The people's voice of reason


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  • Want to Contact The IOC? Here's How!

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    If you’re unhappy about the Opening Ceremonies for the Paris Olympics—the fetishism, singing decapitated heads, bad drag, mocking of the Last Supper, or anything else about it—or you’d just like to send a general comment to the International Olympic Committee, you can email them at: Or call them at: +41 21 621 61 11 Their mailing address for cards and letters is: IOC Maison Olympics 1007 Lausanne Switzerland If you’ve not heard about the opening ceremonie...

  • Perception is not always reality, but image is everything.

    Christopher Peeks|Jul 1, 2024

    Right now, every Trump voter I know has hit the panic button. They have believed the narrative that's being spun by the mainstream media. The news networks are discussing the newfound enthusiasm with their new candidate, and there may be some excitement. The Democrats had to do something and at first glance they appear to have a spark. I have tried to convey to Trump voters to relax. Despite all the positive media coverage the Vice President has received. Trump’s path to 270 is much more a...

  • The Paris Opening Ceremony that Disgraced Tradition and Faith

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jul 1, 2024

    The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics was a slap in the face to tradition, faith, and the hardworking athletes who have dedicated their lives to competing on this prestigious stage. Let us cut to the chase. Paris decided to kick off this global event by transforming the grand stage of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics into a runway for drag queens. Ther final act positioning them in a manner eerily similar to Leonardo da Vinci’s depiction of Jesus and his Twelve Apostles in “The Las...

  • Roads Important and Political

    Steve Flowers|Jun 1, 2024

    Many of you took to the roads to travel over Memorial Day. I am sure this resulted in rumblings and discourses about the deplorable conditions of Alabama’s roads. Most of you, if you went anywhere, had to travel on I-65. Most Alabamians live along the I-65 corridor. I-65 is approximately 366 miles from the Tennessee-Alabama line to Mobile. It is a nightmare. I can attest to the frustration of being stuck on this highway. I travel on I-65 from Montgomery to Birmingham at least 100 times a y...

  • Bits and Pieces #20

    Robert Tate|Jun 1, 2024

    1. Harrison Butker: By now, I am sure all of you have heard of the controversy over Kansas City Chiefs kicker, Harrison Butker, and his commencement speech that he gave at Benedictine College last week. It is amazing to me how much hate his speech has brought out. This is especially true of our forever tolerant and woke lunatics on the left. It is hard to understand so much misplaced and unchanneled anger. Whenever something like this comes up, and it always does, my suggestion is not to listen...


    Col. John Eidsmoe|Jun 1, 2024

    Abortion supporters generally shy away from Scripture, because numerous Bible passages demonstrate that the preborn child is a human person. But grasping at straws, they sometimes point to two passages that they think support the pro-abortion (I will not use the term pro-choice, because the baby isn’t given a choice) position. They cite Genesis 2:7, claiming that this passage proves that life begins at birth rather than at conception, and Exodus 21:22-25, claiming that this passage proves t...

  • Jefferson Davis, Federalism, and Consensual Government

    John M Taylor|Jun 1, 2024

    In the modern world, we are encouraged to demonize certain individuals and idolize others. For years, those who control the narrative have promoted Abraham Lincoln as an individual to be admired and, sometimes even lionized. As a proponent of centralized power and government/corporate partnerships, Lincoln had and still has many like-minded supporters. Lincoln has also been lauded for his role in ending slavery despite the fact he supported the Corwin Amendment, favored colonization most of his...

  • America's Greatest Gold Heist

    John Martin|Jun 1, 2024

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt was one of several ruthless U. S. presidents who has been grossly overated by numerous historisns. If his ratings had been based on the quantity of his actions, they could be considered correct, but based on the devastating harm that he did to our nation much of the time, they were very, very wrong. In fact, if we wanted to rank our presidents correctly, with rare exceptions, the best ones were the ones who did the least—who refused to tamper with our constitution a...

  • Col. Ramsby: Southern Prep Academy's 12th President

    John Sophocleus|Jun 1, 2024

    Long time readers will recall past columns on Lyman Ward Military Academy [LWMA] now donning the more apropos Southern Preparatory Academy [SPA] nomenclature. After reader responses on Robert’s troubled presidency at AU, it is delightful to write this month’s column on a Presidency which promises a much brighter future with a proven track record of having the righteous Spirit to lead Southern Prep in the way of conditioning and graduating fine young gentlemen toward the sound mind, body and Spi...

