The people's voice of reason


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  • LET'S TALK ABOUT. . . .

    Robert Tate|Feb 1, 2016

    Hey, folks. Happy New Year to all. I hope everybody had a great Christmas season. But a lot has happened already this year so let’s get started. Let’s talk about. . . 1. Sexual Assaults in Germany: Okay, I admit. This one really angers me. Since this news broke, I have asked a couple of dozen people about this story and almost none of them had heard about it. Apparently, on New Year’s Eve, in six German cities, groups of “refugees” and “asylum seekers” thought it would be nice to pester, annoy...

  • Primary Candidates – Which Team Do They Represent?

    Marcia Chambliss|Feb 1, 2016

    An article appeared on prior to the College Football Championship game that spoke to me on a level beyond football and rivalries, as a political analogy came wrapped up in a piece regarding the football team of my beloved alma mater’s fight for a national championship title. The article was written prior to the championship game and outlined the mission of this year’s team while giving some insight as to how they overcame an early season loss to battle back for a shot at the title. One...


    John Martin|Feb 1, 2016

    WACV Talk Radio, I asked Montgomery Mayor Todd Strange what he was going to do about removing the obnoxious red light cameras from the city. His answer was very blunt, “Nothing.” In fact, he even announced that he had plans to install some more. Why? Does Mayor Strange understand that they do essentially nothing to improve safety? Apparently not. But he obviously knows that they generate a great deal of revenue by legalized piracy. This is especially true when yellow lights are timed so sho...

  • The Graftmaster Two-Step: Hubbard 'Doe-See-Does' with Rogers…

    John Sophocleus|Feb 1, 2016

    Recent reader comments suggest last year’s columns were more ‘watchdog-like’ than opinin’. After assuring commenters my goal remains to evoke thought as established by the assigned “THINK” moniker, I’m asked who I consider the most effective watchdogs in our State. My ‘big three from A to Z’ dogs include Bill Britt’s courageous reporting on ethics violations, John Rice’s anti-corruption efforts via the Alabama Foundation for Limited Government (AFLG) and ‘waste cutter’ Jim Ziegler’s accomplishm...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Feb 1, 2016

    February 3, 2016: There are a good many stories about elections of the 1940’s and 50’s where vote were bought and elections stolen. The most brazen and blatant stealing of an election occurred in the 1948 race for the U.S. Senate in Texas. The players were Coke Stevenson versus Lyndon B. Johnson. Therefore, it can also be classified as one of the most relevant robberies in American history because if Johnson had lost, as he was supposed to, it would have dramatically impacted U.S. history. Coke...

  • What legal reason did the United States government give for taking Arlington, the home of Robert E. Lee during the War Between the States?

    Ron Holtsford|Feb 1, 2016

    What legal reason did the United States government give for taking Arlington, the home of Robert E. Lee during the War Between the States? This is an appropriate question considering the State of Alabama just celebrated General Lee’s birthday as a State holiday in January. Since the introduction of Martin Luther King’s birthday as a Federal holiday it has been conjoined with General Lee’s birthday holiday. The construction of Arlington House began in 1802, by George Washington Parke Custis. When...

  • 1. 29 Opinion Polls

    Judge Philip Dale Segrest|Feb 1, 2016

    It seems like every time I answer the phone these days it is a new opinion poll. The pollsters have even gotten into cell phones. I probably receive at least twelve or fifteen such calls each week. The calls are intrusive and excessive. The benefits arising from the overburden of surveys is highly questionable. The problems facing government these days are highly complex, to say the least. Most of us have our hands full simply dealing with the problems that confront us in daily life. So what is...

  • My Kids and Television

    Hector Oswaldo Chavez|Feb 1, 2016

    A survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that more than four out of five parents are concerned that their children are exposed to too much televised drama, sex and violence -- yet millions of youngsters are still enthusiastically watching hours of TV daily, with little or no supervision. That's unsettling news for clinicians and medical professionals alike. American children spend an average of six hours each day watching TV or using other media devices . That's more time than they devote...

