The people's voice of reason


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  • Gettysburg Address Sesquicentennial: Lincoln's Legacy of Dysfunctional Government

    John Sophocleus|Nov 1, 2013

    No column I’ve penned generated more mail than this July’s Sesquicentennial of the carnage at Gettysburg - one of the bloodiest (tangibly dysfunctional) results in reforming the federal government into the forced coalition observed today. Some mail offered words from another Ohioan, Edwin M. Stanton, which simply asserted the attempted February 1861 Force Bill allowed federal and/or State armies/troops to levy war (in clear violation of Art. 3, Sec. 3) upon another State(s) without approval of t...

  • Renting or Trespassing?

    Ron Holtsford|Nov 1, 2013

    I allowed a friend to move in to the home that I am leasing as he was separated from his wife and needed a place to live short term. It only took a short time for me to realize that some of his living habits are less than desirable, maybe why his wife wanted him out. I have repeatedly asked him to find his own place. At first he would be emotional and I would give him more time. Now he gets angry and refuses to leave, actually threatening me one time. I have called the police and they will not e...

  • Smart Girls Politics

    Marcia Chambliss|Nov 1, 2013

    Retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor recently bemoaned the "alarming degree of public ignorance" regarding civics and it was never more apparent as during the recent partial (17%) government shutdown. I'm increasingly of the opinion that this ignorance is achieved by design so that the political elites, particularly those on the left, can manipulate public opinion and voters to their benefit. I keep hearing, "You lost the election so get over it." Well, yes and no. Conservatives...

  • Triston's Tidbits

    Trisston Burrors|Nov 1, 2013

    Year after year, the earth’s inhabitants are fed, watered, clothed, and sheltered. Generations come and go, nations rise and fall, yet God continues to live and keep this old world turning and the sun shining day after day. James 1:17 reminds us, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father, with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning.” This Thanksgiving season, let’s recognize the God from whom ALL blessings flow…either directly or indirectl...

  • Robservations

    Robert Tate|Oct 1, 2013

    I have watched with amusement all the discussions lately on the “Greek” issue at the University of Alabama. First of all, I think that in the year 2013, the whole idea of somebody not being admitted to a fraternity or sorority based SOLELY one’s race is ludicrous – but not surprising. Although I do not talk much about it, I figured now might be an interesting time to talk about my “Greek” experiences at the University of Tennessee from 1979 – 1983. Let me get this out in the open “from the get...

  • What is a Writ of Habeas Corpus

    Ronald Holtsford|Oct 1, 2013

    The literal meaning is “may you have the body” or as from one of my law professors, “show me the body”. The Writ of Habeas Corpus Act was a result of the British Parliament in 1640. Those that were imprisoned by the King, privy council or other councilor had a right to have the true cause for their imprisonment to be certified. The words of commencement were repealed in 1948 and the whole Act in 1968. Habeas corpus ad subjiciendum, was first recorded in British law in 1305. Subsequent laws in 16...

  • Smart Girls Politics

    Marcia Chambliss|Oct 1, 2013

    The world may well be upside down because I think I might actually see a bit of truth in Hillary Clinton’s now infamous line. “What difference does it make?” Except that I’m not talking about Ms. Clinton’s shocking and disturbing comment delivered during the Congressional committee hearing regarding Benghazi and the four murdered Americans, or the potential cover-up of what actually happened and went horribly wrong. I’m talking about the big government Democrats versus the big government...

  • Triston's Tidbits

    Trisston Burrors|Oct 1, 2013

    As many of you know, my Dad recently passed away. On behalf of my family and myself, I would like to express heartfelt appreciate to family and friends for the phone calls, text messages, cards, visits, flowers, food, and wonderful acts of kindness during this difficult time. We appreciate your love and support. Each and every one of you are very special to us. Many of you who knew my Dad may remember his love of music. One of his favorite songs to sing was “Consider the Lilies”. I share the wor...

  • Bench-Bar-& Beyond

    Judge Philip Dale Segrest|Oct 1, 2013

    Family is the primal unit of society. Men and women have always met and produced off-spring. Successful marriages conserved the energy necessary for human advancement. Maslow identified sex as a basic need. It is packed with motive force. Freud called the driving force that pushes humans into action libidinal energy. Although libidinal energy is associated with sex, it can be redirected for other creative effort. When marriage works, sex needs of both partners are met, without spending energy...

  • Loosing Our State Defense Force

    John Sophocleus|Oct 1, 2013

    I’ve always been amazed and delighted at how many compatriots in the liberty movement volunteer (e.g., donate to cancer patients, food banks, housing, relief to disaster victims, etc.) via PRIVATE efforts like churches, HealthSouth, missions, Red Cross, et al in Alabama. Our State continues to place around the top five in the nation in this regard in spite of how increasingly more is taken from Alabamians at the local, State and federal level. Of course, the statistics are in real terms and w...

  • Obama Asserts "Snowden" Should've Used The Courts

    John Sophocleus|Sep 1, 2013

    In his August 9th press event, President Obama’s said his decision not to attend the G-20 summit in Moscow next month wasn’t solely related to Russia's decision to grant asylum to Snowden. In further discussion on the Snowden matter, Mr. Obama asserted Snowden should’ve used our federal courts to address his Fourth Amendment concerns. Since that Friday press conference, many said they thought of what we (me and my bride) endured in our 13 year and hundreds of thousands of dollars Fourth (Thir...

  • Political Correctness Strikes Again

    Robert Tate|Sep 1, 2013

    I have been called many things in my life: Charming, witty, intelligent, suave, debonair, refined, talented and of course “da_n handsome.” Okay, I’m lying. I’ve never been called “refined” before. All kidding aside, I have certainly been called many things in my life, some of them quite unflattering, but one thing I know for sure is that I have never been called “politically correct.” That is one moniker I hope to never have posted next to my name. It is not because I feel the need to go out...

  • I don't have a Will and I am afraid the State will get everything after my death

    Ronald Holtsford|Sep 1, 2013

    I hope that everyone that reads this article will read past the first several lines to get the full story. If you have no Will, the State of Alabama has one for you and it may not be the one that you want. If you die without a Will, the Code of Alabama provides a method of distribution of your assets via an Administration through the Probate Court in your County. ONLY if you literally have no heirs that can be found will your assets go to the State of Alabama. That term is that your estate...

  • People Control

    Marcie Chambliss|Sep 1, 2013

    In less than a week, I’ve encountered an identical phrase from two separate sources that I believe defines the unfortunate condition of where we are as a nation. People control. For some reason, this simple expression has completely escaped me when trying to explain to people why I believe in the conservative message. Too many of us become so absorbed in the minutiae of each political issue in order to intelligently debate those from the liberal side of the spectrum that we fail to recognize the simplest explanation of all. Liberals and s...