The people's voice of reason


Familiar carols are a part of the season. This song is so popular that holiday revelers clamored for it again. It’s “The Twelve Sites of Social Security,” inspired by the popular traditional holiday song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” — a holiday favorite since 1780.

For the FIRST site of Social Security, we give to you: our home page, It’s the place to go for all things Social Security. Everything you could want — from online services and benefit screening tools to publications and frequently asked questions — you can find easily on this site.

For the SECOND site of Social Security, we give to you: answers to all of your Social Security related questions at our Frequently Asked Questions page at

For the THIRD site of Social Security, we give to you: an easy way to learn how to replace your Social Security card at

For the FOURTH site of Social Security, we give to you: an online application for retirement benefits that you can complete and submit in as little as 15 minutes at

For the FIFTH site of Social Security, we give to you: five estimates of your future Social Security benefits! Or as many estimates as you would like using different scenarios. Get instant, personalized estimates of your future benefits at

For the SIXTH site of Social Security, we give to you: a convenient way to apply for disability benefits at

For the SEVENTH site of Social Security, we give to you: an online application for Medicare that you can complete in as little as 10 minutes, at

For the EIGHTH site of Social Security, we give to you: Extra Help with Medicare prescription drug plan costs. You can learn more and apply online at

For the NINTH site of Social Security, we give to you: our convenient publication library with online booklets and pamphlets on numerous subjects, at

For the TENTH site of Social Security, we give to you: services for people who are currently receiving benefits, such as the ability to replace your Medicare card, get or change a password, request a proof of income letter, or check your Social Security information or benefits. You can do these and other things at

For the ELEVENTH site of Social Security, we give to you: a way to get your Social Security forms online, at

On the TWELFTH site of Social Security (and we saved the best for last): open your own personal my Social Security account, which will enable you to verify your earnings, get future benefit estimates, obtain benefit verification letters, update your Social Security information, and more at

And a partridge in a pear tree. Find it all (except the partridge and pear tree) at:

Kylle’ McKinney, SSA Public Affairs Specialist, can be reached by e-mail at


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