Sorted by date Results 26 - 50 of 64
Summer's put the heat on us pretty hard this year, and I'm itching for college football to kick back into gear. Aside from the usual, though, I'm also looking into something new called SOA's, or Special Opportunity Areas. It's a concept being established by Alabama DCNR's Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries (WFF) Division and the Forever Wild Land Trust. The problem being addressed is that, with the vast majority of land in the state of Alabama being privately owned instead of publically available...
Folks, we've talked about coyotes before, and how they impact deer herds. The pack-hunting critters are always willing to make a quick meal of a fawn or any other animal it can get a hold of, and it's starting to really show with our state's deer population. Of course, the flip side is that this is all a part of the natural order; coyotes are predators, and deer are prey. That being said, it's important to understand their place in the woods and how they live. Coyotes are the kind of critter...
I recently had lunch with Barry Estes with Alabama Hog Control, and we were talking about deer hunting and deer population. Barry made a point that really made me think. He said deer hunters spend tons of money on food plots, fertilizer and soil samples, but if they have a predator and hog problem, they are wasting money. He is dead on! Predators and hogs are knocking our deer and turkey populations down tremendously. Why not take some of your planting money and put it towards predator and hog...
Folks, it's been a pretty interesting turkey season this year! The Alabama thunder chickens were gobbling and thundering the first part of the season, but that quickly changed, as it always does. The first three weeks of the season were outstanding, with the toms running everywhere. If I had been just hunting for myself, I probably would have hit bag limit in the first two weeks alone. Of course, after those first three weeks, the season took a turn for the quiet, as the birds had had their...
For the last five years or so, there's been a bill taking passes through the House and Senate in Alabama, and this year it's looking to come in with a little steam. The bill in question is House Bill 184, which would allow hunters to hunt both deer and feral hogs over bait. As it stands, the bill has passed the State House, and is looking to come up for consideration in the State Senate. Personally, I'm not a fan of hunting over bait. We can currently use bait, as long as it's 100 yards away...
This past deer season in Alabama's been pretty on and off, but aside from the weather, it's been plenty full of great hunts and greater stories! I've heard and read lots of stories and seen plenty of photos about folks bringing home the meat for the freezer as well as some really nice trophies for the wall. Here's to hoping the next season will be even better! As for me, my mind's preoccupied with Turkey Hunting. This year the fun kicks off for most counties in Alabama on March 15th, running...
Deer season is entering the final stretch, and it's finally getting to the real chase! The rut's kicking into full swing, so if you've been keeping the pressure off certain little spots, now's the time to lock 'em down and snag you that buck! I like to remind folks that patience is key to deer hunting. Outside of the obvious "wait and see" approach to deer hunting in general, what with waiting in a box, blind, or ladder stand, that patience extends to the deer we harvest as well. Entering the...
I hope everyone had a great start to the New Year! I know I've gotten my year off to a solid start with some quail hunting down at GSO this past Monday. This time the posse of hunters was from Florida, making their way up to our neck of the woods to enjoy a little bird hunting. All the fellas had a great time, and, of course, the dogs did too. They love a good day's work on the field. The birds were flying great and the hunters were shooting straight! We managed to pick up 129 quail, so...
This week, I want to talk about how to anticipate tracking a deer after it's been stuck with an arrow. There are some tell-tale signs to keep an eye out for when the arrow hits that can give you a good idea of where you hit it and how long you need to wait before tracking it. Of course, I can right out tell you that shots to the head and neck aren't really what you want. Sure, they're pretty vital, but with all the bone, skin, muscle, and fur in the way, you're more likely than not just going...
Summer’s been shown the door, and the weather’s certainly gotten a little bit cooler. Sure, we could use some rain, but you better believe we’ll get some more of that sooner rather than later. Bow season kicks off Saturday in Alabama for buck hunting, with Zone B getting to harvest does starting the 25th of October. Of course, scouting is in full swing, and part of that is studying trail camera photos. One topic that’s always up for debate is how to properly age a buck, and just like anythin...
It may just be me, but it feels like everything's settling into place. The air seems just a hint cooler, college football is kicking off, and the anticipation of another round of deer hunting keeps on building. Up first, of course, is bow season, and before we get too excited and just stomp off into the woods, there's a few things you wanna keep in mind so that you don't ruin your season before it even begins! For starters, you need to know the lay of the land. Sure, you know how to get in and...
I know a lot of you folks have deer on the brain for just about every waking moment, and I can say that I'm no different. I'm always thinking about all the different things that go with it, and with my work at QDMA, I'm also looking at what hunting means to us as both individuals and as members of society at large. Ultimately, I'm also thinking about what will lead to maintaining deer hunting as one of our great heritages that we can proudly pass down to the next generation. For starters, we...
As each day rolls on by this Summer, I can't tell you how ready I am for deer season to get here. Sure, maybe some of that cooler weather that goes with it, too! As we're looking forward to the upcoming months, one of the things many of us are doing is setting up Trail-Camera Surveys. Mr. Lindsay Thomas Jr. wrote an excellent article on this over on QDMA's website, and I'll break it down for you here. A Trail-Camera Survey is an incredibly useful tool to give you a look at your deer population,...
