The people's voice of reason

Montgomery Sunset Rotary Club

The Montgomery Sunset Club meets atop the tallest building in Montgomery every Thursday night around 5:30 at the local watering hole. After a flowing period of fellowship the club adjourns to a beautiful sunset overlooking the winding Alabama River. The Sunset club recently celebrated its fourth anniversary by having a backyard cookout with all the trimmings. This group made up primarily of millineals has a great time in part because of the new relaxed rules regarding attendance and a much lower dues structure.

Rotary International at one time required all clubs to adhere to strict attendance requirements. NO MORE!

Each individual club can set its own attendance requirements with dues to fit just about every pocketbook.

These young energetic Rotarians have made a big difference to many in its short existence. Contributing to the Annual Fund helps provide for needed local grants. One signature project like the Cornhole Tournament. helps to fund charities like Mustaches for Kids that support children' causes.

Members have gone to Ware Ferry Elementary School for very successful clean up parties, both inside and out. Their contributions to Polio Eradication save the lives of children around the world.

With all this energy, fun is always the code word for a great experience.

To find out more about this new type of Rotarian, contact President Deb Crook Facebook on the Montgomery Sunset page.

"Great Men of District 6880"

Jerry Brunson

The Jerry Brunson Unsung Hero Award

J. Barton Greer

The J. Barton Greer Citizenship - 4 Way Test Award

Harry Preston Hall

Let’s Get It Done Award

Steve J. James

Youth Service Award

Douglas Oliver Barber

Generous Spirit Award

Wayne Sims

Service Above Self Award


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