The people's voice of reason


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  • Seasonal Reasoning

    Hannah Johnson|Mar 1, 2019

    Your Time Again? You were married and for whatever reason you are single now. You’ve spent your life planning retirement with your mate, but now entering your golden years single is not always the way you envisioned. You probably had planned on growing old with your spouse. Sometimes we don’t understand why we lose people, but there may be answers to your broken heart. According to The Washington Post “Adults between the ages of 55 and 64 are also turning to websites and apps more often, with...

  • The Keeper of the Stream

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Feb 1, 2019

    Several years ago, I read John Ortberg’s book, Soul Keeping, which I highly recommend. It’s one of my top ten favorite books. John opens the book with a Prologue entitled: “The Keeper of the Stream”. I invite you to read it carefully and reflect on this powerful parable about your soul. The Keeper of the Stream "There once was a town high in the Alps that straddled the banks of a beautiful stream. The stream was fed by springs that were old as the earth and deep as the sea. The water was cle...

  • Seasonal Reasoning

    Hannah Johnson|Feb 1, 2019

    “I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.” Proverbs 16:17 October 28, 2015 I heard Him speaking to me. In my time of prayer, just as He often times does, He was speaking over my words. Loudly, boldly as to get my attention. “Read it, write it, speak it.” These are the words He spoke to me. “Women’s ministry. Seminary.” This was the commandment He gave me. I silenced this ridiculous thought. How in the world could God possibly use me to further His kingdom? A sinner. Ju...

  • The Four Things That Matter Most

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Jan 1, 2019

    Dr. Karl Stegall is a great friend and mentor to me and to many other United Methodist Pastors in Alabama and West Florida! Karl served as the Senior Pastor at First United Methodist Church in Montgomery for 25 years before his retirement. He now focuses most of his time, energy and effort on the Stegall Seminary Scholarship Endowment Foundation which has raised millions of dollars for seminary student scholarships. Many of us United Methodist Pastors benefitted from the scholarship monies that...

  • Seasonal Reasoning

    Hannah Johnson|Jan 1, 2019

    Job 9:7-10 “If He commands it, the sun won’t rise and the stars won’t shine. He alone has spread out the heavens and marches on the waves of the sea. He made all the stars – the bear and Orion, the Pleiades and constellations of the southern sky. He does great things too marvelous to understand. He performs countless miracles.” I’ve so often wondered how I fit in this world. How I feel like Job more often than not. I love a pity party. Don’t we all? Who am I to be more deserving of a life of les...

  • (Grace to the Third Power) A Wesleyan View of Grace "Sanctifying Grace"

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Dec 1, 2018

    “For you are saved by grace through faith…” [Paul, Ephesians 2:8] “Be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect.” [Jesus, Matthew 5:48] “I’m just an old lump of coal, dear Lord, but I’ll be a diamond one day.” [Johnny cash] Sanctifying Grace Sanctify – (Sank’ tə Fī) – To set apart as holy, to consecrate, to make holy, to purify. In this article, I’m going to be talking about sanctifying grace. Over the last two months, we've covered two other kinds of grace that John Wesley taught us about...

  • Seasonal Reasoning: Getting In The Corner

    Hannah Johnson|Dec 1, 2018

    The uncertainty of the future is real for many. It’s been real since the fall from grace. The forbiddenness of the fruit. The realization of the bareness of ones self in the midst of The King. But wait, future? How can you even think of the the future if you’ve ignored the past? Ignoring the past makes for an uncertain future. Luke 2:19 “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Can you imagine the relationship Mary must’ve had with God? In Luke 1:38 Mary spoke to...

  • (Grace to the Third Power) A Wesleyan View of Grace "Justifying Grace"

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Nov 1, 2018

    Part Two in a Series “Grace for all, Grace in all . . .Free for All, Free in All” – John Wesley Justifying Grace Jus’ta-fi – to be made right, to free from blame or guilt. Remember, the whole point of this series of articles is to help us to discover the three ways that we can experience the power of God's grace. True freedom leads to fresh power in our lives! And true freedom comes as a gift from God’s grace. Let’s look at Paul’s beautiful message of grace found in the letter to the Ephesian...

  • Seasonal Reasoning: Cutting Off The Crust

    Hannah Johnson|Nov 1, 2018

    Does this look like your life sometimes? Scrambled up and just a big ole obvious mess? This is indicative of my life most days. Running here and there and everywhere. Never taking enough time to iron out the surface of life. So this is what I get right? Hurriedly I put one pie in the oven only to drop the second moments later. I caught it and only some crust was lost, while other parts of the crust mixed into the filling. Crust. Those are the parts we need to prune anyways right? When I was a...

  • Signed, Sealed & Delivered

    Hannah Johnson|Oct 1, 2018

    Oftentimes we are in a state of waiting. Waiting for the next opportunity to open up, the next promotion at work, the next paycheck, the next "better" season of life. We praise Him when the going is good. We plead with the Father and tell Him we will forever sing His praises if He will just send those blessings down upon us. We only like to praise Him for what He has already done in expectation that our praise will have a good return of yet another one of those fruitful God given blessings. Yes,...

  • g3 (Grace to the Third Power) ~ A Wesleyan View of Grace Prevenient Grace

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Oct 1, 2018

    Long ago in an ancient but not forgotten letter, a man named Paul wrote an encouraging word to his friends in a town called Ephesus. In this letter stands one of the most famous and exciting passages ever written about God’s grace: “God saves you by His grace when you believe, and you can’t take credit for this. It is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,...

  • Forgiveness: We Must Forgive! But How?

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Sep 1, 2018

    Jesus talked a lot about forgiveness! As I mentioned last month in the Alabama Gazette, forgiveness isn't optional. If you know anything about Jesus' teachings, you will know that he ties our forgiveness to how we forgive others. In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus taught us to pray, "forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us." "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your...