  • "New Beginnings"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Feb 1, 2016

    A friend recently shared this with me and it really blessed me. So, I thought I’d share it with you. Here is a NEW way to look at John 3:16 and remember that it was written as GOD’s Valentine to the world, and to you and me! Jesus said: "For God so loVed the world That He gAve His onLy BegottEn SoN That whosoever Believes In Him Shall Not perish, But have Everlasting life." Happy Valentine’s Day & Many Blessings!...

  • Discerning Voters Desperately Needed

    Marcia Chambliss|Jan 1, 2016

    It's a New Year yet, once again, very little has changed in the world of politics. While most of the nation was celebrating the birth of our Savior and spending time with family and friends, our elected "public servants" ended the year with outrageous spending authorizations that will burden our children and grandchildren for decades to come, and further increase the debt that is in the process of destroying our nation. Keep in mind that this authorization also funds almost everything the Obama...


    Robert Tate|Jan 1, 2016

    Here I sit, shaking my head. Next year cannot come too soon for me. That is, next year’s presidential election. It has hard for me to fathom the level of mediocrity that emanates from within this administration. It has become a continuous procession of buffoonery that is only topped by the sheer impossibility that such actions should ever occur. I am not even going to talk about Benghazi because there is still too much information that has been hidden, covered, expunged or whatever you want t...

  • Congress' Festive Omnibus Bill: 2015

    John Sophocleus|Jan 1, 2016

    Some have said my columns have become too angry, too much serious reporting, etc. instead of Sophocleus opinin' so I thought I'd lighten things up with a poem about the current holiday season: Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the House, All the liberals were stirring, while conservatives groused. The wish lists were hung on the approps bill with care, In hopes that Obama would bless it with flair. The Members were nestled all smug in their heads, While visions of donors danced...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Jan 1, 2016

    January 13, 2016: Last week we discussed the presidential race. The GOP race for the nomination has been one of the most illuminating in history. Never before have political novices been the frontrunners. It is obvious that voters prefer an outsider with no governmental experience. Donald Trump and Ben Carson would both be considered outsiders, both lacking in political experience and skills and Trump lacking tact. No matter what they say or the amateurish blunders they make they doggedly cling...

  • Some Children Do Need Psychotropic Medication

    Hector Oswaldo Chavez|Jan 1, 2016

    I would like to discuss the current trend I am seeing as a clinician in regards to medication not being prescribed to children with mental health concerns. In these same cases, the primary care doctor and/or psychiatrist refused to medicate a child after therapeutic interventions have been tried for several months with little or no success, and have been short-lived due to the fact that the child had not stabilized from symptomatology of a classifiable DSM-5 diagnoses. As a result, the child...


    Judge Philip Dale Segrest|Jan 1, 2016

    In September and October, I wrote articles describing the dangers that are inherent in corporate America’s ability to impose arbitration on the consuming public. I pointed out that the power of dispute resolution is vested in the courts and that when dispute resolution is privatized, the public is deprived of its right to know. On December 14, 2015, the United States Supreme Court decided the case of DIRECTV v. Imburgia, which deals with arbitration. DIRECTV had entered into a contract with all...

  • Do I need to think about any legal issues for the New Year?

    Ron Holtsford|Jan 1, 2016

    Without specifics about yourself I’ll make this answer generic in a personal and in a business sense. I’m presume you looked at your financial estate planning (401k, mutual funds, stocks and bonds, life insurance, etc) and as you do you also think about your legal estate planning. After all you are a year older; you may have gotten married, had a new child, had a child reach the age of majority (19 years), gotten divorced or suffered the death of a spouse or even a child. Your financial est...

  • "New Beginnings"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Jan 1, 2016

    Before us stretches a new year, a new beginning. The old is past, put away forever. God invites us always to forget about all the distrust and fears, all the anxieties of the past, all the resentments we have been holding against others, all the grudges, all the criticisms--to put them away and begin again. The question that hovers over us as we close this book is….on what basis am I going to live in this new year? Will it be on the old basis of it-all- depends-on-me, do-it-yourself goodness bef...

