The people's voice of reason

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    Col. John Eidsmoe|Jun 1, 2023

    In 2011, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas decried "an Establishment Clause jurisprudence in shambles." Unable to come to a consensus, the Court has shifted from one theory to another, with confusing, conflicting, and sometimes bizarre results. Over the past several decades the Court has struck down school prayer (1962) and Bible reading (1963) but allowed prayer at town board meetings (2014), prohibited (1948) but later allowed (1952) released-time programs whereby children could be release...

  • Northerners Opposed to Coercion

    John M Taylor|Jun 1, 2023

    Jefferson Davis not only received verbal criticism, he was also subjected to physical abuse when he was held in a Union prison awaiting a trial that never happened; however, he never backed down from his belief in the sovereignty of the States. In 1846, Davis described the only source of the Federal Government’s powers: “I answer, it is the creature of the States; as such it could have no inherent power, all it possesses was delegated by the States.” Many Northerners agreed that the Union is vo...


    John Martin|Jun 1, 2023

    Before you even read any farther, take a look at this short video. It is absolutely FRIGHTENING. This is a new mega-prison in El Salvador, especially designed to house and punish the country's vicious drug gangs. Look at them—handcuffed, leg shackled, and herded like cattle. Think about it. Would you want anything like this in YOUR state, in YOUR county, or anywhere NEAR where you live? Even when locked in prison, could you feel s...

  • The Integrity for Commerce

    Justice Will Sellers|May 1, 2023

    Trading in commodities, which are ingredients or components of finished goods, is the focus of global commerce. Information about commodities, their availability, and the impact of events that create scarcity, affects both current and future prices. Two hundred years ago, one significant commodity was tallow, a substance rendered from animal fat that was used to make candles, served as a basis for early skin care ointments, and was an essential ingredient of soap. Today, when we think about...

  • A Quest For Truth ~ A Journey Home!

    John W. Giles|May 1, 2023

    At six years old traveling with my family and passing several churches along our way to church, I recall asking my father, who is right and why are there so many different churches? My father did not have an answer. Fast forwarding as an adult, routine discussions in Christian circles were often centered around; what did the New Testament Church look like? Every church wishes to emulate the early church this side of the resurrection. Since the reformation in 1517, this discussion continues with...

  • The Rise of Tesla

    John Martin|May 1, 2023

    As long-range battery technology advances by leaps and bounds, there is no question that the popularity of electric cars and trucks will rapidly advance in the next few decades, due primarily to far greater fuel economy and expected shortages of petroleum and possible cutoffs from OPEC and other hostile countries. Ford, General Motors, Toyota, and many others are ramping up production. But one company is far ahead—TESLA. It makes ONLY EVs. In July, 2003, Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning f...


    Col. John Eidsmoe|May 1, 2023

    Maybe in North Korea, maybe in Cuba, maybe in Iran – but not in the United States, the land of religious liberty. Well, maybe in Boston, or San Francisco – but certainly not in Selma, Alabama, right in the center of the Bible belt. But it happened. A man was arrested for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the street. It was Halloween 2022. People in Selma were walking, some in costume, in an annual Monster March. And Rickey Caster, a Georgia street evangelist accompanied by his sister, came...

  • The Forgotten Hungarian Revolution

    Justice Will Sellers|Apr 1, 2023

    The desire for freedom and liberty is universal, but achieving it can take the effort of a lifetime. On March 15, 1848 - 175 years ago - Hungary revolted against the constraints imposed by both its Austrian masters and the authoritarianism of its ruling class. As a former Warsaw Pact country, little is known about the history of democratic institutions in Hungary. And it would be easy to conclude that the country’s experience with self-determination and independent government is recent. To the c...

  • The Smartest Political Guy in The Room

    John W. Giles|Apr 1, 2023

    Being involved in Republican politics for 43 years, and serving in two gubernatorial administrations, enables you to meet some pretty smart people. I often reflect by saying many people have skyscraper tall opinions, but ankle deep in factual based positions. When it comes to economic, social, moral and constitutional conservatism, very few have a depth on the issues along with the institutional and historical background all in one package. Curiosity peaking yet? Rush Limbaugh was the...

