The people's voice of reason

Governor signs proclamation for Parental Alienation Prevention Week

On March 27, 2019, Governor Kay Ivey of Alabama signed a proclamation declaring April 25, 2019 as Parental Alienation Awareness “Bubbles For Love” Day and April 21 through April 27, 2019 as Parental Alienation Prevention Week. Kenneth Paschal, Alabama Family Rights Association and supporters were present for the event.

This proclamation by Alabama Governor acknowledges:

“Parental Alienation is a term used to describe any number of behaviors and attitudes on the part of one parent, both parents or third party designed to interfere, damage or destroy the relationship a child has with their other paren. It’s a form of abuse that causes emotional trauma to children; and

Alienating behaviors are frequently seen in high-conflict divorces, separations and asymmetrical custody arrangements but can occur in intact marriages; and

God so loved us, we also ought to love one another love does no harm to its neighbor therefore Children should be able to freely express the meaning of F.A.M.I.L.Y. Father And Mother, I Love You.

The proclamation also acknowledges on April 25, 2019 at noon, soap bubbles will be used to present the love children have and should be allowed to share with both their parents without fear or guilt.


Data shows that we do not value the importance of the parent/child relationship enough. It is harming our kids, our families, our communities, and our state. The primary goal of the Alabama Family Rights Association is to educate the public and government officials concerning the importance of equal involvement of both fit parents in a child’s life which promotes the value of a child to be able to love and be loved by both parents. We encourage you to help us in spreading our message through your participation in this year’s “Bubbles for Love” campaign. A special thanks to Governor Ivey and her support of the children and families of Alabama.


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