The people's voice of reason


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  • Enough is Enough

    John Martin|Nov 1, 2019

    Back in the 1990’s, WACV Radio talk show host, Don Markwell, regularly featured Montgomery Mayor Emory Folmar as a guest on his program. One day, a caller chimed in and complained about people speeding in his residential neighborhood. After he disclosed the location, Mayor Folmar said he would step up patrols in that area. The very next day, the same man called again, and he was not happy. He reported that when he came home that previous afternoon, a policeman pulled him over and gave him a cita...

  • Socialism is the Greatest Threat Facing America Today

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Nov 1, 2019

    Our founders created the greatest country in the history of the world, where all men are created equal and anything is possible. We have the freedom to get an education, raise a family, travel, pick a career, and live in peace. The US is where private property rights and Individual liberties are protected like no other country on this planet. Innovation is king. Since 1902 when the first Nobel Praise was awarded to recognize achievements in the arts and sciences, Americans have won 362 times...

  • Guns - Personal Responsibility - Shall Not Be Infringed

    John W. Giles|Nov 1, 2019

    While the gun control debate escalates after mass shootings, I want to begin this article with a few simple questions that might deserve simple answers. Does a Saturday night special or an AK-47 on the counter kill innocent people? Does a spoon or fork cause obesity? Does a bottle of whisky or a six-pack of beer in the store cause a DUI? Does a needle filled with heroin cause drug addiction? Did a Boeing 757 become a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) killing innocent people at the World Trade...

  • Tears and Laughter: Nobody is okay all the time…and that is okay

    Amanda Walker|Nov 1, 2019

    Everybody puts up a good front don’t they? Or at least they try to. And that is probably what we are supposed to do for the most part. Just by human nature we tend to put our best selves forward. Even if we are train wrecks. We certainly do in the South. Someone can be grieving, broke, lonesome, depressed, bored, and hopeless, but if you ask them how they are doing, they will say they are okay. Or, they will say, “I’m good,” – knowing full well they are having to hold a Bible in one hand and...

  • "An Attitude of Gratitude"

    Nov 1, 2019

    Ahhhh! Fall has finally arrived, and November is here. This time of year is synonymous with Thanksgiving in America. It’s common during this month to hear talk of gratitude and why it’s so important. Adopting an attitude of gratitude isn’t just something that sounds nice at Thanksgiving. It’s a lifestyle and mindset choice that will drastically change your life and bring peace. “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your adva...

  • Tangled Webs and Telephone Cords

    Oct 1, 2019

    "O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." – Sir Walter Scott But identifying who is being deceitful here in this Watergate-esque scandal is less than clear. There is so much bias, incompetence, deception, and potential law-breaking that it is very difficult to be objective, and ultimately that is the problem. It is the type of scandal that removes one's faith in government and anyone involved with it. So in an attempt to untangle and better understand this mess, l...

  • Do I understand that there is a recent change in Alabama Medicaid that allows them to recover from probate?

    Ron Holtsford|Oct 1, 2019

    Yes, that is correct. It is however conditioned on certain criteria and in my view will cause some changes in estate planning and in debt collection by creditors. Whenever an estate is opened in an Alabama probate court, the named personal representative whether appointed for a testate (having a Will), intestate (no Will) estate or the person initiating the settlement of a Small Estate (with or without a Will where the probate assets are less than twenty-five thousand dollars), must file a...


    Robert Tate|Oct 1, 2019

    I am sure most of us are familiar with this term. It means that someone has only one thing they are either good at or one issue that they feel strongly about. I don't want to be that person. Many pro-death abortionists are exactly that. No matter what happens in the world, no matter what crazy laws the government tries to pass or how good or bad the economy is doing, they will fight for their right to kill babies by the millions. No other issue on planet Earth galvanizes them like abortion and...

  • Euthanasia

    John Martin|Oct 1, 2019

    Euthanasia is a painless and peaceful procedure of ending the persistent suffering and trauma of the terminally ill and others who have decided that death is a better option. In current usage, it is defined as the “painless inducement of a quick death.” People use this process on a regular basis when they see their beloved pets in distress from incurable diseases and/or unrecoverable injuries. But many are squeamish when it comes to applying the same mercy onto human beings. Some even sup...