  • Electric Cars

    John Martin|Apr 1, 2023

    Electric cars are not new; they have been around for more than a century. According to Wikipedia, the first one was built by Robert Anderson in the 1830's. In 1884, Thomas Parker built one and equipped it with “his own specially-designed high-capacity rechargeable batteries.” In 1888, Andreas Flocken created a “Flocken Elektrowagen,” which some people claimed was the first “real” electric car. In September, 1910, two Bailey Electrics completed a 1000 mile endurance run from New York to Mount Wa...

  • Challenging Scientific Orthodoxy

    Justice Will Sellers|Mar 1, 2023

    The world Nicholas Copernicus was born into was wrong. Indeed, 550 years ago, almost everything people thought about the world and their place in it were based on false ideas. Without necessarily meaning to, Copernicus shook his world to the core and ushered in a revolution in science. Everyone in the western world believed that the earth was stationary and was the center of the universe. People might argue about other things, but everyone accepted the earth’s role and believed everything r...

  • Simple Math: 3 + 3 = Trump

    John W. Giles|Mar 1, 2023

    The 2024 race for the White House has begun. Trump has announced, others in the GOP and Democrats are expected to follow. Before we fast forward too much, I would like to hit the pause button, rewind, and review a little going back to the 2020 race for the White House. What is the 3 + 3 all about, stay with me and I will explain. In the early months of 2020, Trump was positioned as invincible. His undisputed record was unmatched by any sitting President in my 68 years. The economy was roaring, c...

  • Stakeholders and Cooperation

    Daniel Sutter|Mar 1, 2023

    From the Business Roundtable to the World Economic Forum to leading business schools, many voices promote replacing corporations governed by stockholders with “stakeholder” capitalism. Laws empowering stakeholders might disrupt the social cooperation of corporations. The cutthroat world of business seems decidedly uncooperative. But businesses enable voluntary cooperation between people trying to improve their lives. Never forget the voluntary part. Throughout history, force has been the pre...

  • The Waco Holocaust

    John Martin|Mar 1, 2023

    This Month (March, 2023) marks the 30th anniversary of one of America's most hideous examples of terrorism and mass murder. Although there have been some others with greater death tolls, this one entailed unconscionable cruelty. The raid on David Koresh and the Branch Davidians by the ATF and FBI at Waco, Texas was a perfect example of something our government should never do under any circumstances. Besides constitutional and ethics violations, these people, under the authority and direction...

  • The Corwin Amendment (The Original Thirteenth Amendment)

    John M Taylor|Mar 1, 2023

    From the mid-1900s to modern times, the government-approved narrative has been that the South fought a war to protect slavery. This was denied by Southerners, e.g., Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Richard Taylor, E. P. Alexander, Raphael Semmes, and Northerners, e.g., George Lunt, Simon Cameron, Edward Channing, and for at least the first half of the war, U.S. Grant and Abraham Lincoln. Slavery in America had never been more secure than on the eve of the war. Congress’ July 23, 1861, r...

  • Dividing Church and State; Uniting Faith and Reason

    Justice Will Sellers|Feb 1, 2023

    Five Hundred years ago, the Protestant Swiss reformer, Ulrich Zwingli’s theology was designated the official religion of Zurich. The rumblings of the Reformation were just starting. As education expanded, literacy allowed more people to read the Bible, increasing curiosity about theology. Families sent their best and brightest sons to become ordained priests. Seminaries become a concentration of intellectually curious male teenagers; rather than accept the authority of the status quo, these s...

  • The "Gift" That Keeps on Giving ~ 20th Anniversary

    John W. Giles|Feb 1, 2023

    On the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade, ground zero for saving lives of the unborn children is taking place in approximately 72 pregnancy resource centers across the state. Post Roe Vs. Wade, the pressure at these centers has intensified. This good news is traffic has increased, yielding in saving more lives, but the interchange is soaring operating cost. Phone calls, office visits, counseling sessions, expanding office hours and demands on staff are being felt in these...