  • Injustice in New York and a Dark Day for America

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jun 1, 2024

    The recent New York court proceedings that found Donald Trump guilty are nothing short of a disgraceful mockery of justice. This entire charade was never about upholding the law but about targeting a political opponent in a brazen, shameless display of judicial activism. The kangaroo court in New York has crossed every line of decency and integrity, and every American, regardless of political affiliation, should be outraged. Let us be clear: this is a sham trial, orchestrated by partisan hacks...


    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jun 1, 2024

    I will proudly vote for a convicted felon for President of these United States in November. Thursday's verdict-guilty on all 34 counts-was shocking but not surprising. How could it be surprising? We've known from the outset this was a sham trial in a kangaroo court, a purely political bit of theatrical lawfare intended to persecute the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party. Even after the verdict, there's a fair amount of confusion as to just what law President Trump supposedly violated....

  • Courage Unveiled: D-Day's Legacy and the Valor of the Greatest Generation

    Dr. Nicole Jones Wadsworth|Jun 1, 2024

    On June 6, 1944, the shores of Normandy bore witness to an unparalleled display of courage and sacrifice. The Greatest Generation, forged in the crucible of the Great Depression and steeled by the fires of World War II, embarked on an endeavor that would alter the course of history. These brave souls, hailing from towns and cities across the globe, stormed the beaches of D-Day with unwavering resolve and a fierce determination to defend the ideals of freedom and democracy. In the face of...

  • Empower Your Community: Cast Your Vote for Caroleene Dobson

    Dr. Nicole Jones Wadsworth|Jun 1, 2024

    An important seat is at stake in Alabama’s newly redrawn Congressional District 2, and the future of our community and country hinges on voter turnout. The pressing issue of how much folks have left in their pocketbooks after payday affects every Alabamian, transcending party lines. To all residents of Congressional District 2, the choice is clear: vote for Caroleene Dobson in November. A vote for Dobson is a vote for a stronger Alabama economy and a revitalized national economy, promising a b...

  • Arlington's 400,000 Reasons to Remember – A Wake-up Call for the Nation

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jun 1, 2024

    This week, Arlington National Cemetery is transformed into a solemn gathering place where the true cost of freedom is deeply felt and profoundly honored. Thousands of visitors, from grieving families to grateful citizens, converge upon this hallowed ground to pay tribute to the over 400,000 American heroes who rest here. This is highlighted by the somber laying of the wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier on Memorial Day. The rolling green hills, adorned with rows of white marble headstones,...

  • Convicted but Unstoppable How Trump's Support is More Energized Than Ever

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jun 1, 2024

    Let us cut through the noise and look at the facts. The recent conviction of Donald Trump, far from being a setback, has only made him stronger in his relentless battle against the corruption and incompetence of Joe Biden’s administration. The figures do not lie, and the response from Trump’s supporters has been nothing short of phenomenal. In the first six hours following the verdict, Trump’s campaign and the Republican Party raised a jaw-dropping $34.8 million. Let that sink in for a momen...

  • Legislative Session Fails to Let Alabamians Vote on a Lottery

    Steve Flowers|Jun 1, 2024

    The regular Legislative Session ended on May 9, with final passage of both budgets, which is the only constitutionally mandated requirement of the legislature during its annual legislative session. However, there was another constitutional question that dominated the session – the perennial issue of whether Alabamians will ever be allowed to purchase lottery tickets in Alabama and keep Alabamians money within our state. This money could help educate Alabama children, pave Alabama roads, and r...

  • Although Lottery Vote Failed, 2024 Legislative Session Successful

    Steve Flowers|Jun 1, 2024

    Even though the will of most Alabama voters was thwarted by a minority of Republican Legislators disallowing their constituents the right to vote on a lottery, the Session was a success. The legislature was thrown a myriad of major issues and they dealt with them in quick order. The paramount factor in any session is whether the two budgets are passed and passed prudently. They were and they are prudent. Ever since Republicans took the majority in the Alabama House and Senate in 2016, our state...