  • History Comes to Troy

    Daniel Sutter|Oct 1, 2019

    Troy University will host an exhibition from The Remnant Trust from September through the end of November. The artifacts and books included afford an opportunity for Alabamians to see some history. Founded in 1999, The Remnant Trust is a foundation dedicated to preserving items important to the history of individual freedom and human dignity. Partnered with Texas Tech University since 2014, the Trust has a collection of over 1,400 documents for research and exhibitions like the one coming to Tro...

  • The AU Horror Picture Show: Bride of Felonstein meets YellaGrubbear

    John Sophocleus|Oct 1, 2019

    Recent ‘rocky’ times at Auburn University display a cult horror picture show on how ‘warped’ private interests extract wealth from students and taxpayers. No surprise to frequent readers of this column how AU gave rise to felon Mike Hubbard, who perfected ‘The Art of the Steal’ of using governments for personal gain in Alabama. Bobby Lowder mentored Felon Hubbard in the dark arts when Hubbard began in AU Athletics having just ‘grifted’ in from the Georgia jock adulation scene. The ‘plot sicke...

  • Hypothetical – Bernie or Elizabeth, Was this your idea?

    John W. Giles|Oct 1, 2019

    Recent ‘rocky’ times at Auburn University display a cult horror picture show Right thinking, fact driven Americans have hit their high water mark, frustrated with the liberal news media fabricating stories about conservatives. Every day, since the November 8, 2016 election (almost 3 years ago), liberal Democrats and members of the counterfeit media have worked around the clock fabricating, packaging and pounding this president with false claims, which have become hypotheticals on steroids. Wel...

  • Halloween has become an issue among Christians!

    Russell K. Tardo|Oct 1, 2019

    Long considered harmless fun, many are now questioning its history, nature, influence and fruit. The revitalization of Satanism and Witchcraft and their obvious association with Halloween has caused Christians to wonder whether they should participate in it at all. There is no denying the bizarre and occultic nature of Halloween decorum (certainly witches, devils, ghouls, monsters, vampires and ghosts are not Christian in character!). But in spite of that, some Christians defend their participation in the holiday asserting their “liberty” in Ch...

  • Tears and Laughter: Why I Sound Southern

    Amanda Walker|Oct 1, 2019

    I was recently a guest on a podcast and some of my readers – specifically my mother and daughters – listened to it. A couple of their friends who were trapped in the car with them at the time had no choice but to listen too. The main thing we were supposed to talk about was a column I had written on the difference between being Southern and being country, but ended up we talked mostly about the wastewater situation in parts of Lowndes and Wilcox counties that were headlining the news that wee...

  • Letting Go

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Oct 1, 2019

    I once heard a wise person say that “Forgiveness is letting go of the hope that the past could have been any different than it was.” This definition of forgiveness really spoke to me….and maybe it will speak to you as well. “Forgiveness is not an occasional act. It is a constant attitude.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Think about it… Those words can absolutely set you free in your life and in your relationships, if you allow them too, because letting go is a choice. You limit yourself fr...


    Robert Tate|Sep 1, 2019

    Since I have been out of flying for a while trying to get this shoulder of mine back into working order so I can climb back into the cockpit, I have thankfully had the opportunity to do a lot of writing (book #3 underway) and perhaps unfortunately, watch a lot of television. I have gotten hooked on channels like Investigation Discovery (ID) and some other crime type shows. There is no escaping the sick people we share this planet with. But these shows are like a train wreck, you just can’t l...

  • Humane Executions

    John Martin|Sep 1, 2019

    In spite of what some people claim about the cruelty of capital punishment, there are some people who are just too dangerous to be allowed to exist. See my May, 2017 article for my argument on this topic. The question here is what is the best and most humane method to carry it out? Although there is a basic need to execute certain criminals, there is not a need to do it in a cruel manner. The object is to peacefully eliminate the culprits, not to demonstrate vindictive ways to carry out their...

