The people's voice of reason


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  • It's A Mad, Mad, Mad World Indeed

    Robert Tate|Aug 1, 2015

    Those who love Your law have great peace and nothing offends them. Psalm 119:165 Okay, this is not going to be a religious rant of any kind because I fully understand a large percentage of people out there reading this may not be believers. That is okay. It is what it is. At the same time, however, there comes a time when all people, regardless of their beliefs need to take a step back and get off of this ridiculous notion that everything "offends" them. In fact, most of the time we need to...

  • Natural Law and the United States Constitution

    Judge Philip Dale Segrest|Aug 1, 2015

    The concept of natural law was the prevailing philosophy of law throughout the formative period of modern nation states. The idea was that law occurs naturally. Nature, of course, includes human nature and the nature of human society. In general the created order of nature provides some solutions to problems that are better than others. Under natural law theory, the task of courts and legislative bodies is to find that law and declare it. At about the time the United States came into existence,...

  • Living In Our Brave New World

    Marcia Chambliss|Aug 1, 2015

    Perhaps it was only my increasing feelings of unease concerning the direction of our nation and world that I chose to pack an old copy of Brave New World to re-read during a recent beach trip. More time than I care to admit has passed since the days of my high school required summer reading lists, and many of the details of this book had become a distant memory. Given some of the news headlines during the week of my trip, that book choice seemed eerily appropriate, and I have since been...

  • Rites v. Rights; Dialing for Dollars; Quo Warranto, Allegiance to Flags...

    John Sophocleus|Aug 1, 2015

    *Rites v. Rights... not surprisingly the Roberts Court once again gets it wrong in their crusade for bigger government. A friend called it DC still drunk on the 'Grapes of Wrath.' Marriage is a religious rite. There is no authority for the federal government to impede or subsidize this rite. It was a source of despair when I went to marry. The State of South Carolina would not allow me to pursue this solemn rite I hold dear without a State license, polluting this blessed event. I do not look to...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Aug 1, 2015

    July 29, 2015: During the press conference three weeks ago announcing the historic BP settlement and windfall for the state, Gov. Bentley repeatedly said, “The $55 million a year to the General Fund is fantastic but it will not solve the state’s long term financial woes. It only accomplishes about 12 percent of what we need. We’re still going to have a Special Session to address the need for new revenue and we will call it for late summer.” Bentley and the Legislature were unable to agree o...

  • The Supremes and the Baby Boomers

    Ron Holtsford|Aug 1, 2015

    Some recent reactive changes in perception of heritage and rulings by the Supremes have recently left me quite dismayed. Not the legendary singing group but the men and women that don the black robes as Justices of the United State Supreme Court. Five of the nine are Baby Boomers and Republican presidents nominated five of the now sitting Justices. Some of the truths in my life were no longer deemed truths and for the past several weeks I have tried to make sense of them and wondered what would...

  • "The Fabulous Decade"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Aug 1, 2015

    This month I will be hitting one of the many milestones that we celebrate during our life time. Some people dread it, while others could care less. I guess you could say that I am somewhere in the middle. What is it? You ask. Well…I will be joining my hubby along with many of our dear friends in what we affectionately refer to as the “fabulous decade”. That’s right! Yours truly will be turning the big 4-0 this month. I know! It’s hard to believe, right?! I barely look a day over 20. Ha-Ha!! W...

  • Tribute To My Dad

    Robert Tate|Jul 1, 2015

    My father had been sick for a while. He had recently lost both of his legs due to injuries he sustained while serving in the Army during and after the Korean War. The injuries never fully healed and as he got older, poor circulation took its toll on his legs. I used to call my dad every day, sometimes three or more times, just to check on him and talk. I loved hearing his voice and discussing life in general. I always asked him how he was feeling and his usually annoying answer was, “The same a...

  • When In The Course Of Human Events... 2015

    John Sophocleus|Jul 1, 2015

    As our Declaration of Independence carefully and specifically enumerated well-reasoned grievances for seceding from the British Empire, the cycle of tyranny which results from any command economy is once again upon us. One of the most active political operatives in Alabama working to reverse our corrupt path to tyranny recently reminded me of the power a well organized ‘militia’ can muster. Showing significant numbers at the right time can make a great difference in our long-run course of hum...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Jul 1, 2015

    Last week’s verdict that VictoryLand be allowed to reopen is justice served. The people of Macon County voted for a constitutional amendment to allow for electronic bingo. The issue of pari-mutuel style casino betting and the closing of the ultra-modern and successful luxury gaming resort in Macon County has been laid to rest. There have been extensive studies and articles that crystallize several obvious observations. First of all, gambling or gaming is an extremely profitable venture and it i...

  • Individualism In the Legal Profession

    Judge Philip Dale Segrest|Jul 1, 2015

    Individualism in the legal profession, like other walks of life, thrives on legends and myths. The profession cherishes certain images. One of these images is the image of the rugged individual. Rugged Individualism is an important part of the American tradition. Pioneers were rugged individuals. The legal profession, an adversaria profession, fits right into this picture. Up until the Civil War the primary method of legal education was apprenticeship. Would-be lawyers “read” the law in the off...

  • Have We Lost What it means to be an American?

    Marcia Chambliss|Jul 1, 2015

    Another Independence Day celebration is upon us, yet I have to wonder if the meaning of the day hasn’t been lost to the America we’ve become. Holidays that once celebrated the history of our nation have seemingly become little more than retail sales events or long weekend relaxation trips rather than reflection on the significance of the day in history. But given the trend in certain segments of our culture to trivialize and/or demonize America and its accomplishments, the change in how man...

  • I Am Considering Selling My Business; What Do I Need To Consider From A Legal Standpoint?