  • Forgiveness: Is It Optional?

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Aug 1, 2018

    Do you have someone you need to forgive? We all do! Perhaps, someone has wronged you recently or in the past. Maybe you have experienced being lied about, betrayed, sabotaged, undermined, misquoted, left out, used, exploited, intentionally hurt, physically harmed, sexually abused, emotionally damaged or sinned against in some way. Maybe you can think of someone right now that you really don’t think you can ever forgive. In fact, you really don’t want to forgive them. Deep down (maybe no one even...

  • Worldviews Shaping American Culture

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Jul 1, 2018

    Worldviews Shaping American Culture What’s Your Worldview? You’ve got a worldview. Everybody has one. What’s a worldview? It’s everything you believe about what’s real and what really matters in life. It’s the filter by which we process all of our information. The lens through which we understand reality. Ronald Nash in his book, Worldviews in Conflict, defines it this way: “A worldview is a set of presuppositions (or assumptions) which we hold (either consciously or subconsciousl...

  • Three Cheers In Honor of the Graduates

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Jun 1, 2018

    Congratulations to all the High School and College graduates! On behalf of all of us in the cities, towns and communities in the River Region, we honor you this month, and we are proud of you all! No doubt all of you have been blessed, encouraged and challenged by some great Baccalaureate Addresses and Commencement Speeches. But, may I add my three cheers and offer three big C’s to think about as you step out into your next season of life? I’ll keep it short and give you the Cliff-notes ver...

  • Be Uncensored

    Staff Writer|Jun 1, 2018

    By Hannah Johnson I saw this photo and immediately it sparked a conviction deep in my soul. How often do we sugar coat the truth so as not to hurt someone’s feelings? To steer from the political scene or just honestly don’t get it? Do you not speak of Him in your workplace? Do you hide him away while you are with your friends? Does He embarrass you a little or possibly just take “the fun out of everything?” Do you think you know Him so well you don’t have to listen or read His word? His word...

  • Keeping A Positive Attitude

    Dr. Lester Spencer|May 1, 2018

    Most of us have heard or read many a message about the importance of having a positive attitude. However, if you are like me, I need to be reminded regularly in my life journey about the powerful impact my attitude has on myself and others around me! To a great degree, your attitude will determine your impact, your peace and your legacy. My absolute favorite quote about the importance of a positive attitude is from Chuck Swindoll: " The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude...

  • Walking With Integrity

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Apr 1, 2018

    Jesus said, "Blessed / Happy are those who have pure hearts, for they shall see God." - Matthew 5:8. Another way to put that would be to say - blessed are those who walk with integrity, for they will see God's purpose and plans for their lives more clearly. The Bible has a lot to say about walking with integrity and why we should. Let me share with you a few reflections I have on the practical blessings or benefits of walking with integrity in this life. First, walking with integrity blesses us...

  • Eight Great Reasons to be a Generous In 2018

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Mar 1, 2018

    Last April, I was in Kansas City for a meeting. As we drove through a beautiful part of town with very large homes, I noticed a huge church that looked like a castle. It was built out of stone and looked as if had been there many years in this older, established part of the city. As a preacher, I was curious to see the name of this massive church as we drove by. On the impressive sign in front of the church it said, “Country Club Christian Church.” Now, I’m sure that this is a great churc...

  • Is Your Church A Cruise Ship or A Battleship?

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Feb 1, 2018

    This article could be a catalyst for some IMPORTANT discussions about the spiritual direction and mission of your church! Please read, and I would love to hear your feedback. My email is listed below. How do you view your church? Do you view your church primarily as a Cruise Ship or as a Battleship? It makes all the difference in how you view the spiritual direction and mission of your church! Here are some questions to ponder which may help you determine which way you truly see your church. If...

  • Do You Need A New, Healthy Strategy to Handle Stress?

    Lester Spencer|Jan 1, 2018

    Solomon was one of the wisest people who ever lived according to the Bible! And he wrote most of the book of Proverbs which is considered part of the wisdom literature of the scriptures. In the book of Proverbs, Solomon tweets out many great nuggets of truth and wisdom which are still so practical today for our everyday lives. In the book of Proverbs, we can find three keys to reducing stress in our lives. Stress is a major factor in our lives! Did you know that 1 in 5 Americans consider...

  • Savior

    Dec 1, 2017

    For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6...

  • Joy of Christmas

    Lester Spencer|Dec 1, 2017

    Did you know that 63% of Americans think that the Christmas season should include participating in a Christmas worship experience in a church? And have you heard another very interesting statistic, 7 in 10 Americans believe that Christmas would be a better experience if it had a more Christian focus? Those stats do not surprise me at all. Why? Because deep down, I believe, that most folks know that there is something very beautiful, hopeful and mysterious about Christmas. They sense that this...

  • Good News Bad News

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Nov 1, 2017

    We have all heard the Good News Bad News jokes. One of my favorites is this one: Doctor: I have good news and bad news. Patient: Tell me the good news first. Doctor: You have 24 hours to live. Patient: What!?! How can that be good news? So, What is the bad news? Doctor: I forgot to tell you yesterday! My wife, Janeese, and I went on an exploratory trip to Uganda and Kenya this past Summer with Compassion International. We learned so much about the current plight of children in various parts of...

  • The Secret of Contentment

    Dr. Rick Marshall|Oct 1, 2017

    After forty-five years of serving as a Pastor, I have asked myself what is the key to successful Christian living? Having served in small towns and large, churches of different backgrounds and styles, with Christians young and old as well as rich and poor, along with people from all kinds of personal experiences, one trait seems to cross all the individual, cultural and religious lines. It is one most often desired and available to all, but yet remains out of the grasp of those who do not seek...

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