The people's voice of reason


Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 1234

  • BREAKING NEWS: Our National Bullet Dodge

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    President Trump, and America, dodged a bullet Saturday. While speaking before an estimated crowd of 15,000 in Pennsylvania, President Donald J. Trump was shot and wounded in the right ear. Video shows him grabbing his ear, then ducking behind the podium for cover as the Secret Service rushed to cover him. He then stood up, ordered the Secret Service to “wait, wait, wait,” then turned to the crowd, raised his fist defiantly, signaled he was okay, and said what appeared to be “Fight! Fight! Fight...

  • The Resumption Clauses

    John M Taylor|Jul 1, 2024

    The discordant views in modern America mirror much of the animosity of the 1700s and 1800s. Unfortunately, there is presently a dearth of individuals who possess the wisdom and historical perspective of the Founding generation. The great secession document known as the Declaration of Independence spelled out the colonies’ grievances and asserted the God-given right of representative government. Many in Great Britain viewed colonial secession as treasonous since the colonies were part of an e...

  • "Working for Alabama" Legislation is Monumental

    Steve Flowers|Jul 1, 2024

    As former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Sam Rayburn once said, and I’ll paraphrase, “Any fool can kick down a barn, but it takes a good carpenter to build one.” In our political landscape today, from Washington, D.C. down, we have plenty of folks kicking down barns, but not nearly enough carpenters building them. During the most recent legislative session, the legislature passed a package of bills called “Working for Alabama,” which is a prime example of building good, effective...

  • Bits and Pieces #21

    Robert Tate|Jul 1, 2024

    I must admit, this is becoming an almost monthly event. With so much going on and so many topics to cover, it has become increasingly difficult to write about a single topic. As you can see, this month’s contribution is no different. So, let’s get started. 1. The toughest job in the country. Let there be no doubt, there are dozens of difficult jobs. Jobs that tax bodies physically and that drain the mind and soul spiritually. But as I watch the news, I have come to believe that there is one job...

  • What has been the controversy regarding the gun accessory, the bump stock?

    Ron Holtsford|Jul 1, 2024

    The use of automatic weapons when fighting an opponent can cause great fear in that opponent who may only be able to return fire each time the trigger to a weapon is pulled by the finger. An automatic weapon or machinegun can by definition fire multiple rounds with a single pull of a trigger by a finger or single finger engagement of the trigger. Firing a semi-automatic weapon is hard enough when you have a fair amount of control, especially a handgun at anything greater than close range....


    Col. John Eidsmoe|Jul 1, 2024

    Many today know the name of Samuel Adams more for ale and pubs than for American history. But Thomas Jefferson said of him, “I always considered him as more than any other member [of Congress] the fountain of our important measures.” Preparing his first inaugural address, Jefferson recalled, “I often asked myself, is this exactly in the spirit of the patriarch of liberty, Samuel Adams?” Encyclopedia Brittanica says Sam Adams “did more than any other American to arouse opposition against E...

  • Argentina's Miracle Worker

    John Martin|Jul 1, 2024

    Back in 2018, I wrote an article about Zimbabwe when it was poised to become blessed with a great economic recovery. In 2008, Tendai Biti became finance minister, and in a 30 minute speech, he announced the end of essentially all government interference in the economy. He treated Zimbabwe to instant free markets. Regulations, licensure, import permits, and exchange and price controls all went out the window. In 2009, Biti replaced his country’s worthless hyperinflated dollars with U.S. d...

  • Ballot Box v. Jury Box

    John Sophocleus|Jul 1, 2024

    Those familiar with Alabama’s rigged duopoly election results understand Jury Box removal of corrupt politicians (re)installed via uncompetitive Ballot Boxes. Highly restrictive ballot access laws, hyper-gerrymandered districts, poor voter turnout with week open records laws, buttressed by our unresponsive ethics commission make our State ripe for a higher incidence of attempted Jury Box discipline with election results so unrepresentative of the population. Well seasoned, righteous p...

  • Five Hundred Years Ago, Peasants in Central Europe Revolted Against Their Overlords.