  • Hunter's guilty! Now, about that laptop…

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jun 1, 2024

    Hunter Biden was found guilty on Tuesday of three charges related to the purchase and possession of a firearm. The three charges were making a false claim on a firearms application (by saying he was not using or addicted to illegal drugs), lying to a federally licensed firearms dealer, and illegally having said gun for 11 days. He is facing up to 25 years in prison. The prosecution convinced the jury that the First Son bought a gun during a crack run, had it on him when he met his dealer the...

  • The Story Behind Flag Day: Celebrating the Stars and Stripes

    Dr. Nicole Jones Wadsworth|Jun 1, 2024

    Every year on 14 June, Americans come together to honor a symbol that embodies the spirit and resilience of a nation — the Stars and Stripes. Flag Day is a time for reflection, pride, and unity as citizens across our country celebrate the adoption of the United States flag. Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the first American flag by the Second Continental Congress on 14 June 1777. This resolution marked the beginning of a new identity for a burgeoning nation, struggling for independence fro...

  • Alabama Senate delivers on its conservative priorities in the 2024 legislative session.

    Senator Greg Reed|Jun 1, 2024

    Before the start of the 2024 legislative session, the Alabama Senate outlined a plan to show our commitment to conservative governance. We were focused on delivering actual results that would continue to make Alabama the best state in the country to live, work, and raise a family because that is what Alabamians expect and deserve. As a caucus, Senate Republicans prioritized issues that aligned with Alabama's foundational values and pushed back against Joe Biden's liberal agenda. Alabamians...

  • The Day The Dollar Died

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jun 1, 2024

    June 12th, 2024 was The Day The Dollar Died. It hasn’t collapsed yet, and won’t for some time. Like a wild hog, it will fight on, mortally wounded and bleeding, until it finally staggers, stumbles, then falls. The dollar is too big, too bound up in the global economy to go down to a single shot. It’s suffered nicks and scrapes these last few years, and will suffer more in the days to come, but Wednesday, June 12th was when the fatal blow landed. That was the day Russia suspended trading in do...

  • Broken Promises: The Inflation Reduction Act's Impact on Alabama's Seniors

    John Rice|Jun 1, 2024

    In 2022, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), promising it would lower Medicare costs for seniors. But for Alabama's seniors, the reality has been far different. A new report reveals Medicare Part D premiums have skyrocketed 21% this year, with even higher prices expected next year. The IRA, instead of being the promised solution, is dismantling the Part D drug benefit and burdening Alabama's seniors with unaffordable costs. Alabama has one of the nation's largest rural seni...

  • Defending Our Republic - We Must Stop Shomari Figures and the Progressive Caucus

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jun 1, 2024

    The Congressional Progressive Caucus, huge supporters of Shomari Figures, has just put forth an agenda so radical that it threatens to dismantle the very essence of our nation. Under the guise of progress and reform, this agenda seeks to impose a sweeping, government-controlled overhaul of healthcare, housing, and Financial Institutions. It aims to redistribute wealth on an unprecedented scale, undermining the principles of free enterprise and individual liberty that have defined America for gen...

  • The Republic has gone bananas

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jun 1, 2024

    JUNTA is a game set in the beautiful Republica de los Bananas. Players take the roles of the heads of the ruling families of the nation, frantically trying to abscond with as much money as possible before the foreign aid runs out. Along the way they elect El Presidente (who appoints the cabinet and distributes the pesos) form alliances, lie, cheat, swindle, extort, backstab, execute, assassinate and throw the occasional coup—with the winner being the player with the most money in their secret S...

  • The Trump Effect Drawing Massive Crowds in the Heart of Liberal America

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jun 1, 2024

    Befuddled Biden is helpless to do anything about it. Let us dive into the phenomenal success of President Trump’s latest fundraising event in San Francisco, hosted by venture capitalists David Sacks and Chamath Palihapitiya. This was no ordinary event—this was a powerhouse gathering that brought in a staggering $12 million, far exceeding the initial goal of $5 million. Held in the exclusive Pacific Heights neighborhood, the event saw tickets selling for $50,000 per person, with a premium tie...

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