The people's voice of reason


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  • Beware of the Hildabeast

    John Martin|Nov 1, 2016

    In the 2008 Presidential election, the people of America granted immense power to one of the most dangerous men in the world. In 2012, they re-elected him. Now after almost eight years of treasonous treachery, the Great Traitor and his minions have saddled us with a catastrophic, outrageously expensive, unsustainable health care burden, needless war-mongering and meddling in the Middle East killing thousands of people and making new enemies, releasing dangerous terrorists from GITMO while...

  • "Putting the "Thanks" in Thanksgiving"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Nov 1, 2016

    With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I thought I’d share a real thanks-giving story that I recently heard with you… An old pastor and his wife invited a new young couple in the church over for Thanksgiving dinner. As the couple entered the home, they smelled the wonderful turkey and all the trimmings in the kitchen. As the four made their way to the dining room table, there was a great feast before them! But as the young wife scanned the table, she noticed something out of place. Amo...


    Robert Tate|Oct 1, 2016

    Deplorable: Causing or being a subject for grief or regret; lamentable; causing or being a subject for censure, reproach, or disapproval; wretched; very bad. Irredeemable: Not able to be saved, improved, or corrected. “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic --you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them u...

  • Meet the NEW Rep; Same as the OLD Rep...

    john|Oct 1, 2016

    Special election Candidate Lovvorn avoided a runoff, exceeding the 50% threshold by 13 votes via another low turnout poll result for House District 79. A dismal 12% of voters participated this time, only three quarters of the 16% participation when felon Hubbard was reinstalled last time. Little surprise the big money candidate anointed by Hubbard, et al wanting 'bidness as usual' [] to keep the graft churning in the former...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Oct 1, 2016

    During this election year I have watched all the politics on television. In order to judge the coverage I have perused all the channels. Over the years political observers have bemoaned the fact that certain networks are biased. Folks, I am here to tell you they are. There is no doubt Fox is a Republican channel and MSNBC and CNN are Democratic networks. George Wallace used to strut around the country running for president as a third party candidate rhetorically saying there ain’t a dimes w...

  • My husband is beginning to show signs of dementia, maybe even Alzheimer's. What type things should I do to prepare us should he become incapacitated?

    Ron Holtsford|Oct 1, 2016

    I think that you are doing the hardest thing and the best thing for your husband and yourself by facing this right now. When our loved ones are faced with such devastating diseases it’s easier to not face it and believe they will improve. Being proactive will have you prepared. First I will advise that you visit an attorney that can assist you with estate planning. The three basic documents that your husband will need (and you) are a Last Will and Testament, Power of Attorney and an Advance D...

  • Shining the Light

    Marcia Chambliss|Oct 1, 2016

    I recently had an extremely unwelcome evening encounter with danger at our home as living in a rural setting almost guarantees that one will at some point have an experience with some of God’s creations that are most unfriendly to humans. Our barn is typically where I am at highest alert and admit that I had become a bit too complacent regarding the possibility of poisonous snakes close to our front door. I had taken a bit of care a few months ago as we had killed a few baby rattlers last y...

  • The Terrible Amazon Tax

    John Martin|Oct 1, 2016

    As years go by, politicians never cease to stoop lower and lower to scheme up new ways to milk more money from the people and place numerous additional roadblocks into the American economy. One of the newest targets for government ripoffs, of course, is the internet. Up until now, it has been a bastion of free-market success, where people and corporations, both large and small, have equal opportunities to make the best of a world-wide market. Anyone who claims to know Constitutional law should...

  • "The Master's Autumn Masterpiece"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Oct 1, 2016

    Ahhhh....Fall! The Fall Season is upon us. I have always been a big fan of Spring and Summer, but not especially fond of Fall and Winter. However, lately I have changed. I think it is something about those leaves of red, orange, yellow, brown, and burgundy. And, the crispness in the air as temperatures begin to cool down. As I enjoy my morning cup of hot tea on my back porch and gaze upon the nature around me, I am reminded that God is the best artist in the world...for only He can create such...

  • Bits and Pieces; Pt.5

    Robert Tate|Sep 1, 2016

    Sitting here on vacation, there are so many things going on but today I only want to cover two items for now. There are sunny beaches to see so here goes. 1. The Olympics: First of all, after all the negative press about Rio before the games began, I did enjoy watching the Olympics on television for the past two weeks; for the most part. After all, during the games only one severed arm washed up in the Olympic bay, only one mugger was shot dead by a Russian diplomat and after only a week, the gr...


    John Martin|Sep 1, 2016

    For many years, I have wondered about the procedures employers use to select applicants who apply for jobs. The first qualifications that come to mind are education and experience—presumably the more of each, the better. From my observations, employers like to see resumes that have a complete list of previous employment, with exact dates and other trivia, with no gaps, going all the way back to high school or earlier. Other qualifications, like talent, honesty, dependability, health, and o...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Sep 1, 2016

    With Labor Day approaching it signifies that the long hot summer will soon be coming to an end. It seems that the summers are getting hotter and hotter. I was born and raised in south Alabama so I was accustomed to long hot summers. I remember when there was no air conditioning in houses or cars. It was hot, but seems hotter today. I think we have gotten softer. It also seems that we do not have the spring or fall seasons anymore. All of a sudden one day in mid May it is 86 degrees and it never...

  • Where is the fine line between government and religion where one does not encroach upon the other?

    Ron Holtsford|Sep 1, 2016

    That is a great question and to be honest I think you will receive various answers even among Constitutional attorneys. To begin to try to find that line, it must start with the plain language of the Constitution. While religion is not per se addressed within the body of the main Constitution, religion is addressed within the First Amendment. Many people think about the Constitution’s First Amendment only having to do with free speech but it also includes two sections about religion. The F...

