The people's voice of reason

What's Wrong with Halloween?

Halloween has become an issue among Christians. Long considered harmless fun, many are now questioning its history, nature, influence and fruit. The revitalization of Satanism and Witchcraft and their obvious association with Halloween has caused Christians to wonder whether they should participate in it at all. There is no denying the bizarre and occultic nature of Halloween decorum (certainly witches, devils, ghouls, monsters, vampires and ghosts are not Christian in character!). But in spite of that, some Christians defend their participation in the holiday asserting their "liberty" in Christ from the bondages of "legalism", or shrugging it off as innocent fun. Many churches see the whole thing as evil and will have nothing to do with the celebration whatsoever. Others see no harm in it and participate fully, with costume parties, Halloween decorations and trick-or-treat. Still others try to find a "middle-of-the-road" approach, allowing trick-or-treat and masquerades, but as "Bible characters" instead of demonic and occult figures.

What's wrong with Halloween? And, what should be the attitude of the conscientious Christian towards it? Is it harmless, or is it sinister? The facts we present below should help you to answer that question once for all.

1. The Halloween celebration is thoroughly rooted in Paganism and the Occult.

History traces it back to the ancient religion of the Druids, a religion so evil that Rome forbad its practice. The AMERICAN PEOPLES ENCYCLOPEDIA explains: "The origin of Halloween customs antedate Christianity. The Druids, members of pagan orders in Britain, Ireland and Gaul, held a celebration on October 31st, the eve of the Festival of Samhain. It was a night of ghosts and fairies, in which bonfires were built and futures were foretold and witches rode through the sky."

Superstitions linking cats with reincarnation made them special objects of notice on Halloween. Unquestionably, the holiday had its origin with the pagan Druids, only they called it the "Festival of Samhain – lord of the dead". Samhain was nothing more or less than a demon (a demon spirit of death at that, or perhaps he may have been Satan himself!) who was given special homage on Halloween. This is where the emphasis on death comes from on that night. Death symbols such as coffins, tombstones, skeletons, skulls and crossbones, ghosts, mummies and graveyards are common Halloween decorations.

Numerous legends surrounded the holiday, but two significant things supposedly occurred on that night:

First, It was believed that the dead would rise out of their graves and wander the countryside, trying to return to the homes where they formerly lived. Frightened villagers tried to appease these wandering spirits by offering them gifts of fruits and nuts. If not placated, villagers feared that the spirits would kill their flocks or destroy their property. This is the origin of our present day "trick-or-treat"! It's a custom born out of superstition, and pagan superstition at that!

Furthermore, its a blasphemous perversion of the Christian belief in the Resurrection. In Christianity, the righteous dead are resurrected in a glorified, immortal body. In Druidism, the dead are raised as horrifying creatures of the night, hideous monsters, decaying skeletons, vampires, etc. They received not glorified bodies, but grotesque ones; not immortal bodies, but inhuman ones.

Second, Samhain was the supreme night of Demonic jubilation. This was a celebration of the beginning of Winter and darkness, as daylight grew noticeably shorter, and nights lengthier. The hoardes of hell would roam the earth in a wild celebration of darkness and death, all in honor of Samhain! Pity the poor mortal forced to travel on such a night! The only thing the superstitious people knew to do to protect themselves on such an occasion was to masquerade as one of the demonic hoarde, and hopefully blend in unnoticed among them! This is the origin of Halloween masquerading as devils, imps, ogres, and other demonic creatures.

The question is, should Christians adopt such practices? Can we borrow the pagan customs and superstitions of ancient peoples and "Christianize" them? The Bible is not silent on the subject:

"Learn not the way of the heathen....for the customs of the people are vain." (Jeremiah 10:2-3), and,

"When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations" (Deut. 18:9).

Ephesians 5:11 declares, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."

