The people's voice of reason

Southgate to Lake Martin

The 19th Annual

"Battles for the Armory" Civil War Reenactment

Reenactment will be held on November 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th, 2017 at Gibson's View Plantation on Rifle Range Road 2-miles south of Tallassee. Thursday, November 9th will be "School Day" as students from public, private and home schools from all over east-central Alabama will learn about life in the Confederate Armory and about life in the 1860s. There will various period demonstrators including a Blacksmith, Field Artillery, Soldier Drills, Period Food, Period Dancing, Period Music and many period vendors. Cost is $5 per student.

Friday, November 10th will be Living History Day with soldier's camps open to the public, as well as, period vendors and some demonstrators and a soldier's parade.

Saturday, November 11th and Sunday, November 12th are battle days as the local battles of Chehaw Station and Franklin or re-created on the large Gibson View Battlefield. Battle times are at 2PM each day. These two battles saved the Tallassee Confederate Armory from being destroyed by Union Raiders. Prior to the battles there will be cavalry demonstrations, carriage rides, period vendors (sutlers) period food, a modern food vendor and other modern vendors.

Something new this year will be a first-class Arts and Crafts Fair both Saturday and Sunday. There will be artist, craftsmen and

craftswomen selling quality made items. These vendors will come from all over the southeast for this first-ever Arts and Crafts Fair in Tallassee, Alabama.

A one-day pass for all events is only $5 with school

children admitted free of charge.

For More information call

Randall Hughey at 334-283-6888.


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