The people's voice of reason

Opinion / Misc

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  • Will Student Loans be Forgiven?

    Daniel Sutter|Feb 1, 2021

    November’s elections imply we will likely see some Federal student loans forgiven. Current student debt levels reflect the morphing of a reasonable program. Loan forgiveness may produce significant changes for higher education. President-elect Joe Biden has indicated a willingness to forgive $10,000 in loans per borrower via executive order. A Democratic Senate will likely result in Congressional action; Senators Charles Schumer and Elizabeth Warren want $50,000 in loans forgiven. C...

  • RESOLUTION Honoring President Donald J. Trump

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Feb 1, 2021

    President Donald J. Trump accomplished more than any President in our Country’s history. He is the greatest President ever. As a member of the Alabama Republican Executive Committee, I will pass the Resolution during our Winter Meeting in February and I will work to get every State Republican Executive Committee in the Country to pass the same Resolution. WHEREAS, President Donald J. Trump was one of the greatest and most effective Presidents in the 245-year history of this Republic; and W...

  • The Necessity of American Leadership in a post-COVID World

    Justice Will Sellers|Feb 1, 2021

    Thirty years ago, the world seemed like a more stable place. The United States was at the height of international prowess and had deftly negotiated with almost the entire world to oust Sadam Hussein from Kuwait. President Bush and his foreign policy team had built an international coalition to acknowledge that aggression against another sovereign state would not be tolerated. Even those countries that did not physically participate in the military coalition agreed to refrain from public dissent...

  • BIG GOP Crowbar – Prying Trump From Supporters

    John W. Giles|Feb 1, 2021

    CAUTION!!! There is a new wave internally erupting and clamoring among GOP strategist, political consultants, highly financed K-Street corporate brokers and many elected headliner “Republicans In Name Only” (RINO’s). They are attempting to drive a wedge between Trump and his 72 plus million base. Notions like, Trump is not the Republican Party, stop the conspiracy talk because Trump lost the election, get over it, the Deplorables are a cult, and Biden won the election fair and square. This...

  • What If …

    Jan 1, 2021

    SOURCE: What if Trump protesters were infiltrated by radical elements of BLM / Antifa / deranged Democrats, in other words, BAD actors. (Those that destroyed public property and committed crimes should be roundly punished and their behavior condemned. Of course that also applies to the violent and destructive riots of 2020 from Seattle and Portland to Philadelphia and Atlanta). The Capitol police...

  • The Battle of Mauvila

    John Martin|Jan 1, 2021

    This is an open message to all archaeologists in and around Alabama, and especially those who work or are interested in southwest Alabama. Because of COVID-19 and intense campaigning in our last presidential and congressional elections, almost nobody noticed that an important historical milestone is about to arrive: From this past October 18, we now have less than 20 years to prepare for the 500th anniversary of one of Alabama’s greatest historical events—Hernando de Soto’s great battle at Ma...

  • Public Health Mandates are Political

    Daniel Sutter|Jan 1, 2021

    Governments across the country have imposed numerous public health policies to control COVID-19. A prominent one has been requiring the wearing of masks in public; Alabama has been under a mask order since July. Americans have largely embraced masks. A recent Harris poll found that 93% of respondents at least sometimes (72% always) wore masks. Nonetheless, Dr. Don Williamson of the Alabama Hospital Association recently expressed frustration over some Alabamians’ unwillingness to wear masks. H...

  • Elections Have Consequences

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jan 1, 2021

    The run-off Senate elections in Georgia are the most consequential elections in American history. If the Democrats sweep these two elections, there will be no checks against a Biden Administration fully implementing its high tax, high regulation, globalist agenda. If the Republicans hold on to one of these seats, The Senate will have the ability to “throttle” the Democrat Agenda. Close to home, Alabama Senator Richard Shelby is the Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. This makes him...

  • Secession

    John M Taylor|Jan 1, 2021

    “If any State in the Union will declare that it prefers ‘separation’ over ‘union,’ “I have no hesitation in saying, ‘let us separate.’” – Thomas Jefferson In 2010 Russian Professor Igor Panarin, former KGB analyst, lecturer, and writer tied to Russia’s Foreign Ministry, predicted the economic and moral collapse of these United States, leading to eventual civil war and breakup. His predictions appeared in The Wall Street Journal and other publications. With the 2020 election controversie...