    Ron Holtsford|Jul 1, 2015

    There are several things to consider and much of that is based on the type of entity that your business may fall under. For starters is it a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), a Corporation or a couple other forms that no longer exist? Have you talked to your accountant to consider tax implications? How are you valuing the price of the business? Are you selling the whole business or only a part of it? Are you selling the...

  • "Celebrate Freedom"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Jul 1, 2015

    July fourth is Independence Day. All across U.S.A. people will celebrate the tremendous freedom we enjoy. Truly we are blessed! We who know Jesus Christ as our Savior have another kind of freedom to celebrate. We are free from the bondage of our sin and death. I Corinthians 15:3-4 gives a concise picture of the freedoms we have in Christ. “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that He was buried, a...

  • Standardization/ Evaluation: Training's Evil Twin

    Robert Tate|Jun 1, 2015

    Because of the Germanwings Flight 9525 crash where the copilot Andreas Lubitz intentionally crashed his Airbus 320-200 into the French Alps killing all 150 people onboard, my previous Robservation focused on the aviation industry's need to develop and maintain robust selection and training programs. In addition to these two aspects, however, any organization that wants to succeed must also implement training's evil twin, Standardization/Evaluation. I say evil with tongue in cheek, but...

  • The Time Is Now To Voice Support For Our Law enforcement!

    Dr. David Nichols|Jun 1, 2015

    As we approach the summer of 2015 it is significant to know, as research studies show, that violent crimes occur at a higher rate in the summer season than any other season. There is a current heightened dissatisfaction and anger among some individuals, groups and communities across America toward law enforcement officers. Distain, threats and acts of violence against police have existed for decades whether it is state, county, district, municipality, university or other special police jurisdict...

  • If Increased Taxes & Monopoly Power Are The Answer: What's The Question?

    John Sophocleus|Jun 1, 2015

    Alabama Foundation for Limited Government (AFLG) President John Rice launched another campaign last month in opposition of Speaker Mike Hubbard’s (facing 23 felony indictments) plans to raise taxes on Alabamians and further promote Poarch Creek Indians’ gambling monopoly power. For those who may not know, Mr. Rice is a former State Representative and Senator with a long established record of opposing unnecessary tax increases to support deleterious government expansion. Many consider Rice the...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Jun 1, 2015

    This has been an eventful year. Thousands of tourists have flocked to Alabama to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery March for Civil and Voting Rights. The events that happened in Alabama spurred the enactment of the landmark acts that broke down the legal barriers prohibiting African Americans from voting in the South. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made it unlawful to discriminate based on race. It was followed up the next year with the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that...

  • Case Under Submission?

    Judge Philip Dale Segrest|Jun 1, 2015

    For several months this column has focused on various causes of ineffectiveness of the legal system. Most recently we dealt with the extreme ineffectiveness and waste of time that is involved with grand juries in the State of Alabama. Before that we had focused on ineffectiveness that results from the economics of law practice. This column will continue the focus on reasons for ineffectiveness in the legal system. The judicial system itself has certain built in problems. Trial court judges are...

  • Refugee Resettlement or Homegrown Terrorism?

    Marcia Chambliss|Jun 1, 2015

    Many Americans have serious concerns about the vulnerability of our unsecured southern border and the danger it presents in allowing easy access to those who are determined to bring destruction on our nation. But while our attention is focused primarily on that southern border, little notice is paid to a federal program that may well be allowing those with evil intent into our country via legal and taxpayer-funded means. The Refugee Resettlement/Asylum Program has existed with relatively little...

  • "Guard Your Heart"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Jun 1, 2015

    God is constantly trying to plant new seeds of victory in YOU…and your heart is the soil from which those seeds will grow. However, if you harbor bitterness, jealousy, or pride in your hart, those seeds will not be able to take root and develop in your life. Proverbs 4:23 reminds us, “Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flows the springs of life.” Jesus told the story of how the enemy comes to steal the seed of God’s word through temptat...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|May 1, 2015

    May 6, 2015: There is an ominous cloud hanging over this legislative session. Last year the U.S. Supreme Court surprisingly agreed to hear a Hail Mary complaint filed by the black legislative caucus over the 2014 redistricting plan. In an even more surprising opinion, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the complainants and remanded the case back to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals instructing the lower court to tell the legislature to try again. The super majority Republican legislature fully...

  • What Are The Types Of Lawyers?

    Ron Holtsford|May 1, 2015

    United States lawyers or attorneys practice in many areas such as insurance defense, consumer issues, elder law, social security, admiralty, estate planning, bankruptcy, tax, business entities, criminal, health law, military, divorce, adoption, probate, immigration, government related and many other areas. As a guess there are probably more than forty or so practice areas. Additionally, beyond the Juris Doctorate (JD) degree or older LL.B (Bachelor of Laws), attorneys may seek a Master of Laws...

  • Cry Wolf Syndrome

    Marcia Chambliss|May 1, 2015

    A recent opinion piece from James Spann, Chief Meteorologist for ABC 33/40 in Birmingham regarding severe weather explored the various reasons that Alabamians fail to heed the warnings of approaching dangerous storms. Based on meteorologists’ collaboration with social scientists studying why there was such a tremendous loss of life from the April 27, 2011 tornadoes despite the timely warnings of that day, Spann relates that he learned many things. Given that my interest leans towards all t...

  • Another Episode of Bob & Mike Show:

    John Sophocleus|May 1, 2015

    In our current episode 'as the corruption churns' in the Heart of Dixie, Big Daddy Bob and step-child Mike Boulevard are having a spat over inability to pay future legal bills without Daddy's help. Seems as serial felony indictments proceed through the process, Mr. Boulevard is having trouble acquiring more unsecured loans and contributions as more political hacks discount the probability he can retain his ‘Spender of the House’ position as auctioneer of future theft from taxpayers. Sad to wit...

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