The people's voice of reason


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  • Liberty of Conscience Didn't Come Easy

    Justice Will Sellers|Mar 1, 2021

    We take freedom of conscience for granted, but, 500 years ago, accepting and practicing beliefs outside of the mainstream was deadly. The 1521 Diet of Worms was a legislative gathering held in Worms (one of the oldest cities in Europe) to consider Martin Luther’s theology. The stakes were extraordinarily high as Luther, a mere monk, parried with the leading Roman Catholic scholars of his day. The ramifications of this meeting, while couched in religious terms, had clear political u...

  • Blue Skies and Black Masks

    Robert Tate|Mar 1, 2021

    Before I get started, this has been an interesting time for yours truly. In September 2018, I had rotator cuff surgery here in Montgomery. It didn’t go so well. Then I had another. Same thing only worse. Then I went to Andrews Sports Medicine in Birmingham and met a brilliant surgeon, Dr. Benton Emblom. Let’s just say he fixed the previous problems and did what was told to me could not be done. Long story short, by the time this hits the press, I will be back flying. It has been a long 2½ year...

  • Has There been an Interesting Supreme Court Case Recently?

    Ron Holtsford|Mar 1, 2021

    Yes, the United States Supreme Court issued an opinion on November 25, 2020 that I found interesting involving the apparent suppression of in person worship. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, New York sought injunctive relief against New York Governor, Andrew M. Cuomo (ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK v. ANDREW M. CUOMO, GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK). Though Cuomo claims to be Roman Catholic, he holds several liberal views contrary to Catholic teachings and the free exercise of...

  • Picking A U.S. Senator – Proven Tried Tested

    John W. Giles|Mar 1, 2021

    Years ago, in my manufacturing days at Giles Enterprises, we used the term “Flash Point” to describe when a chicken frying machine system would collapse, and the shortening exploded into a raging fire. In order to obtain an Underwriters Laboratories Certification (UL), we had to make sure that each fryer had the adequate infrastructure, dual thermostats; warning signals and much more to make sure that each new frying device was proven, tried and tested before the regulators allowed the pro...

  • That Smell: more 'gas tax' Goat Hill methane to build prisons…

    John Sophocleus|Mar 1, 2021

    Some may recall my 2019 column on Gov. Ivey’s new and improved ACCA, BCA, et al bulldozer tactics deployed where Goat Hill legislators ‘passed the gas’ tax to fuel a more over-built/unsustainable road system in Alabama. That familiar Goat flatulence odor is again in the air to build prisons. No doubt our low class, high-end political prostitutes (Armistead to Waggoner type ‘Hubbard grubbers’) will prosper as usual. Montgomery is once again emitting the familiar loud, foul smell on par with all...

  • The First Amendment and Lincoln's Regime

    John M Taylor|Mar 1, 2021

    “Freedom of speech and freedom of the press, precious relics of former history, must not be construed too largely.” – William T. Sherman The First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. In these times, we see blatant, unapologetic levels of censo...

  • Dealing with Scammers

    Daniel Sutter|Mar 1, 2021

    Every society must protect against those who would use violence to steal from others. After controlling criminals, swindlers become a major fear and motivates many government regulations. Yet regulations against fraud allow far worse swindling than markets. Swindling is always wrong, but most people learn to avoid pedestrian scams like the email from an exiled prince seeking to transfer millions of dollars. Many scams violate customs and laws and the courts will help victims if possible. Smart...

  • Court Packing: A Death Sentence for Democracy

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Mar 1, 2021

    In 1948, Winston Churchill warned that if we do not learn from history, we are condemned to repeat it. The United States has had a nine member Supreme Court for 150 years and it has served us well. Court Packing does not mean that the President replaces current Justices who retire or die. Court Packing means that the President and a Liberal Legislature adds seats to the Supreme Court until they are able to control the outcome of cases heard by the Court, thus imposing their political philosophy...