  • Trump's 2020 Gallup Poll Popularity – Three Reasons

    John W. Giles|Jan 1, 2021

    The green-eyed jealousy over Trump’s historic popularity among Republican and Democrat office holders, including the liberal media has been obviously visible and immeasurably coveted. In a recent Gallup Poll, Trump surpassed Obama in 2020 as the most admired man in America. Michelle Obama polled as the 2020 most admired woman in America. Imagine that, according to this poll, the former President and First Lady, both black are considered among the most admired Americans, and we are accused of i...

  • R.I.P. Bob Lieberman

    Jan 1, 2021

    Submitted by John J. Davis – Special Guest Columnist Assistant Attorney General, Appellate Division, Office of the Attorney General, State of Alabama I got to know Bob Lieberman almost 30 years ago when I worked with his oldest son, Bruce, on the staff of then Attorney General Jimmy Evans. Bob immediately impressed me as a man of great wisdom and with an understated sense of humor. He had already retired from his job at the Environmental Protection Agency and was still working part-time for it. I knew that he had served in the Army during World...

  • Lee, Acton, and the Dangers of Centralized Government

    John M Taylor|Dec 1, 2020

    Having studied Southern History for the last thirty plus years, I understand why certain types of people dislike Robert Edward Lee. Lee represented the best of American society. He was a devout Christian (Episcopalian) American patriot with an incredible family history; he loved his kinsmen and friends and constantly referenced duty as the most sublime word in the English language. One of Lee’s contemporaries was John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, aka Lord Acton, of English and German l...

  • The Crime of the Century

    John Martin|Dec 1, 2020

    Four years ago, in November 2016, we Americans elected a president who has out-performed all others within the last 50 years. Donald John Trump has fought the deep state like no other in recent history. But fighting it has taken a terrible toll. The Deep-Staters have imposed numerous roadblocks, including frivolous impeachment proceedings, to block his efforts to drain their swamp. There is no argument that they passionately hate him and are willing to take any desperate measures imaginable to...

  • U.S. Constitution ~ Great Firewall ~ 2020 Election

    John W. Giles|Dec 1, 2020

    “The grass fades and the flower withers, but the word of our God stands forever.” During the Ten Commandments battle here in Alabama, this was one of my favorite scriptures to publicly quote as we struggled to keep the monument in the Alabama Judicial Building. The U.S. Constitution is not even a hint equal to the Bible, but, the founding fathers in their immeasurable wisdom, had full intent for the constitution to be strong as titanium standing against every passing fad, whim, wind and doc...

  • Harvesting and Selling Votes

    Daniel Sutter|Dec 1, 2020

    Joe Biden has won the presidential election, although President Trump alleges fraud. Mr. Trump, however, has not yet offered credible evidence of fraud. The current controversy involves “vote harvesting” and raises questions about the effect of selling votes. Vote harvesting involves individuals collecting mail-in ballots from voters. Clearly persons with limited mobility should receive assistance in voting, which relatives, legal guardians, and election officials can generally provide. Harvesti...

  • Small Business Crisis 5.0

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Dec 1, 2020

    With so much news to absorb in recent months, it has been easy to overlook the continuing small business crisis in our state. While we have been preoccupied by the mounting Coronavirus cases and deaths, soaring unemployment, unprecedented political turmoil, thousands of Alabama small businesses have been teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. This is not their fault. They were ordered to close their doors. These businesses employ more than half of all Alabamians and are major drivers of our...

  • The University of Alabama Cadets

    John Taylor|Nov 1, 2020

    After Alabama became a State on December 14, 1819, plans were initiated to establish a State University. Tuscaloosa, the State Capitol (1826-1846), was chosen. Architect William Nichols patterned the layout of the University of Alabama (UA) after the University of Virginia, designed by Thomas Jefferson. On April 18, 1831, UA opened its doors, with Reverend Alva Woods serving as President. UA was initially a civilian institution with many students coming from well-to-do families. These sometimes pampered and undisciplined teenaged students,...

