The people's voice of reason


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  • An Existential Threat

    Robert Tate|Aug 1, 2024

    Just as I was finishing this Robservation, President Biden announced that he is out of the running. More to come later. ****************************************************************************** So, here we are. I am writing this one week after the Trump assassination attempt. Like many of us, I am troubled. Not so much that an idiot kid would try to do something like this but rather the mess the Secret Service (SS) made out of the entire situation. In no way am I going to condemn the...

  • What is the historical meaning of the First Amendment regarding religion?

    Ron Holtsford|Aug 1, 2024

    There are two schools of thought on the Constitution; either those that are strict Constitutionalists or those that believe it is a living, breathing document that changes with the times. Certainly there were assumptions at the time the Constitution was written when most of those in government were protestant. Though not in any judicial position, I tend to argue a strict Constitutional view. It’s the same with the Bible, the Bible is either the infallible, inspired, Word of God or is subject to...

  • Better Highways at Lower Cost

    John Martin|Aug 1, 2024

    This past May, June, and July, 2024, along Highway 231 in Wetumpka, our “illustrious” Alabama Highway Department has been hard at work from the Wal-Mart north to the old Montgomery Highway with construction cones all over the place. Somehow, the department had decided that dozens of raised “islands” in the highway’s center would help make traffic safer and more expedient. Do these contraptions really have any value? Do they enhance safety? Do they help the traffic flow? And how much extra tax...


    Col. John Eidsmoe|Aug 1, 2024

    Desperate people will say anything. And the Radical Left is getting desperate as they look to the November election. They can’t run on the economy. The voters know that inflation has wiped out any financial gains, and they have less buying power than they had four years ago. They can’t hide behind the COVID pandemic as they did in 2020. Increasingly, Americans are realizing that the lockdowns and compulsory vaccinations probably did more harm than good. They can’t run on foreign policy – not...

  • The Desecration of Arlington's Reconciliation Monument

    John M Taylor|Aug 1, 2024

    In the January 2023 edition of Alabama Gazette, in “Robert E. Lee, Arlington, and the Ministry of Truth” (, I covered the history and subsequent theft of Arlington House by the Federal Government. Spearheaded by the dastardly Montgomery Meigs, the plan was to seize the Lee/Custis property and turn it into a cemetery. This would serve as retribution against Lee and his family sin...

  • Ballots v. Bullets

    John Sophocleus|Aug 1, 2024

    Comments on last month’s Ballot Box v. Jury Box column were similar in tone and intellect with responses to past columns explaining our Pax Americana, that is, our so-called ‘Peaceful Transfer of Power’ as a forced coalition of once independent States. Given the recent flow of history recorded in Butler, PA it seemed timely to analyze how dysfunctional ballots proffer more bullets. Assassination attempts are nothing new in US history - esp. under hegemony. Until provided facts to the contr...

  • Civil Discourse and Political Reality

    Justice Will Sellers|Aug 1, 2024

    I’ve never understood why Donald Trump seems to attract such a level of hatred and vitriol. There is nothing unusual about political candidates being vilified by opponents, but after an election or a term in office, the level of animosity usually subsides, and attacks focus on policy decisions and not as much on personality. I experienced some hostilities when I was a Republican presidential elector in 2016. It was my 4th time to be an elector from Alabama, so it was out of the ordinary when a...

  • Tears & Laughter: The midlife writing crisis

    Amanda Walker|Aug 1, 2024

    I have not been writing as consistently as I used to. Entirely by choice. Meaning, there are not any problems between myself and any of the newspapers or outlets I write for. It is entirely me. First, I have been writing for over 30 years now and I guess I am stepping back to see what I think of it all. I take it that is normal. The world of media has changed. There was a shift that came along with Covid. I do not feel I have the same freedom of speech I once had. I feel this way because I have...

  • "What Will Spill Out?"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Aug 1, 2024

    Imagine this….You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee? You may reply, "Because someone bumped into me!!!" Nope. Wrong answer. You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup. Had there been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea. Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out. “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The ton...