    Justice Will Sellers|Jul 1, 2024

    Inspired by the Protestant Reformation and Martin Luther’s confrontation with church hierarchy, peasants staged an insurrection which challenged the socioeconomic order. This revolt would have a lasting impact on Europe and set the stage for future conflicts between the elite aristocracy and the growing middle class. In 1524, the strata of society was organized according to land: its ownership, its use and ultimately, its profitability. The various plagues that decimated Europe in the past c...

  • Tears & Laughter: The power of a pound cake

    Amanda Walker|Jul 1, 2024

    Southern women especially I think know how to talk cookery. Take the pound cake. Three times in the past week I have been involved in conversations about pound cakes. And that's not to ignore the chats about tomatoes fresh from the vine, or about new potatoes, or about running beans in early summer. There is hardly a shortage of recipes for pound cake. Church cookbooks and community cookbooks always offer several. The variety stemming perhaps from women using ingredients they had on hand. The...

  • "Trust in God"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Jul 1, 2024

    What if I told you the devil's goal wasn't for you to follow him? It's a crazy thought, right? I had this realization the other day when I was asking how anyone could follow the devil versus follow God. It seems like such an easy decision, but I realized that devil's goal isn't for you to follow him. The devil’s goal is for you to follow yourself. It's for you to truly believe in yourself so much that you will follow your own way and your own desires. And even say that you do not need God and y...

  • Biden's Dam Is About To Burst

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    My, what a difference a few days makes! It seems like just yesterday Joe Biden's defenders were continuing to insist that he was fine. The campaign was trumpeting the $27 million he'd raised since the debate, and after all, no serving Democrat had called for him to step down, had they? Then on Tuesday, Representative Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) became the first Democrat to formally call for Biden to bow out. "Recognizing that unlike Trump, President Biden's first commitment has always been to our...

  • We are the Beacon of Hope Celebrating the Spirit of Independence

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jul 1, 2024

    As we gather to celebrate the 4th of July, our hearts swell with pride and gratitude for the freedoms we cherish in this great nation. Despite the challenges and political climate we face, we must remember that the United States of America remains a beacon of hope and the best country in the world. This is a time to reflect on the extraordinary legacy of our nation and the exceptional spirit that has guided us through times of trial and triumph. From its inception, America has been a land of...

  • The Summer Of Our Discontent

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    Now is the summer of our discontent Made peaceful protest by the SCOTUS rule And all the clouds that lour’d upon the DNC In the deep bosom of The Narrative buried. Now are our brows bound with declining polls; Our clenched fists thrust up ‘gainst monuments; Our stern tweets charged with merry threats, Our dreadful marches to delightful looting. Apologies, Willie. In my defense, Richard III would feel right at home in Washington these days, and this long, hot summer is just beginning. From the...

  • Trump Dominates Debate 90 Minute Senior Moment for Biden

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jul 1, 2024

    What we witnessed in this debate was nothing short of a political masterclass by President Trump and a disaster of Biblical proportions by Biden. Despite the deck being stacked against him, former President Donald Trump obliterated Joe Biden, who had spent the last seven days holed up in Camp David with sixteen advisors, meticulously prepped and rehearsed to the hilt. If this had been a heavy weight fight President Trump would have bee awarded a technical knockout 15 minutes into the debate. If...

  • The Kabuki Debate

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    Who had “12 minutes” in the betting pool for when old Joe would have his first mental gear-stripping in the debate? You won! The only real question I had before the debate was whether the Dems would send in a Stunt Biden, or if Joe’s medical team could create a Frankensteinian aberration of modern medical science capable of mimicking a coherent, competent, fully functioning human from the doddering dementoid that currently serves as the sock puppet figurehead of these United States. They tried...

  • When In The Course…

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to tell their current government to go away and don't come back, it’s only fair those people tell the world exactly why they’re mad, what that government has done to annoy them, exactly why the government sucks, and precisely why said government needs to go find some other continent to plunder. I’m paraphrasing, of course, but not by much, because that’s what the Declaration really is—a laundry list of complaints and griev...