  • The Biden Regime

    John Martin|Mar 1, 2021

    After winning the greatest scam election in history, Joe Biden and his comrades are wasting no time in their crusade to wreck the world’s greatest nation. Right off the bat on his very first day, vindictive Joe signed 15 executive orders to undo Donald Trump’s actions to save our republic. Of course, dozens of additional executive actions are being added to these. With an effective majority in both the House and the Senate, the fundamental rights of all Americans are once again (after Oba...

  • Tears & Laughter: The Beauty of Alabama Dirt

    Amanda Walker|Mar 1, 2021

    Alabama has delivered into the world many an eccentric personalities, one of those being the late Eugene Walter – an entertainer, writer, and chef who engaged in so many varied activities he was known as “Mobile’s Renaissance Man.” He grew up in old Mobile, back when women would dress-up in their finest attire – wear heels and put on lipstick – just to go shopping downtown on Saturday mornings. He could describe it in such a charming, and almost intimate way, that if you read his work even t...

  • Crawl by Faith

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Mar 1, 2021

    Hebrews 11:1 tells us, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Have you read the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11? It honors a diverse list of ordinary people who pleased God. By what amazing feat did they please the Creator of heaven and earth? The answer is simple…by faith. While reading through this list, I was reminded His word is alive. Because somehow, if you’re drawn to it, God will speak truth in your soul. He knows better than we do, the reason...

  • Big Issues Facing Alabama Legislature

    Steve Flowers|Feb 1, 2021

    The 2021 legislative session has begun. It will be a monumental and difficult session. Due to COVID restrictions, the logistics of just meeting will be a task. House members will be spread out all over the Statehouse to adhere to distancing requirements. It is still uncertain as to how the Press and lobbyists accommodations will be handled. A new virtual voting console system has been installed to allow for House members to vote since all will not be on the House floor. There are a myriad of...

  • Prison Issue still a Tar-Baby

    Steve Flowers|Feb 1, 2021

    As the 2021 Regular Legislative Session looms, the 800-pound gorilla in the room is the prison issue. The situation has grown more dire and imminent because the U.S. Justice Department has now filed suit against the State of Alabama. When Kay Ivey took office in January of 2019, she and the new legislature knew that they were going to have to address the prison problem in the state. Fixing prisons is not a popular issue. It wins you no votes to fix a broken prison system. Prisoners do not vote....

  • Where do We Find Such Men?

    Robert Tate|Feb 1, 2021

    With all the post-election negativity swamping the news daily, I started to write a Robservation concentrating on some of the buffoonery taking place in Washington. And I think we can all agree that at times it is too much to bear. I for the most part have stopped watching most news programs and I have found that even my beloved WSFA to be disappointing at times. Over the next several years, I will certainly have the opportunity to write on much of what is going on. But there is one thing I am...

  • I Don't Really Have Anything, Why Do I Really Need A Will?

    Ron Holtsford|Feb 1, 2021

    I get that question all too often. Even poor people have more than they probably think. Do you have a home (even a mobile home)? Do you have a car or truck? Do you have any money in a bank? While there are some ways around transferring a home, vehicle or bank account to a loved one or loved ones after death there are exceptions and even then it probably needed to be planned before your death and placed in the proper format. A proper Will takes care of those items in one document. It’s true t...

  • The Rally of January 6

    John Martin|Feb 1, 2021

    Today’s American people who are well informed can have no difficulty understanding that Donald Trump has been one of our most patriotic presidents in recent years. But because “The Donald” had refused to go along with our current corrupt elected and appointed officials and fought the Deep State with everything he had, the so-called “mainstream” news media and certain portions of our population have literally crucified him in their efforts to shame and defeat him on all fronts. The latest ac...

  • Those Who Make Peaceful Divorce Impossible Will Make Domestic Violence Inevitable

    John Sophocleus|Feb 1, 2021

    I ask forgiveness from any reader who recalls JFK’s famous 1962 quote, but paraphrasing seemed apropos after comments on last month’s column addressing ‘peaceful transfers of power’ bantered about by mass media, politburo members and pundits. I’ve wondered what my parents thought when hearing, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable,” from this soon to be assassinated President making such great gains toward freedom – e.g., reducing the outrageous...