  • The Democracy-Free Democrats

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Aug 1, 2024

    (August 2, 2024) Can the Democrats be sued for false advertising? They’ve completely abandoned “democracy“ for the third Presidential cycle in a row, so I think they should be forced to rebrand themselves to reflect what they actually stand for. Donorcrats? Elitocrats? DeathToAmericrats? Surely there’s a Consumer Protection statute or six out there that applies. Or, could be made to apply under the Bragg Precedence (namely, we don’t need a crime to charge you for…something or other). In...

  • The Freedom of Discovery

    Justice Will Sellers|Aug 1, 2024

    An Englishman named Joseph Priestley made a discovery 250 years ago that marked the beginning of modern chemistry and continues to have important ramifications today. His remarkable find was, in a word: Unlike inventions, which create something new, discoveries acknowledge something that already exists and quantify it to explain its significance. Of course, oxygen has always existed, and its utility to human life is completely independent of the need for explanation. We know exactly what it is,...

  • The GOP is going down a rabbit hole.

    Christopher Peeks|Aug 1, 2024

    I have to wonder who the GOP strategists are. Where is Karl Rove when Republicans need him? Would the late Lee Atwater take this route? The GOP are shooting themselves in the foot right now, the news networks are abuzz with GOP leader’s claims that Vice President Harris is the DEI choice. Trump did not do them any favors today with his comments at the Black Journalist Conference. By now, everyone has either read or listened to his words, so draw your own conclusions. Why did he go on there? A...

  • The Moral Compass of Leadership

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Aug 1, 2024

    In an era where the cultural fabric of our nation is more fragile than ever, the contrast between the campaigns of Donald J. Trump and Kamala Harris is as stark as day and night. It' a distinction that speaks volumes about the values, vision, and moral compass guiding these two candidates for President. If you need to understand the heart of their campaigns, look no further than the artists they feature at their rallies. Donald J. Trump, a man who consistently champions the principles that made...

  • "The Princess Bellaheld" - A Book Review

    Luisa Reyes|Aug 1, 2024

    In an age when Disney Princesses ranging from the classics such as "Snow White" and "Cinderella" to newer ones such as "Tiana" to "Merida" are incredibly popular and idolized by millions; in "The Princess Bellaheld" by Julie Sutter we are introduced to the true story of a real life princess who turns seventeen in AD 703. The daughter of Irish missionaries of the Culdean Church to the German principality of Thuringia, Bellaheld is nevertheless of noble stock on her father's side. But, she is...

  • The Deadly Consequences of Democrat Negligence

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Aug 1, 2024

    The recent rocket strike that claimed the lives of at least 12 innocent children and teenagers in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights is a tragic reminder of what happens when our political leaders fail to stand firm in support of our allies. The Democrat Party's treatment of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his recent visit to the United States is a glaring example of such failure, and it has led to catastrophic consequences. Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit should have been a...

  • The Democrat's Underwhelming Ticket

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Aug 1, 2024

    (August 7, 2024) Tuesday, Kamala Harris chose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her Vice-Presidential running mate. Yes, he’s a radical Lefty—but so is Kamala. Yes, he’s an experienced politician (12 years in Congress, Governor since 2018) who’s basically an unknown nonentity outside of his own State and the hardcore political junkie class. Yes, he’s a little creepy and ookie in a whiny, aging soy boy kind of way. Yes, he was chosen in large part to satisfy the far-left wing of the party which has...

  • "The Last Supper" - A Painting Overview

    Luisa Reyes|Aug 1, 2024

    A multi-year work of art, Leonard Da Vinci, worked on painting "The Last Supper" from 1494 to 1497. Commissioned by the Duke of Milan, a great patron of writers and painters - Ludovico il Moro, it is not a work on canvas that the duke would frame and then hang on his wall. Rather, it is a mural painted on a wall in the refectory of the Cathedral's adjoining Dominican convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan . And as such, the mural began deteriorating quickly after its completion. So much...