2. Halloween glorifies Satan.

When America and the world celebrates the powers of darkness by masquerading as evil creatures or decorating our homes, schools, businesses and churches with occult symbols, Satanic power is glorified. While you may have participated "all in fun", be assured, Halloween is serious business for Satanists and Witches.

Anyone familiar with witchcraft would tell you that there are certain rituals and spells that can only be cast on Halloween night. That is the night when the "veil" believed to separate the living from the dead is thought to be the thinnest, and futures are easier and more accurately foretold by diviners.

Those who oppose Christ are known to organize on Halloween to observe Satanic rituals, to cast spells, to oppose churches and families, to perform sacrilegious acts, and to even offer blood sacrifices to Satan. Last year, Newscasters in numerous cities warned their viewers to guard their animals on Halloween night. Dogs and cats are thought to be the most often sacrificed animals on Halloween, and many S. P. C. A. centers will not allow black cats to be adopted until after Halloween. In rural communities, it is not uncommon for farmers to awake to find the mutilated remains of their farm animals (cows, calves, chickens, even horses) that were ritualistically slaughtered in Satanic sacrifices. The practices that accompany such sacrificial rites are almost too revolting to believe-the drinking of animal (or human) blood and urine, the digestion of entrails and organs, orgiastic rituals, substance abuse, and something becoming more frighteningly common across the U.S.-human sacrifice. The 700 CLUB interviewed several people last Halloween (several of which were teenagers) who actually participated in or witnessed human sacrifices while involved in Satanism. No one scoffs at such stories anymore, as police departments around the country have had to scurry to develop a whole new field of investigation dealing with the gruesome reality of Satanic sacrifices.

Isn't it sad that while Satanist, Witches, Occultists and Police are taking Halloween very seriously, many in the church protest our "spoiling all of the fun for the children," by urging Christians not to participate in it.

3. Halloween treats Occultism as "Harmless".

When Christians participate in Halloween, it sends a message to children that Witchcraft, Demonism, Satanism, and the Occult is something fun, entertaining and harmless. It gives the false impression that what is actually lethal, is innocuous! It's the spiritual equivalent of painting a loaded gun to look like a toy and giving it to a child to play with!

On another recent 700 Club testimony, one man said that it was while he was out trick-or-treating on Halloween night as a boy that he had a profound psychic experience that led him on an occult odyssey that kept him bound and oppressed for dozens of years! Halloween participation led him into deeper forms of occultism, until he was swallowed by it.

Christians, we betray others and deceive ourselves if we consider this celebration a harmless or innocent one. It is more deadly than a rattlesnake, and God says such things are an abomination (cf. Deut. 18:9-12; Lev. 18:24-30).

4. It is the Appearance of Evil.

The Bible says, "Abstain from all appearance of evil." (1 Thess.5:22).

Who can deny that virtually all of the symbols of Halloween are evil? Witches, monsters, ogres, vampires, ghosts, ghouls, goblins, devils and demons all portray evil! On the other hand, Christians are called to be "followers of God" (Eph.5:1), and "lights" to a sin darkened world. How can we justify our masquerading as creatures of darkness in the light of the Scriptures? And if our houses and churches are dedicated to God and are to glorify Christ, how do we justify decorating them with demonic and occult symbols?

Virtually all of the common Halloween decorations represent something Demonic or Occult. For instance:

The "Jack-o-lantern" is the ancient symbol of a damned soul.

The "black cat" has long been associated with Witchcraft and numerous superstitions are still connected to it.

Witches and Witchcraft are a dominant theme of the holiday, but are an abomination to God (Exodus 22:18; Deuteronomy 18:8-14; Leviticus 18:24-30).

Even the "trick-or-treat" is a threat! It's nothing less than extortion! "You either give me a treat or I'll play a trick on you."

Halloween Destruction

Vandalism and wanton disregard for the property of others is common on Halloween night, as even normally well behaved children are driven by unseen forces to destructive behavior. Police officials everywhere report great increases in such activities at Halloween. Worse yet are the horrifying accounts of poisoned candy and fruits booby trapped with razor blades and needles. Such threats are so real that many hospitals offer free X-Rays of Halloween treats in order to prevent children from being harmed. Who but Satan could inspire such monstrous actions?

