The people's voice of reason

Kids' Fishing Rodeo

Saturday, June 20th • 6 am - 12 Noon

Saturday, June 20th, the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office will be having our annual Kids' Fishing Rodeo from 6 a.m. -12 noon at the Montgomery County Ponds. All youth between the ages of 6-12 are invited to come out and fish! We will have snacks and you only need to bring bait and tackle! Portable bathrooms will be available as well as handicap access. Please no adult fishing-this is only for our youth!

Come out and have some family time with our youth!

Directions to the Montgomery County Ponds 7 miles South of the Boulevard on Highway 231 South (across from Meriwether Road). You will see the blue lights flashing at roadway.


On Friday, May 1st, our very own, Corporal Kofee Anderson, was recognized as DARE Officer of the Year! Corporal Anderson works vigilantly to reduce drug abuse among our youth. Corporal Anderson has been working for the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office for 15 years and is currently signed to Legal Services Division. We are proud to have Cpl. Anderson as a part of our staff! Keep up the good work, Corporal Anderson!!


Think your teen may be "experimenting" with drugs, alcohol or tobacco? It's best to solve problems before they occur or get much worse. Unfortunately, "friends" often try harder to make kids who say "no" to drugs, alcohol and tobacco feel like outcasts. Home testing kits have emerged that protect privacy and provide kids with a socially acceptable excuse, "My parents test me." For years, police have been the first to know when local kids used drugs while their parents were often the last to know. Now there is a way to REVERSE that trend!

Montgomery County Sheriff's Office recently announced a new alliance with, an organization that has donated free home drug test kit vouchers to be shared anonymously with parents who need them.

Go to our website: and click "Public Interest," then click "TEST MY TEEN" and follow the's that simple!


Attention Montgomery County Citizens and Neighborhood Watch Associations: If you are interested in having our agency come out and do a crime prevention home survey as well as give helpful information to help you ensure your home and personal property are secure, please email my Administrative Assistant, Christie Vázquez, at or contact my office at 832.1646. Your safety and well-being is just as important to us and it is to you and your family! Don't or email today!


*Special Note* We are in the process of constructing a new and hope that you all will check this website periodically for helpful information and events taking place in the community and as always thank you for your continued support of the Montgomery County Sheriff's



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