  • Are there any recent freedom of religion cases of note?

    Ron Holtsford|Sep 1, 2019

    Yes, decided on June 20 of this year in the United States Supreme Court, the case of American Legion, et al. v American Humanist Assn., et al. Prince George’s County, Maryland erected in 1918 a memorial for the dead from their county during World War I. Because the plain Latin cross had become a symbol of that War in that one could see pictures of rows of white crosses where dead soldiers were buried. The decision was made to place the memorial in a prominent place and when the County C...


    John W. Giles|Sep 1, 2019

    I often find myself taking a life inventory at different weigh-points, assessing if I am adequately contributing to leave a positive mark in the world, on my watch. We can never give enough back. I was raised and I taught my children, whatever station assigned in life, or if we borrow something from our neighbor, always return it in better shape, than you received it. This mindset can be found in the “Parable of the Talents,” where Jesus spoke in Matthew 25: 14 – 30. One hallmark icon in my li...

  • Is a Renewable Electric Grid a Mirage?

    David Sutter|Sep 1, 2019

    Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to curb climate change will require enormous sacrifice. The enormity of the required sacrifice suggests that we should have consensus on the goal before acting. Recent discussions of the Green New Deal have highlighted some of the required sacrifices, but I suspect that the full implications of an all renewable power electric grid remain obscure. The Green New Deal was sponsored by New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Massachusetts Senator Edward Markey. The proposal highlighted measures like a...

  • I'm a God Supremacist

    John Sophocleus|Sep 1, 2019

    There, I've said it. Perhaps I’m a little giddy penning my first column in retirement. More likely as the so-called ‘Cold Civil War’ gets hotter, I recall those of Antonin Scalia’s Spirit, intellect and understanding on issues of supremacy, sovereignty, power and authority. Witnessing Justice Scalia’s courage to be a more explicit fool for Christ helps, given his station and “originalist” reasoning. Long time, regular readers of my column will not find this opening surprising. A decade ago, w...

  • Tears and Laughter: What is the value of free?

    Amanda Walker|Sep 1, 2019

    Free has become a popular term here as of late. It is a new trend and an old favorite. Not free as in freedom. Not free-minded, or free-spirited, or being a Freebird. I mean free – as in no cost. I don’t know about everywhere, but in Wilcox County if you will come out with some free hotdogs you can draw an attentive crowd. This has been proven countless times. I seldom accept anything free. It’s one of my hang-ups. But one of my exceptions was at the old Impact Wilcox meetings. For all they...

  • "Gratitude & Grace"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Sep 1, 2019

    During an especially difficult moment in my life…barely able to speak between tears of despair. I called a friend…looking for a little comfort…and a little sympathy too, I must admit. Instead of consoling me, she interrupted me and said, “Stop it! Stop your crying right now and say thank you.” I said, “Why would I say thank you for this?” She said, “Say thank you because God has put a rainbow in every cloud. And the rainbow is coming. Say thank you even though you can’t see it cause it’s alread...

  • August 14th is Celebrated as VJ Day. Why did the United States inter its Japanese- American citizens?

    Ron Holtsford|Aug 1, 2019

    After Pearl Harbor and the means in which the sneak attack was carried out, Americans became highly suspicious of the Japanese. There were over 110,000 Japanese living on the United States West Coast of which about 70,000 were citizens. Many lived near strategic military areas on the West Coast, which was also closer to Japan and thus more susceptible to attack. Some Japanese- Americans were very committed to the mother country, having sent tinfoil and money in Japan’s war with China. Some J...

  • The Squad

    Robert Tate|Aug 1, 2019

    This is almost too sad to write. By now all of us have read or heard of the exploits of the fearsome-foursome; the freshmen Congresswomen also known as “the Squad.” These four women, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (the Occasional Cortex) D- New York; Rashida Tlaib, D-Michigan; Ayanna Pressley, D-Massachussetts; and Ilan Omar, D-Minnesota are quite the treat. Almost a day no longer goes by without one of these women making some kind of news. The latest, free press courtesy of our POTUS who simply can...

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