  • The Harris-Walz Ticket: The Most Liberal Disaster in American History

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Aug 1, 2024

    Brace yourselves, America. The radical left has completely taken the reins of the Democrat Party, and the Harris-Walz ticket is the most liberal nightmare we have ever faced. This is not just an election; it is a fight for the very survival of our nation. And if the Harris-Walz duo gets anywhere near the White House, we can kiss our global standing and national security goodbye. Kamala Harris, the laughing liberal, is now leading the Democratic ticket. A career politician whose policies are so...

  • Tickets Now On Sale for 'Christmas With C.S. Lewis'

    Luisa Reyes|Aug 1, 2024

    Tickets are now on sale via Ticketmaster for "Christmas With C.S. Lewis", a play set in 1962 as C.S. Lewis is hosting a group of Americans who are spending Christmas in the university city of Oxford. With all of the heat indexes spelling caution in making sure that one stays well hydrated during the summer heat, it may feel early to start thinking about Christmas. But, when this play was produced in Birmingham, Alabama last year the demand for tickets was so high, that a second performance date...

  • Alabama Lawmakers Need to Address Comprehensive Criminal Justice Reform

    Paul DeMarco|Aug 1, 2024

    The crime in Alabama has everyone reeling from violence across the state, particularly in places like Birmingham, Montgomery and Mobile. However, we have seen criminal acts in rural parts of the state increase as well. There are a number of reasons for how dangerous the streets have become. One of the factors is the progressive’s slanderous attacks on law enforcement that have hurt the morale and recruitment of more officers. The defund the police movement has actually led to fewer officers p...

  • The Paris Olympics, Trans Boxers, and The NCAA

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Aug 1, 2024

    (August 12, 2024) The 2024 Paris Olympics are done! Compared to the blasphemous crime against good taste that was the opening, the closing ceremonies were rather plain, verging on boring. Yes, there was the Tom Cruise stunt, which is undoubtedly part of the marketing for Mission Impossible 37, or whatever number they’re up to. The fireworks were not terribly impressive, nor was the National Anthem done by some artist I’ve never heard of (and quite frankly, won’t be looking for on Spotify). Now t...

  • Donald Trump And Elon Musk Panic The Planet

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Aug 1, 2024

    (August 13, 2024) President Trump marked his return to X (formerly Twitter) with a conversation with Elon Musk on Spaces Monday evening. Spaces is the live-streaming part of X, and was what Ron DeSantis used to launch his campaign all those months ago. Of course, that Spaces was a disaster—the platform couldn’t handle the load—and was a tremendous embarrassment for both DeSantis and Musk. It was a portent of things to come for DeSantis’ campaign. Musk apologized, and moved on, and promise...

  • Fob James Alabama's Trump Before Trump

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Aug 1, 2024

    Recently, I had the distinct pleasure of sitting down with my old friend and mentor, Fob James, a man who twice served as Alabama's governor and whose legacy still resonates deeply in the corridors of our state's political history. As we reminisced about the battles we fought together when, as his floor leader, we took on the entrenched powers and pushed through critical reforms. While we talked, I was struck by how sharp and insightful Fob remains at 90. His mind is as keen as ever, his focus...

  • "Liberty Mountain" - Tickets On Sale for the Fall

    Luisa Reyes|Aug 1, 2024

    If your favorite college football team shows signs of needing more NIL money this Fall, tickets are now on sale for "Liberty Mountain", an historical drama centered around the Battle of Kings Mountain during the American Revolution. With long-standing plays like "Horn In The West" in Boone and "The Lost Colony" in the Outer Banks; North Carolina is a state that likes to perpetuate its history through the theater. And with North Carolina being one of the original thirteen colonies that would...

  • Why I'm Voting for Trump Over Harris - Policies Over Personalities

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Aug 1, 2024

    As we head into the 2024 election, we face a choice that will define the future of America. It’s not just about personalities; it’s about policies—policies that will either propel us toward greater prosperity and security or drag us further down the path of division, government overreach, and economic despair. This election isn’t just Trump versus Harris; it's a battle between two diametrically opposed visions for our country. Let’s be clear: I’m voting for Donald Trump over Kamala Harris becaus...

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