The people's voice of reason

A Political Witch Hunt Influencing an Election

Entering the month of December, all I really want is to focus on the celebration of God's gift of the birth of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Not politics. And certainly not an incredibly nasty U.S. Senate race that is bringing unwanted attention to our beloved state.

Yet, here we are and we have a decision to make - one that will have a tremendous impact on our state and nation, and speculation of all manner is rampant about the message that will be sent with the election of either candidate.

Like many of you, I am disturbed by the allegations that have been made against Republican nominee Judge Roy Moore. The abuse of power in any form is contemptible in my mind, and those who exert it over others should and must be held accountable for their actions if they are indeed guilty.

But I'm also very disturbed by the fact that we live in a world that is quick to judge and condemn based on allegations. It's as if we have lost the ability to even stop and consider the meaning of the word.

An allegation is simply a statement that illegal activity or wrongdoing has taken place, but not proof of said activity or wrongdoing. And while we have a legal system of justice that is based on innocent until proven guilty, the court of public opinion is unfortunately more than willing to convict and condemn based on allegation without fact.

That reaction is more closely aligned to mob mentality than the rule of law. And that is a sad and all too often dangerous mindset of our culture, whether it pertains to celebrity, politician, or even our family and friends.

It’s basic human nature to believe the worst about someone when you don’t care for their personality or their politics, and it’s far too easy and convenient in our current culture of personal destruction. Allegations spread like wildfire, and once circulated, many make judgements and especially voting decisions based on that first headline. Add a candidate that is either loved or hated with equal passion, and you have a recipe for a high likelihood of emotions influencing elections. In my mind, it’s an abuse of power by the media with little to no regard for due process.

What I’m finding most remarkable right now is the immediate rush to condemnation by conservatives who otherwise preach the importance of our Constitution at each and every abuse of power by those on the left. As with any accusation of criminal or ethical misconduct against citizens of this nation, thorough investigations should be conducted, formal charges filed if warranted, and then a trial by jury in a courtroom to determine guilt or innocence, with the accused having adequate time to prepare for defense. What we’ve witnessed in the past weeks does not even closely resemble due process afforded to all; it’s a political witch hunt, plain and simple, and it’s a far too predictable pattern from the left and the elite establishment.

In full disclosure, I did not vote for Judge Moore in the primary; I supported one of his many opponents in that initial race. However, I did vote for him in the runoff because I, like many in our state and nation, believe that the current insider culture in our nation’s Capital is detrimental to our future, and the only way of breaking its hold is to elect those we believe are also opposed to business as usual.

So I will stand firm in my decision to vote for Judge Moore on December 12th, not because I agree 100% with everything he has ever done in his political career, or because I’m condoning sexual misconduct, or that I’m a legalistic Christian fanatic who turns a blind eye to misdeeds from anyone on the Republican side of the aisle. No, it’s because I still believe in due process, and I also can’t ignore the suspicious timing of these bombshell allegations that have not surfaced in Judge Moore’s prior campaigns. It’s because I will always vote for someone who believes as I do in the right to life, that our Constitution still matters, and that our Lord is our ultimate authority. Should these allegations against Judge Moore later prove to be true, we still have laws that will provide recourse for removal and replacement, and I will admit that once again, I have been fooled by a politician.

But that day has yet to come, and this election is far too important for me to stay home or cast a vote for a write-in candidate that will ultimately deliver the win to a man who is diametrically opposed to my values regarding the right to life, the limited role of government, and conservative principles.

I still stand with Judge Roy Moore.

Marcia Chambliss has been involved in grassroots conservative politics since 2009 and has contributed opinion articles pertaining to and cultural issues to The Alabama Gazette since 2010.


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