The people's voice of reason


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  • I hear that Aretha Franklin had no Will; what will happen with her estate?

    Ron Holtsford|Oct 1, 2018

    I have read the same thing from many sources about Aretha Franklin having no Will. She was apparently a resident of Michigan and since she purportedly died without a Will or trust then the rules of intestacy will prevail. It’s like I tell my clients, if you have no Will then the State of Alabama has one for you under it’s rules of intestacy. I don’t know the laws of Michigan but I will tell you what I do know and compare it to Alabama law. It is reported that Aretha left about $80 million dollar...

  • Tigers & Monkeys & Blue Tick Hounds – Oh My!!

    Robert Tate|Oct 1, 2018

    Once again, we find ourselves inundated with progressive, non-sensical idiocy that defies all rational belief. Everyday it seems as though the progressive, oh heck, let's just call them what they are, socialists hell-bent on becoming communist, never fail to come up with new ways of demonstrating their brain decay. I honestly believe a lot of these people are crazy. I cannot necessarily say stupid, but certainly crazy. And I do not mean it in any kind of nice way. Perfect example of the...

  • THE you know Elihu YALE?

    Robert Tate|Oct 1, 2018

    According to a 19th century legend, the Truth and the Lie met one sunny summer day. The Lie told the Truth, “It surely is a very beautiful day today, is it not?” Truth looked around suspiciously and raised her eyes to heaven for the day was indeed really beautiful. “Indeed, it is,” she said. So the two spent all day playing together until they happened upon a swimming hole. The Lie said, “Hey, Truth, it is so hot right now and the water appears to be very nice, let’s go swimming together!...

  • "Peoples' Paper" 19th Anniversary May God Grant the Alabama Gazette many more years!

    John Sophocleus|Oct 1, 2018

    Empty screen before me once again, hands at the keyboard [see Mark 9:43-47 below] contemplating what to address for this month’s column... • The ray of hope for corrupt politicians upon reversal of Felon Hubbard’s 5th count of the twelve jury convictions? • The adulation of McCain? Boycott gubernatorial race voting to reduce signature requirements in our ballot access restricted State? • The Anita Hill DC flashback? • Explain the deleterious history of Nazis to those who are too blind/ignor...

  • Judge Dale Segrest Retires

    Staff Writer|Oct 1, 2018

    Judge Dale Segrest Retires Tallassee, AL Judge Segrest is looking forward to retirement after years of community service and dedication to justice. Now is a new time for family, friends relaxation. Agape. Wikipedia defines agape as a "term referring to love, "the highest form of love, charity" and "the love of God for man and of man for God". You will find him most days in the garden. Toiling over each plant with intentionality. A job that was once a hobby now has new meaning. The garden that...

  • Tears and Laughter: County line signs, yellow butterflies, deer hunters, and lavender skies

    Amanda Walker|Oct 1, 2018

    The Wilcox County line sign is missing on Highway 41 in Hybart. I stopped once to take a picture of it. I guess that’s why I noticed its absence. I’m sure others have noticed too. It has been gone for several months now. I keep waiting to see how long it will take for it to be replaced. Currently, we are building on at least six months or two seasons, depending on how you want to look at it. By this time of year, yellow butterflies are darting along the sides of all highways leading into Wilcox...

  • "He is My Defender"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Oct 1, 2018

    Are you dealing with an “unsolved case or situation” from your past that needs resolution? Are you waiting for your day of justice or repayment? God promises in His Word that He is your vindicator. He is your defender. He will settle your case and repay everything that the enemy has stolen. “God is a just God and He will repay the exact compensation owed you. He will settle and solve the cases of His people.” Hebrews 10:30 To allow Jesus to settle our debts, you have to forgive others in the...

  • Revisiting an Economist's Perspective on the 1st Commandment

    John Sophocleus|Sep 1, 2018

    Prof. Thornton's recent book, The Skyscraper Curse offers sound perspective on booms and busts in our economy making business cycle theory accessible to the current, 21st-century audience. Long time readers will appreciate how this higher stationed colleague (I'm only an Instructor) is a kindred Spirit in efforts to educate up and coming generations. Seems most of the math/quant jocks on Wall Street, at the Fed, etc. barely remember the 2008 Crash and what triggered it, much less the 1987 Crash...