  • Why Can't America Get Elections Right?

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jul 1, 2024

    The UK just wrapped up an election, and guess what? They managed to count the votes the same day, the Prime Minister conceded that night, and today, the next day, there is a clean transfer of power. No drama, no chaos, no endless counting, no mysterious “late-night” ballot drops. So, why can’t the United States, the leader of the free world, get its act together when it comes to elections? First, let us talk about efficiency. The UK managed their election like a well-oiled machine. The votes...

  • This is not just an attack on a man; it's an attack on everything we stand for as Americans.

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jul 1, 2024

    I have outrage burning in my heart and a fire in my soul. President Donald J. Trump, a true patriot and relentless fighter for our great nation, has just survived an assassination attempt. This is not just an attack on a man; it’s an attack on everything we stand for as Americans. This was not just a bullet aimed at President Trump; it was a bullet aimed at every single one of us who believes in the values of freedom, justice, and the American way of life. In typical Biden hate filled r...

  • The Alabama Republican Party is heartbroken by today's attack on President Donald Trump.

    John Wahl, Alabama Republican Party Chairman|Jul 1, 2024

    "The Alabama Republican Party is heartbroken by today's attack on President Donald Trump. This disgraceful act of violence has no place in our society and is an attack on the very principles of freedom and liberty. We stand in unwavering support of President Trump, his family, and the others injured and killed in this senseless act of violence. Our thoughts and prayers are with them during this tragedy. "As a society, we must come together and reaffirm our commitment to civility, respect, and...

  • Roads Important and Political

    Steve Flowers|Jun 1, 2024

    Many of you took to the roads to travel over Memorial Day. I am sure this resulted in rumblings and discourses about the deplorable conditions of Alabama’s roads. Most of you, if you went anywhere, had to travel on I-65. Most Alabamians live along the I-65 corridor. I-65 is approximately 366 miles from the Tennessee-Alabama line to Mobile. It is a nightmare. I can attest to the frustration of being stuck on this highway. I travel on I-65 from Montgomery to Birmingham at least 100 times a y...

  • Bits and Pieces #20

    Robert Tate|Jun 1, 2024

    1. Harrison Butker: By now, I am sure all of you have heard of the controversy over Kansas City Chiefs kicker, Harrison Butker, and his commencement speech that he gave at Benedictine College last week. It is amazing to me how much hate his speech has brought out. This is especially true of our forever tolerant and woke lunatics on the left. It is hard to understand so much misplaced and unchanneled anger. Whenever something like this comes up, and it always does, my suggestion is not to listen...


    Col. John Eidsmoe|Jun 1, 2024

    Abortion supporters generally shy away from Scripture, because numerous Bible passages demonstrate that the preborn child is a human person. But grasping at straws, they sometimes point to two passages that they think support the pro-abortion (I will not use the term pro-choice, because the baby isn’t given a choice) position. They cite Genesis 2:7, claiming that this passage proves that life begins at birth rather than at conception, and Exodus 21:22-25, claiming that this passage proves t...

  • Jefferson Davis, Federalism, and Consensual Government

    John M Taylor|Jun 1, 2024

    In the modern world, we are encouraged to demonize certain individuals and idolize others. For years, those who control the narrative have promoted Abraham Lincoln as an individual to be admired and, sometimes even lionized. As a proponent of centralized power and government/corporate partnerships, Lincoln had and still has many like-minded supporters. Lincoln has also been lauded for his role in ending slavery despite the fact he supported the Corwin Amendment, favored colonization most of his...

  • America's Greatest Gold Heist

    John Martin|Jun 1, 2024

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt was one of several ruthless U. S. presidents who has been grossly overated by numerous historisns. If his ratings had been based on the quantity of his actions, they could be considered correct, but based on the devastating harm that he did to our nation much of the time, they were very, very wrong. In fact, if we wanted to rank our presidents correctly, with rare exceptions, the best ones were the ones who did the least—who refused to tamper with our constitution a...

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