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Phil Norton Inducted Into The Faulkner University Sports Hall Of Fame

On September 21, 2018, Mr. Phil Norton was inducted into the Faulkner University Sports Hall of Fame. Phil was an outstanding linebacker and offensive guard on Robert E. Lee’s state championship football team in 1960. He also became an astute football and basketball official for the AHSAA for 20 years. His philanthropic contributions to sports in Montgomery is unmeasurable.

Other inductees were Shane Reynolds, 11 year veteran pitcher for the Houston Astros: 2001 National championship basketball coach Jim Sanderson, whose record of 481 wins, 297 losses in his 24 seasons at Faulkner will never be broken; Jacqi Hammond who was a star on the first Faulkner women’s softball team in 1991 - Mary Renee Stewart, who was the first pitcher for the Faulkner Softball team in 1961.

Phil Norton is a long-time contributor to Faulkner Athletics. As owner of the Farmers Market Cafe, he and his wife, JoAnn, routinely provided meals to many Faulkner teams and coaches over the years. In the early years Phil helped Coach Tom Kelsey keep stats for the basketball team. Even though Phil and JoAnn have retired, they still actively support Faulkner athletics. He is currently on the Board of Trustees for Faulkner. His value to Faulkner Athletics and to the Faulkner Board of Trustees can never be measured in words alone.


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