  • "Rise Above"

    Marcia Chambliss|Dec 1, 2015

    Writing about politics is rarely encouraging. In fact, I've been at a crossroads for a few weeks and admit I have been struggling with putting words to paper. When asked to contribute monthly to The Alabama Gazette in October 2010, I was incredibly honored that someone considered my thoughts and words worthy of print. Initially, writing was somewhat easy because there was so much to discuss – so many battles to fight – so many people who fervently believed we could reverse the political cou...

  • Do the Pastafarians ridicule the First Amendment?

    Ron Holtsford|Dec 1, 2015

    So what in the world is a Pastafarian? The Pastafarians “worship” the Flying Spaghetti Monster and their “church” may also be referred to as the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. It seems in 2005, that a Bobby Henderson wrote a letter to the Kansas State Board of Education complaining about their decision to teach intelligent design/ creationism in addition to evolution. In his letter he argues against intelligent design and said that any time a scientist carbon dates any object that a...


    Robert Tate|Dec 1, 2015

    A lot has happened since my last Robservation. The Paris terrorist attacks, the Russian airline shoot down, the increasing concern over Syrian refugees coming to the States, President Obama's pathetic, sad and disgusting speech in Turkey, Rhonda Rousey getting knocked out, you name it. I want to touch on them just a little. 1. Russian airliner shot down: Not much to say here. Russia has finally admitted that their plane was brought down by a terrorist attack and yes, Vladmir Putin is pretty...

  • UNplanned Parenthood:

    John Sophocleus|Dec 1, 2015

    Most Gazette readers require no reminder of the ‘unplanned’ birth of Jesus we venerate during the Christmas season. Matthew 1:18-20 explains Joseph’s love for Mary and belief in God was so strong he followed the angel’s instructions to continue the betrothed course and not quietly divorce Mary as she was indeed bringing the Son of God into this world. Fewer readers may be familiar with US District Court Judge Myron Thompson’s recent Planned Parenthood ruling further assaulting the civil rig...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Dec 1, 2015

    November 25, 2015: Last week I gave you an alphabetical list of the 18 potential horses in the 2018 Alabama Gubernatorial Derby. We will begin this week handicapping them in descending order. The Number 18 horse is current Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard. We will know whether the beleaguered Speaker of the House will remain in the derby by next March. He is on trial in Lee County. A grand jury indicted him over a year ago on 23 felony counts of ethics law violations. If he is convicted on any...

  • Faith: Consensus Reality

    Judge Philip Dale Segrest|Dec 1, 2015

    Faith is what we really and truly believe. It performs some remarkable functions that do not depend on its ties to religion. All of us believe that we exist in a physical environment on the face of the earth and that by observation we can come to understand that environment. We take for granted that the objects that surround us have names and that there are words that we can use to identify and describe them. Because we live in a social environment in with others who share those same words and...

  • "Jesus Is The Reason For The Season! Rejoice!"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Dec 1, 2015

    It's that time of year again. December has come and with it all the joys of Christmas. But what is the real meaning of Christmas? Is it the gifts under the tree, the lights in the windows, the cards in the mail, turkey dinners with family and friends, snow in the yard, stockings hanging in the living room, and shouts of "Merry Christmas" to those who pass us in the streets? Is this really Christmas? For many people, Christmas is a time of sorrow. They don't have the extra money to buypresents...

  • Consequences of Participation Trophy America

    Marcia Chambliss|Nov 1, 2015

    I can still hear my father’s wise words from my youth, typically shared because of some school-related disappointment that I’m not sure I now even remember. Perhaps it was the failure to make the tennis team, cheerleader selection or any number of rejections that many children encounter daily because someone is either more talented or better qualified to receive the accolades. Compassion was expressed as well as encouragement to either work harder and smarter to attain that particular goal or...

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