    Robert Tate|Sep 1, 2018

    Ah, yes. In the immortal words of Yoda, well not really Yoda but. . . , “The stupid is strong with this one.” And yes, it is on display in full regalia these days. Just a couple of examples for you today. 1. Bettie Scott Cook: Have any of you ever heard of this political hack? I had not. This Democrat (imagine that) happens to be a Black woman running for a state seat in Michigan when she recently referred to her Asian rival as a “Ching Chong.” No, you really cannot make this stuff up. Accordi...

  • Alabama The Beautiful

    Commissioner Chris Beeker Jr|Sep 1, 2018

    The beginning of summer is approaching and we are nearing my favorite time of the year. Summer in the south brings with it vacations, weekends spent outside, outdoor activities, and a multitude of other opportunities. It is a great chance to get out and enjoy our wonderful state parks. I am certainly biased to Alabama but some of the world’s most beautiful natural sites can be found within our state and many of those are at Alabama state parks. Alabama is home to 22 state parks, each having a...

  • Why is it important to change a deed after someone has died if taxes are still paid?

    Ron Holtsford|Sep 1, 2018

    Unfortunately in my work I run across situations where there is a not a good understanding of the implications of a real property deed not having an up to date deed. One thing that happens at times, more so in rural areas is on the death of someone, their estate is not probated and their real property is inhabited by one or more heirs. The heir or heirs continue to pay real property taxes and even insurance when the property contains insurable structures. The problem is that as time goes on...

  • Tears and Laughter: We Build Houses Like We Will Be Here Forever

    Amanda Walker|Sep 1, 2018

    We build houses like we will be here forever, but it is all very temporary. “Fleeting,” I think is what the Bible says, “The twinkling of an eye.” We are given, on average – if we are lucky – about 78 years. This average of course is not always accurate. You can’t depend on it. It is more unpredictable than Alabama weather or hormonal women. Nobody gets promised any tomorrows. There will come a day for each of us when there will be no next week. It is all a balance between the uncertainty of tim...

  • "Rest & Wait"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Sep 1, 2018

    God has put dreams and desires in your heart…things that you are hoping for, praying about, and believing in. Habakkuk 2:3 says, “The vision is for an appointed time. Though it tarry, wait earnestly for it, for it will surely come.” When you have a dream from God in your heart, you don’t have to struggle and try to force it to happen. You don’t have to be worried or frustrated….wondering if it will ever come to pass. When you have God’s promises deep in your heart, you will enter in to a place...


    Robert Tate|Aug 1, 2018

    Beginning on a sad note, I wanted to pay tribute to my wife's mother, Maria Guadeloupe (Lupe) Paredes, who died on 7 July of an aortic dissection. I could not have asked for a better mother-in-law. In 33 years of marriage, we never once had a crossed word or disagreement. I loved her greatly. Now to it. There seems to be a never-ending cacophony insanity that emanates from the left. When I say never ending, I truly mean never-ending. Everyday there seems to be another story that makes my head...


    Ron Holtsford|Aug 1, 2018

    Since President Trump’s selection of Judge Brett Kavanaugh currently of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy on the United States Supreme Court there has been a lot of discussion. Judge Kavanaugh is a relatively young man when compared to some current and prior Supreme Court justices and was a high school classmate of current Justice Neil Gorsuch. Judge Kavanaugh can make a significant impact on cases for many y...

  • Write on Voter; Right ON!

    John Sophocleus|Aug 1, 2018

    The primary runoff is in the record books with over 87% percent of registered voters not participating in party elections they funded, some saying in fear of making an error for actual or accused ‘crossover voting.’ This may be the duopoly’s desired result fueling the irony of claiming to want increased voter participation at the same enacting more impediments toward this end. The obvious answer is to prohibit taxpayers from paying for these party politics. If a party wants to use our publi...