  • The Tyrants Strike Again

    John Martin|Feb 1, 2023

    Here we go—another dirty trick from the Biden regime. Back when he hired his new army of 78,000 new IRS agents, nearly tripling the roughly 45,000 we already had, greedy Joe Biden claimed he was only going after “the rich tax cheats.” Now we have the proof that his real targets are poor people—specifically the poor WORKING people. In my October article, I already mentioned that tax collections from wealthy people, in spite of their much higher tax rates, generate only a tiny fraction of the rev...

  • Black Confederates: Myth or Reality?

    John M Taylor|Feb 1, 2023

    In November 2022, The University of Dayton student newspaper ran an article about Al Arnold and his 2015 book, Robert E. Lee’s Orderly: A Modern Black Man’s Confederate Journey. Arnold, a devout Christian descended from a Black Confederate Veteran, has likely relied on his faith to shield himself from the backlash caused by deviating from the “government-approved narrative.” In reality, Black loyalty to the South was critical, as they ran or helped run small and large farms and plantat...

  • A Birthday No One Celebrates

    Justice Will Sellers|Jan 1, 2023

    One hundred years ago this month, delegates from various parts of the old Russian Empire met in Moscow to create the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The world would never be the same. Prior to this declaration, an internal conflict pitted a variety of groups with differing political ideologies against each other. At the cost of more than 10 million dead, the communists emerged as the victor. Under Vladimir Lenin, they consolidated power to create the first communist state; an experiment tha...

  • Our Congressional Report Cards

    John Martin|Jan 1, 2023

    After a disputed, bitter, (and in several cases possibly fraudulent) general election this past November, let’s take a look at what we might expect for the next two years. We could ask ourselves, “What happened to the expected red wave? Why did so many Democrats win elections that had been in Republican strongholds?” The clear evidence points directly to the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe vs Wade combined with large numbers of extreme social hard-liners in many states recently pushing for dr...

  • Robert E. Lee, Arlington, and the Ministry of Truth

    John M Taylor|Jan 1, 2023

    It is difficult to monitor the level of awareness of the effort to destroy the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. Moses Ezekiel, a Jewish Confederate Veteran, who created this work of art, is buried below the monument along with three other veterans. This hate-filled and apparently anti-Semitic agenda, pushed by Ty Seidule, is not unique in American history. The story of Arlington Cemetery reveals another unsavory episode—one involving Robert E. Lee, George Washington, and t...

  • Economic Freedom in Alabama 2022

    Daniel Sutter|Dec 1, 2022

    Canada’s Fraser Institute just released the 2022 Economic Freedom of North America (EFNA) index. The good news: Alabama’s economic freedom increased slightly. The bad news: we still trail three neighboring states. Economic freedom refers to freedoms to buy, sell, work, and start businesses. A free economy relies on “personal choice and markets to answer basic economic questions such as what is to be produced, how it is to be produced, how much is produced, and for whom is production inten...

  • The Failure of the Pilgrims' First Christmas

    Justice Will Sellers|Dec 1, 2022

    The Pilgrims’ first Christmas in the new world was remarkable, but not for the reasons you’d think. On December 25, 1621, William Bradford, the governor of the Plymouth Colony, prohibited the celebration of Christmas. But he wasn’t a Scrooge or a Grinch; he was simply following his religious conviction. He believed that Sunday was the only day for celebration and time off from work. While the Pilgrims’ first Thanksgiving was like our celebration, their first Christmas bore no resembl...

  • Environmental Madness

    John Martin|Dec 1, 2022

    For the past several decades, the news media and others have reported dire warnings about what we must do to protect the world we live in. Today, the big claimed bugaboo is “climate change.” Politicians worldwide claim that our consumption of fossil fuels (petroleum and coal) is destroying our planet with “greenhouse gases.” Their proposed “solution” is to force all of us to switch to “sustainable” sources of energy and implement a “carbon tax” to enforce it. Climate change is real. That’s natur...

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