5. It is Disobedience to God!

God repeatedly forbids his Children's participation in such demonic activities, as the following passages attest: Deut. 18:9-14; Ex.7:11 - 12; 22:18; Lev.19:26,31; 20:6,27; 1 Chron.10:13-14; 2 Ki.21:5-6; Isa.2:6; Jer.27:9-10; Zech.10:2; Mai.3: 5; Acts 8:9f; 16:16f; 19:19; Gal,5:16-21; 2 Tim.3:8; Rev.21:8; 22:15.

A careful examination of these Scriptures reveals God's unreserved condemnation of all who participate in any occult activity.

What's wrong with Halloween? Everything about it is wrong! It does not have even one single redeeming virtue. It is a demon inspired, devil glorifying occult festival! Those who love the Lord Jesus Christ should have nothing to do with it!

"Learn not the way of the heathen...for the customs of the people are vain." (Jer. 10:2-3).

"When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations." (Deut.18:9).

"Let us cast out the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light." (Rom.13:12)

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." (Eph.5:l 1)

"Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness." (1 Thess.5:5)

"For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing..." (2 Cor.6:14-17).

What Should Our Position Be?

Clearly, we should have nothing to do with the Halloween celebration whatsoever. If Christians assemble on Halloween it should be to worship, sing, praise, pray, intercede, wage Spiritual warfare and pull down demonic strong-holds. Under no circumstance should we compromise with this celebration or attempt to imitate the world in any manner. It should not be observed as any kind of a festival or "party" (masquerades, apple-bobbing, games, treats, etc.), but rather as a time to wage holy warfare and be separate from the world.

The Christian should not fear Halloween or any of the powers of darkness, for we have authority over them (Mk.16:15; Lu.10:19), and "God has not given us the spirit of fear..." (2 Tim.l:7). But at the same time, "We are not ignorant of Satan's devices" (2 Cor.2:11)

Some may call me "legalistic" for doing so, but I have forsaken this pagan celebration altogether. Perhaps its time you considered doing the same.

"For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light." (Eph.5:8).


Halloween and other common festivals which people observe in the Christian professing world have no Biblical basis. Nowhere in the Bible (which, by the way, should be the foundation of our beliefs) does our Lord tell us to participate in pagan festivals, in fact, God clearly tells us that we should have no part in them. We as Christians cannot (according to God) change the name of a holiday and then participate in it. “During the early Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church often incorporated modified versions of older religious traditions in order to win converts.” Pope Gregory IV wanted to substitute Samhain with All Saints' Day in 835, but All Souls' Day (Nov. 2nd) which is closer in resemblance to Samhain and Halloween today, was “first instituted at a French monastery in 998 and quickly spread throughout Europe.” If the so called “Christian” holy days of the Roman Catholic church were in fact solidly based on the Christian Bible, then why do so many non-Christians observe them? Have you ever really reflected on your motives for celebrating so called “Christian” holidays? Or by nature do you tend to follow the crowd, whether they are right or wrong? Changing the name while playing according to the same rules changes nothing. If this offends you, then why don't you really find out for yourself.

The following secular dictionaries and encyclopedia confirm the Pagan origins of Halloween.

Online Etymology Dictionary says of Halloween:

c.1745, Scottish shortening of Allhallow-even "Eve of All Saints, last night of October" (1556), the last night of the year in the old Celtic calendar, where it was Old Year's Night, a night for witches. Another pagan holiday given a cursory baptism and sent on its way. Hallowmas "All-saints" is first attested 1389. (Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper)

Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English says of Samhain:

October 31, Halloween; a day of celebration for Wiccans and other pagans; also called November Eve, Halloween, Feast of Souls, Feast of the Dead. (Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.7) © 2003-2007 Lexico Publishing Group, LLC)


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