift idea) is steel, which is a symbol of strength. As we journey along into the second decade as husband and wife, we are reminded of how God is our strength, every day in every way.

For Brian and I, our wedding anniversaries are very important…particularly on the actual date. We always observe it in some special way.

“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24

The beautiful charge found in Genesis 2:24 gives the believer a clear indication that your covenant matters. It matters so much that God created woman from man and calls them to be unified again (one flesh) through marriage. And God even gave the insight that it is imperative that you do not put your parents nor anyone else ahead of your spouse (with the exception of God Himself) otherwise it would cause a lot of marital issues. We’re thankful for this insight.

Also, celebrating one another on your anniversary helps cement your love for one another. How? Simply by carving out the time to say, “Hey, you matter enough to me to do something special as a remembrance of our union.” This helps each of you continue to value one another and reflect on all you have been through in the time since you were first married. And if it’s anything like our marriage, you’ve been through a lot, and with God’s help have conquered a whole lot more!

If there is anything to celebrate in this world, it’s a time-tested marriage. Even if you haven’t been married that long, if you’ve made it to at least one of your anniversaries, or if you’ve been married for years, this is something to celebrate! Remember that it doesn’t have to be extravagant nor even cost a dime. By making a point to honor one another in some way on your anniversary, not only will it make you and your spouse feel special, it will honor God’s design for marriage by showing the action of love toward one another. And this, my friends, is what it’s all about!

Happy 11th Wedding Anniversary, Brian!

May this, the year of strength, be our best yet!!

“I have found the one whom my soul loves” Song of Solomon 3:4

Many Blessings!


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