It may not be so well-known or prevalent down here, but when it comes to measuring up just how big and bad that buck you downed is, the go-to system for trophy hunters everywhere is the Boone and Crockett guideline. It’s a pretty darned detailed method for determining just how good that rack is on your buck! It requires a ¼ inch wide flexible steel tape in order to be up to snuff. After counting points, measuring beams, and a whole lot of other things, you can calculate just how many points yo...
I gotta tell ya, folks, I just got my final turkey hunting fix for the year up in lovely South Dakota! Dan Schofield, Hunter Smith, and myself had 8 tags between the three of us, and in 5 days managed to tag out! The weather was phenomenal; pretty every single day. I've been making this trip each May for 23 years now, and even compared to every other time I've been chasing down those Merriam's Thunder Chickens, this year stands as one of the best. Those birds never disappoint! Of course, good...
By the time you folks get to cast your gaze over this article, there will only be 6 days left in Turkey season! For some, it's been a pretty darn good year for turkey hunting, while others have found it to be a little on the slower side. Regardless, it's going to be wrapped up fairly soon, and as we approach the end of one season, my mind starts to steer towards the next season. And in this case, I've got fishing on my mind. I imagine y'all might be a bit more familiar with fishing down in the...
Turkey season has kicked off now in Alabama, and even though I haven't held a gun yet this season, I've seen plenty of action while helping hunters and huntresses chase after those elusive birds. Now, while some folks have started the season with a big bang, knocking down turkeys well before the morning's really started, there are also folks out there who just can't quite get the rascals to fly down from the roost in the right direction. Some of these birds have been talkative, and sometimes...
Hope everyone's having a good break so far! By break, I'm of course referring to the lull in hunting after the end of deer season! Naturally, as we hunters and outdoorsmen are back home, deciding what to do with that freezer meat, there are lots of folks whose jobs are really kicking into high gear The Conservation Advisory Board (CAB) is going to meet next month to discuss some major changes in deer, turkey, and small game hunting. The CAB is the governing body of sorts over season length, bag...
I hope everyone had a great start to the New Year! I know I've gotten my year off to a solid start with some quail hunting down at GSO this past Monday. This time the posse of hunters was from Florida, making their way up to our neck of the woods to enjoy a little bird hunting. All the fellas had a great time, and, of course, the dogs did too. They love a good day's work on the field. The birds were flying great and the hunters were shooting straight! We managed to pick up 129 quail, so...
Well ladies and gentlemen, the weather hasn't exactly been top-notch this season so far. We're finally starting to see some weather that resembles December, but to this point in the season, the deer haven't done much moving. Unseasonably warm weather means that there's still browse in the woods, so the deer don't have to move far to get their grub. On top of that, deer are a prey animal. They're conditioned to stay as safe as possible, meaning that when the weather gets cold and chilly, the...
As I type up this article, we're counting down the days, hours, and minutes till the start of gun season! With bow and muzzleloader seasons underway, there's already been plenty of action for the avid outdoorsman, and the best part is still yet to come! I've had a few folks hunting with me during muzzleloader season, and they're seeing deer everywhere! Average field count is almost 40 deer a hunt! Between the cold weather, the lack of pressure, and a great crop of acorns this year, we should hav...
You know, it's getting later and later in the year, but that doesn't mean the fishing has let up any. In fact, right now is the perfect time to get out there and do some in-shore fishing for Speckle Trout, White Trout, and the big old Bull Reds! Just this last Thursday, myself, along with Bruce Lieberman and AB Smith, loaded up and made the 3 hour drive down to the Fowl River Bridge for a full day of fishing with Captain Chad Palmer. The Captain is a former blimp pilot who decided that life on...
It's that time of year when the weather's finally cooled off a little, the leaves are making a mess of the yard, and deer season has started again. On October 15th, the Northern Zone of Alabama began its bow season. And on the 25th, the Southern Zone, including Montgomery County, will start its bow season. As I've mentioned before, there's more than a few changes that have been made for deer season this year. Obviously, we've got the change in starting date between zones. Another big change is...
For far longer than we've been around, man and dog have been a team in hunting as well as life itself. The bond of loyalty and trust between the two is a privilege and a joy that only those who raise a dog can know. Dogs are beyond clever and loyal when brought up with good hand, and their skills are definitely on display when hunting. For starters, there are a whole lot of ways to go hunting with dogs. Be it duck hunting, squirrel hunting, raccoon hunting, hog hunting, deer hunting, rabbit...
Yes, it’s July, but that’s all the more reason to start getting ready for the hunt. And by getting ready, I’m talking about pre-season scouting, and I don’t mean just waiting till one week before the season gets started! Pre-season scouting, of course, is how you figure out where the best places to hunt ought to be. Remembering where signs were through-out the various hunts from last season, seeing different things while turkey hunting, or even just passing by and seeing the deer out feeding...