  • Continuing Despite Our Discouragement

    Marcia Chambliss|Sep 1, 2016

    Our nation is less than 90 days away from electing the next president of our United States of America, although “united” seems to be a misnomer with the divisive political and cultural elements at work in our nation. This certainly has not been the presidential cycle I anticipated nor is it one that persuades me to think that the result in November will heal our wounds and place our nation on a corrected path to fiscal solvency. Regardless of the outcome, limited constitutional government will t...

  • I am alone ( Depression)

    Hector Oswaldo Chavez|Sep 1, 2016

    Feeling down from time to time is a normal part of life, but when emotions such as hopelessness and despair take hold and just won't go away, you may have depression. Depression makes it tough to complete daily task from eating to taking a shower to going to work. But no matter how hopeless you feel, you can get better. Learning about depression-and the many things you can do to help yourself-is the first step to overcoming the problem. What is depression? Depression is a common and...

  • From the desk of Mayor Jerry Willis

    Mayor Jerry Willis|Sep 1, 2016

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank the citizens of Wetumpka for re-electing me as your mayor for four more years. Your confidence in me is humbling and I will continue to work hard to make Wetumpka the best it can be. I enter these next four years with excitement for Wetumpka’s future. We have a tremendous number of projects we are working on and more coming our way. We hope to announce these new opportunities in the next few months as well as beginning phase 2 of the downtown r...

  • "Find Rest in the Lord"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Sep 1, 2016

    It’s September! And, Labor Day in the United States is upon us. It is a day known for taking a break from work. For most Americans, it means family BBQs, swimming, beach/lake fun, shopping, or camping. Labor Day traditionally marks the end of summer. It also typically means back to school and back to football season. Woo Hoo! War Eagle and Roll Tide from my house-hold divided!! Ha-Ha! “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 Before we know it, C...

  • The Complex World of Military Planning

    Robert Tate|Aug 1, 2016

    Last week after the mass murders in Nice, France, I called into a local talk radio show. When beginning to discuss the topic, I was asked if I “had the answer” to the attacks and threats that are coming at us at an increasing pace. My answer was “no.” Without having all the requisite intelligence information, nobody can. It is impossible. The area of operational planning is far too complex and detailed to come up with an answer in a 30 second bite. When pressed for an answer, I again refused...

  • Hubbard False Witnesses:

    John Sophocleus|Aug 1, 2016

    I suspect most of my readers are familiar with the Decalogue. I felt compelled to include text below from Exodus 20 (KJV) to highlight how many of the Ten Commandments were trampled upon in Judge Walker’s Circuit court before sentencing the completely impenitent felon Hubbard. Observations of these false witnesses will be of little surprise to those able to identify modern Nimrods (who’ve made govt. their god) and their minions as blind servants to mammon with such disregard toward their own...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Aug 1, 2016

    Now that the national conventions are over and we have had a glimpse of what to expect in the upcoming fall presidential contest, let us turn our attention back to our good ole state politics. Even though we do not have any good state races this year, it does not mean that we have not had our share of political happenings. We have been so active that we have garnered national publicity. Let us reminisce and get you caught up on our soap opera, As the World Turns in Alabama Politics. As the year...

  • The Mark of the Beast

    John Martin|Aug 1, 2016

    “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark…And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” – Revelation 13: 16-17. Just how, exactly, does the mark of the beast relate to anything we do today in everyday living? Most people need some help comprehending it. But the answer is simple. It’s a nasty little government practice called licensure. Are you self-employed? Do you own or op...

  • I Don't Understand Why I Should Not Use Internet Available Forms For My Will , Power of Attorney And Living Will; Lawyers Are Just Too Expensive!

    Ron Holtsford|Aug 1, 2016

    You will be surprised at how low the cost may be for estate planning. If you are pretty wealthy and will potentially require more complicated planning or even if you just have circumstances that require more complicated planning then yes your estate planning can run into the thousands of dollars. For the average adult, estate planning may only be a few hundred dollars. Does that still sound like a lot? Then consider if a Last Will and Testament is improperly done it may require an intestate...

  • ENGAGE 2016: A Religious Liberty Conference

    Marcia Chambliss|Aug 1, 2016

    Four years ago, I wrote a piece for The Alabama Gazette that recalled the leadership from the pulpits of the Black Robed Regiment during the founding days of our nation, and how those courageous patriots, with great risk to their lives and property, defied the tyranny of King George with sermons to empower their congregations in the fight for liberty. At that time, I speculated as to why I believe ministers and pastors today are reluctant to speak out regarding the political issues that...

  • I Need to Support My Family Member and His or Her Recovery

    Hector Oswaldo Chavez|Aug 1, 2016

    1. Alcohol and drug free climate – One of the biggest indicator of long-term sobriety is whether or not the person of recovery has a substance free environment. In the beginning stages of recovery loved ones can assist the recovery process by removing any triggers for the person dealing with the addiction. 2. Actively listen – One of the biggest things you can do for a family member working on sobriety is listen, don’t judge or be critical, and be available. 3. Encourage healthy lifes...

  • From the Mayors desk

    Mayor Jerry Willis|Aug 1, 2016

    As the summer winds down and we all prepare for school to begin, I can’t help but wonder how time goes by so fast. I remember just writing about the Christmas events in Wetumpka and now, here we are reflecting on the events of the summer. The intense heat didn’t damper any of our events and we once again brought thousands of people to Wetumpka. The 4th of July was fun for the entire family with the band Wishbone’s performance to the activities for the children. A few weeks later, we hoste...

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