  • Paul Noel–Coronavirus Savior

    John Martin|Nov 1, 2020

    After eight months of abusive, criminal, and unconstitutional Coronavirus-related lockdowns, curfews, shutdowns, travel restrictions, social distancing, and mask mandates, the United States is showing very little progress in returning the people back to normal lifestyles. Our governor, Kay Ivey, continues to extend her oppressions, time after time after time on the eves of their expirations. Governors in other states have done even worse, especially Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer, who...

  • 2020 Election: The Robe-Short Fuse

    John W. Giles|Nov 1, 2020

    As we turn 3rd base, heading for home during this 2020 election cycle, I am grappling about what to discuss in this article, because there is a trojan horse, multi-layered choreographed theatre unleashed on America. It is like lighting the fuse on a pack of firecrackers and all at once there are these uncontrollable, loud, disruptive, unsettling and untraceable mental gymnastics dizzily swirling. All of this is sourced back to the Democrats. I have entitled this article, The Robe and Short...

  • The Pandemic or the Lockdown

    Daniel Sutter|Nov 1, 2020

    COVID-19 has killed over 200,000 Americans while policies to stem the virus’ spread have caused enormous economic and societal harm. Any comparison must use a common metric, and economics uses dollars, even for human lives. No one can avoid placing a dollar value on saving lives; always choosing safety just places an infinite dollar value on life. Our only option is whether to evaluate tradeoffs. Economists use the value of a statistical life (VSL) for policies regulating risk. The method u...

  • Air Superiority Then; Space Superiority Now – The Battle of Britain 80 Years Hence

    Justice Will Sellers|Nov 1, 2020

    Eighty years ago this week, hurricane season ended when the Royal Air Force won the Battle of Britain by stopping the Nazi war machine at the edge of the English Channel. Before the summer of 1940, Hitler had derided Great Britain as a nation of shopkeepers. Göring’s seemingly superior Luftwaffe pilots were outdone by the young British RAF, aided by friendly forces—not the least of which was a squadron of Polish pilots. They had shown the world that the Nazi juggernaut could be countered through...

  • Kay Ivey's Gulags

    John Martin|Oct 1, 2020

    By now, most of us have heard about Governor Kay Ivey’s September 3 proposal to build three new mega-prisons, ostensibly to solve Alabama’s long-standing prison overcrowding problem once and for all. The new prisons are planned for Bibb, Escambia, and Elmore Counties, with construction beginning in 2021. Their total capacity will be 10,000 male inmates. For a minimum of 30 years thereafter, the state will be obligated to shell out $88,000,000 of our tax revenue to lease them. Before we bui...

  • Truly Expediating Vaccines

    Daniel Sutter|Oct 1, 2020

    Two COVID-19 vaccines are in large-scale trials in the United States. Federal bureaucrats have thus far rejected human challenge trials (HCT), which would intentionally expose volunteers to the virus and speed testing. HCT should be part of our vaccine approval process. Vaccine testing employs randomized control trials with subjects assigned to either a trial group receiving the vaccine or a control group receiving a placebo. Neither subjects nor trial personnel should know who receives the...

  • This Diversity Model will not be Allowed

    John M Taylor|Oct 1, 2020

    Individuals who have recently attended school or worked in the business world are aware of "diversity." During my Russell Corporation career, one company leader was nearly fanatical about it; it often seemed to be more important than making quality products and providing good customer service. Some claim the term itself is classic "Orwellian double-speak" – a word having two opposing meanings. Others reference Kurt Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron" short story about a dystopian society that p...

  • Historic Peace Deal Signed 5.0

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Oct 1, 2020

    The Historic “Abraham Accords” Peace Deal was signed at the White House on Tuesday September 15th, 2020 between Israel, The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. The Middle East will never be the same. President Trump signed the documents as the official witness. This is only the second such deal in the history of Israel in which Arab countries formally recognized Israel’s right to exist. The Deal would not have been possible without the intervention and negotiation skills of President Trump. The P...

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