The people's voice of reason

Montgomery County Law

Crime In County Not As Bad As In The City

Our 3rd quarter newsletter has come out. It breaks down the crime in Montgomery County and lets you know what is happening in your area. If you would like a copy of the newsletter, email Lt. Clarence Brannon at We break down the county into 6 districts. You can see what is happening in your neighborhood by looking at the statistics provided in the newsletter. I will give you a breakdown for the whole county, not including the city.

So far this year there have been 136 Residential burglaries, 24 business burglaries, and 1 church burglary for a total of 161 burglaries. We have had 13 utility trailers stolen, 9 ATV’s stolen, 6 copper thefts, 3 A/C thefts, 35 B&E of a vehicle reports, 8 armed robberies, 11 cases of lawn equipment theft, 40 vehicle thefts, and 21 vehicle recoveries. We have answered 364 Domestic Violence calls throughout the county this year.

As you can see, the crime in the county is not nearly as bad as in the City of Montgomery. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be vigilant in protecting your property. If you can afford one, get an alarm system for your house. Get one that makes plenty of noise, hopefully to scare off the burglars when it goes off. If it doesn’t run them off, it will make them get in and out without stealing you blind. Remember, there is a delay of several minutes between the time you alarm goes off and the time that we receive the call. We then have to respond to the call, so make sure you have an audible alarm.

If you see something or somebody suspicious in your neighborhood, call the Sheriff’s Office. Most of the time there is a legitimate reason for what you saw, but what you see can help us to solve a crime. We have had some success catching bad guys because we received a call from a citizen who saw something that didn’t look just right. Your deputies just love getting a bad guy and they work hard at serving you.

I send out my congratulations to our deputy of the quarter for the 2nd and 3rd quarter of this year. Deputy Josh Henry is our 2013 Deputy of the second quarter. On June 22, Deputy Lucas, along with Deputy Morrow responded to a Burglary alarm on Highway 31. As the deputies arrived at the scene, they observed a vehicle leaving the driveway at a high rate of speed. The pursued the vehicle back into the city and continued to the Gibbs Village projects where the suspects fled on foot. Three of four suspects were apprehended after a foot pursuit. The suspects were tied to several burglaries in Montgomery County over several months prior to being arrested.

The Deputy of the third quarter is Investigator Kenneth Gordon. Corporal Gordon received a lookout for two suspects who were wanted in Troy for armed robbery. Corporal Gordon partnered up with Corporal F. Johnson and decided to check an address that was given on the lookout. It was learned that the suspects did not live there so Corporal Gordon and Corporal Johnson decided to check the hotels and motels in the area. They spotted the suspect vehicle at one of the motels and was able to apprehend both suspects without incident. Corporal Gordon went that extra step to help get two robbery suspects off of the streets and did an outstanding job.

Christmas is fast approaching and the Montgomery County Deputy Sheriff’s Association is compiling a list of needy families who live outside the city limits, in the county. Each year they bring Christmas to several families that could not otherwise afford to have a Christmas. Last year some of the neighborhood associations sponsored some of the families providing gifts, clothing and food. If you would like to help sponsor a family or if you know a needy family, contact us by calling 832-13239 and we will put you in touch with our association. Do a good thing and help a needy family this Christmas.

I recently received a call from a lady who lives in the county complaining about what she called the high crime rate in the county. She complained that her elderly neighbor had 4 burglaries in the last 4 years. The neighbor, as it turned out, has been the victim of 2 burglaries and two thefts in the past 4 years. The caller correctly complained that nobody had been arrested in these cases. I had the cases reviewed and had the Captain over investigations call her neighbor who, as it turns out, had no complaint with our handling of her cases. The caller told me that we should work harder at solving cases and quit putting on our fishing rodeos for the seniors and kids. There was no convincing her that we do everything we can to solve a case but real life in not like C.S.I.

I disagree with the lady about our events that we put on for our citizens. These events such as our Deputy Dave Day, our fishing rodeos, our Camp Show and Tell, and our annual Halloween Night are all events that allow our citizens, especially children, to interact with law enforcement. It gives them a positive interaction with the deputies instead of being afraid and cautious of the law. It instills in them a feeling that our deputies are people just like them and we are there for them. Our community involvement is a positive thing and we will continue as long as I am the Sheriff of Montgomery County.


Christmas is fast approaching and the Montgomery County Deputy Sheriff’s Association is compiling a list of needy families who live outside the city limits, in the county. Each year they bring Christmas to several families that could not otherwise afford to have a Christmas. Last year some of the neighborhood associations sponsored some of the families providing gifts, clothing and food. If you would like to help sponsor a family or if you know a needy family, contact us by calling 832-13239 and we will put you in touch with our association. Do a good thing and help a needy family this Christmas.

I recently received a call from a lady who lives in the county complaining about what she called the high crime rate in the county. She complained that her elderly neighbor had 4 burglaries in the last 4 years. The neighbor, as it turned out, has been the victim of 2 burglaries and two thefts in the past 4 years. The caller correctly complained that nobody had been arrested in these cases. I had the cases reviewed and had the Captain over investigations call her neighbor who, as it turns out, had no complaint with our handling of her cases. The caller told me that we should work harder at solving cases and quit putting on our fishing rodeos for the seniors and kids. There was no convincing her that we do everything we can to solve a case but real life in not like C.S.I.

I disagree with the lady about our events that we put on for our citizens. These events such as our Deputy Dave Day, our fishing rodeos, our Camp Show and Tell, and our annual Halloween Night are all events that allow our citizens, especially children, to interact with law enforcement. It gives them a positive interaction with the deputies instead of being afraid and cautious of the law. It instills in them a feeling that our deputies are people just like them and we are there for them. Our community involvement is a positive thing and we will continue as long as I am the Sheriff of Montgomery County.


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