  • Marxist Hatred of the South

    John M Taylor|Feb 1, 2021

    “I wouldn’t know, I’ve only ever killed communists.” Polish soldier Rafal Gan-Ganowicz’s likely facetious response when asked what it was like to kill a human being. In a 2015 YouTube video, BLM (Black Lives Matter) co-founder Patrisse Cullors described herself and fellow organizers as “trained Marxists.” Radical leftists (e.g., Antifa) seem determined to destroy America and Marxists appear to have a long-standing hatred for Southern Christians. Marxists, whose religion is Communism, su...

  • Will Student Loans be Forgiven?

    Daniel Sutter|Feb 1, 2021

    November’s elections imply we will likely see some Federal student loans forgiven. Current student debt levels reflect the morphing of a reasonable program. Loan forgiveness may produce significant changes for higher education. President-elect Joe Biden has indicated a willingness to forgive $10,000 in loans per borrower via executive order. A Democratic Senate will likely result in Congressional action; Senators Charles Schumer and Elizabeth Warren want $50,000 in loans forgiven. C...

  • RESOLUTION Honoring President Donald J. Trump

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Feb 1, 2021

    President Donald J. Trump accomplished more than any President in our Country’s history. He is the greatest President ever. As a member of the Alabama Republican Executive Committee, I will pass the Resolution during our Winter Meeting in February and I will work to get every State Republican Executive Committee in the Country to pass the same Resolution. WHEREAS, President Donald J. Trump was one of the greatest and most effective Presidents in the 245-year history of this Republic; and W...

  • The Necessity of American Leadership in a post-COVID World

    Justice Will Sellers|Feb 1, 2021

    Thirty years ago, the world seemed like a more stable place. The United States was at the height of international prowess and had deftly negotiated with almost the entire world to oust Sadam Hussein from Kuwait. President Bush and his foreign policy team had built an international coalition to acknowledge that aggression against another sovereign state would not be tolerated. Even those countries that did not physically participate in the military coalition agreed to refrain from public dissent...

  • BIG GOP Crowbar – Prying Trump From Supporters

    John W. Giles|Feb 1, 2021

    CAUTION!!! There is a new wave internally erupting and clamoring among GOP strategist, political consultants, highly financed K-Street corporate brokers and many elected headliner “Republicans In Name Only” (RINO’s). They are attempting to drive a wedge between Trump and his 72 plus million base. Notions like, Trump is not the Republican Party, stop the conspiracy talk because Trump lost the election, get over it, the Deplorables are a cult, and Biden won the election fair and square. This...

  • Tears & Laughter: We the People Get Along Just Fine

    Amanda Walker|Feb 1, 2021

    Now that he is in office, Joe Biden has the task of trying to unite the United States. He says it is his intention. He is committed to it. I think it is possible. I really do. I don’t know how much President Biden will have to do with it, but I do think peace is possible. Mainly I think it is possible because I see us getting along. There may be pockets of civil unrest across the country, but mostly it is politicians who aren’t getting along. We the people get along fine. If you can find a way...

  • Nothing Less Than Perfect

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Feb 1, 2021

    As children, we all dream about happily ever after. We pine away waiting for the knight on the white horse or daydream about love that is never anything less than perfect. When you think of perfect love, who do you think of? While many of you probably said Cinderella and Prince Charming; when I think of perfect love, my thoughts turn to Adam and Eve. You might say that’s kind of a bad choice for “perfect love.” But if you think about it, Adam and Eve, while best known for the single worst mista...

  • What If …

    Jan 1, 2021

    SOURCE: What if Trump protesters were infiltrated by radical elements of BLM / Antifa / deranged Democrats, in other words, BAD actors. (Those that destroyed public property and committed crimes should be roundly punished and their behavior condemned. Of course that also applies to the violent and destructive riots of 2020 from Seattle and Portland to Philadelphia and Atlanta). The Capitol police...

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