  • Stop Rewarding Negativity

    Marcia Chambliss|Aug 1, 2018

    As the 2018 primary season thankfully ends, King Solomon’s lament in Ecclesiastes 1:9, “So there is nothing new under the sun,” might well be applied to Alabama politics, with the “nothing new” being the absolute viciousness of campaign politics. I think after each election that it can’t possibly get any worse, yet I’m proven wrong each cycle. Worse is the fact that this latest nasty war of words was waged amongst those who ran under the same political banner. The next time you question why...


    John Martin|Aug 1, 2018

    We are now well into the 2018 hurricane season, and a major storm may or may not hit us this year. But when one does, the news media will always mention a little consequence called “price gouging.” Reporters usually hype it up as something terrible, selfish, and even criminal. But when disasters strike, entrepreneurs are quick to respond by trucking in critical supplies and selling them for prices far above the norm. And people in need will be willing to pay for them. Are these suppliers rip...

  • Tears and Laughter: Never Assume You Have The Luxury Of Time

    Amanda Walker|Aug 1, 2018

    Travis came into my life in 1990, when he was two and I was 18. His mother was not involved at that stage in his life and my life had not prepared me for being a stepmother. But I changed my schedule at AUM, and switched from working nights at Country’s Barbecue to working days at Colonial Bank. I would drop Travis off at daycare before 8:00 and pick him up just after 5:00. Up until now, I don’t think I have ever written a word about those years of my life. It is not as if 18 to 23 didn’t exist...

  • "Avoid Strife"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Aug 1, 2018

    Are you praying and seeking God for change in your life? Perhaps there seems to be invisible roadblocks preventing you from truly experiencing God’s blessings. James 3:16 tells us, “For where there is jealousy and selfishness, there is strife and every evil work…” The Bible tells us that when we hold on to strife, it brings about confusion and hurt. Strife can creep in much like a disease to steal your peace and joy…destroying relationships and taking away your hope. You must stay on guard con...

  • TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)

    Robert Tate|Jul 1, 2018

    I had a professor while I was working on my Masters who once told me to never write when I was angry. Through the years, I have generally heeded this advice. Once in print, those words are never going to disappear. This week has been one of those angry political weeks and I have intentionally stayed away from my computer wanting to calm down before putting thoughts on paper. But a deadline is a deadline. I wanted to write but my anger was at such a fever pitch that I had to put this...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Jul 1, 2018

    Best races of the year have been for Attorney General and Lt. Governor June 27, 2018 The best races of the year have been for Attorney General and Lt. Governor, as well as Agriculture Commissioner and for the 2nd Congressional district. The Attorney General post is considered the best stepping stone to Governor and U.S. Senator. It is very high profile and prosecutes bad guys who go to jail and cannot vote against you, and you look like a good guy to the rest of the law abiding voters in the sta...

  • How Can California Divide Itself Into Three Separate States?

    Ron Holtsford|Jul 1, 2018

    The state of California has a larger economy than many countries and is the most populous state within the United States. Many in California think differently from those of us in Alabama with resultant taxes and the cost of living being significantly higher, in case of taxes by design of it's legislators. Even so, within California there are different schools of thought and that is somewhat evident by the current number of Californians leaving to settle in other states which has California losin...

  • Alabama Power finally 'zaps' the Canary in the Drummond Mine: time to 'dissolve' the BCA…

    John Sophocleus|Jul 1, 2018

    Bill Britt (4/18/18 Alabama Political Reporter) stated current and former BCA members thought the board’s vote to demand Canary’s resignation was good news for the State’s future and those close to the process were angry Chairman Hand wanted to keep Canary until the fall. APR’s sources said this was an attempt for the BCA to further influence election outcomes. The plan was to control campaign donations and win enough races to stage a comeback. Hand seemed willing to risk everything protect...

  • Wandering in the Wilderness

    Marcia Chambliss|Jul 1, 2018

    Because of my Biblical worldview, for which I do not apologize, my view of current culture and events is filtered through that belief, and I can’t help but reflect on the similarities of the mindset of many in our nation with that of the Israelites many centuries ago. After generations of captivity in Egypt, the Israelites were finally free of the tyranny of their harsh taskmasters and were being led by Moses into their Promised Land. But as with anything worthwhile, the journey wasn’t eas...

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