Magna Carta is the charter of liberties that England's King John granted to his barons in 1215. In the centuries since its creation, Magna Carta has become one of the most enduring symbols of liberty and the rule of law. The American Bar Association Standing Committee on the Law Library of Congress and the Law Library of Congress have selected the Heflin-Torbert Judicial Building in Montgomery, Alabama, to host the exhibit "Magna Carta: Enduring Legacy 1215-2015."
The Supreme Court of Alabama, the Federalist Society for Law & Public Policy Studies, and the Blackstone Center for Law and Liberty at Thomas Goode Jones School of Law at Faulkner University are sponsoring the exhibit, which will run from October 11 - 31, 2016, in the rotunda of the Heflin-Torbert Judicial Building, located at 300 Dexter Avenue. The exhibit will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, and there is no charge for admission, through groups are encouraged to make reservations.
The exhibit, featuring images of objects from the Library of Congress collections, an interpretive video, and other materials illustrating the impact of Magna Carta throughout the centuries and how it came to be recognized as the foundation of modern democracy, gives visitors the chance to learn more about the enduring legacy of the document. The exhibit has traveled throughout the United States for the past year and a half, showing in public buildings such as courthouses, law schools, state capitols, universities, and public libraries.
For more information or to make your group reservation, contact the Alabama Supreme Court and State Law Library @ 1-800-236-4069 or (334) 229-0578. Information will also be available via the Judicial System Web site:
The exhibit is a joint project of the American Bar Association Standing Committee on the Law
Library of Congress and the Law Library of Congress.
The Alabama Gazette did a story on The 800th Anniversary of the Magna Carta in our July, 2015 issue
on page 4A. See on our website:
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