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For those not in total denial, it is difficult to avoid burning eyes from the proverbial smoke surrounding Auburn. Two revealing articles [11/11/14 and 8/27/15] in the Wall Street Journal, considered the most prestigious national newspaper in the world by some, reported a local contractor with connections to Auburn's athletics director Jay Jacobs was somehow able to buy large quantities of football tickets to high demand games - including the 2013 Iron Bowl. Many see this exacerbating the...
When a politician keeps a campaign promise, it is generally regarded as a pleasant surprise. But, when that promise is to dramatically increase electricity bills, breaking that promise will not disappoint many people. When he first campaigned for president, Barack Obama said that due to his energy policies, electricity bills would “necessarily skyrocket.” In August of this year, Obama made good on his promise as his Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) unveiled its latest overreaching reg...
The Autauga County Sheriff's Office participated in the Autauga County Fair held October 13-17, 2015 at Mac Gray Park in Prattville, AL. Each night employees of the Sheriff's Office, including Sheriff Joe Sedinger, maned our booth to speak with the public on any issues they might have and to pass out literature for all ages. The crowd enjoyed the times when McGruff the Crime Dog would make his appearance each evening of the fair. The Autauga County Sheriff's Office was presented with the first...
A Month to re-evaluate our society! Family Life ~ Health & Wellness ~ Our Faith ~ Commitments ~ Safety for our children! Teaching children that friendships are not a right and must be earned. The short and long-term consequences of being a bully. Teaching children ways to be a good friend. The importance of forgiveness, and how parents, teachers and guardians can act as role models. "The bully's point of view."...
Thomas Jefferson once wrote, “To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” This simple principle explains why I have fought alongside fellow pro-life colleagues for years to prohibit federal funding from going to organizations that perform abortions, including Planned Parenthood. Not everyone is pro-life like I am, but those who are should not be forced to have their tax dollars fund an org...
Animals gather under different and sometimes unusual names. There is the gaggle of geese, or the pride of lions. Many have heard of the herd of elephants or the covey of quail. Not quite so familiar to the reader might be a lounge of lizards or a smack of jellyfish. But what do you call a gathering of Eagles? The Tukabatchee Council of the Boy Scouts of America held its annual Convocation of Eagles Tuesday, September 15th at Trinity Presbyterian Church. The event recognizes those young men who...
As we recognize this 15th anniversary of 9/11 it is important to pay tribute to all of the agencies that work together to keep us secure as a nation, including the branch whose efforts we generally know least about-- the C.I.A. International intelligence agencies are absolutely vital in combating terrorism. As such, in the wake of September 11, 2001 many speculated as to whether the attacks on the World Trade Centers and Pentagon could have been thwarted had the C.I.A. merely fulfilled the bulk...
Maxwell Air Force Base is taking its reputation as the “Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force” to the next level as it expands into the realm of cyber warfare. U.S. Representatives Martha Roby and Mike Rogers, whose districts include parts of Montgomery, visited Maxwell on Friday for a briefing from Lt. Gen. Steve Kwast, Commander and President of Air University, on plans to establish the Air Force Cyber College on campus. Gen. Kwast’s vision for the new college is bringing the b...
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A bill to finally replace the "No Child Left Behind" education law passed the House Wednesday putting Congress one step closer to ending burdensome federal education mandates and returning more authority to the state and local level. H.R. 5, the Student Success Act, was approved by a vote of 218-213. U.S. Representative Martha Roby (R-AL), who strongly supports state and local control of education policy, praised the bill's passage. "This 'Washington knows best' approach to e...
As most of us are aware, the great recession wreaked havoc on the housing market all over the country. Even areas which had tended to be "recession proof" in the past suffered large losses in real estate values during the recession. In fact, according to, prices fell in the 20-city S&P Case-Shiller index for twenty-seven consecutive months. In October 2008 alone prices fell a staggering 18% across the index! But, today there is good news in the housing market in the River Region and...
[Stations: Interview-style video of Rep. Roby’s comments is available in broadcast-quality MPEG4 format at] WASHINGTON, D.C. - As the White House aggressively lobbies Members of Congress to support its nuclear agreement with Iran, more cracks in their arguments are being exposed, U.S. Representative Martha Roby (R-AL) said Thursday. Obama Administration officials are attempting to explain recent revelations o...
A special publication by the Alabama Gazette....
At the turn of the 20th century, Germany, historically a great land power, decided to challenge Britain to a naval arms race. It didn't end well. Now another traditional land power, China, is eager to make its own naval challenge, this time against the U.S. The question is whether Washington can deter China's ambitions before they develop a deadly strategic momentum. We write this after reading China's new military strategy, an English translation of which was published this week on the eve of...
America is still the greatest country in the World! Have a blessed 4th of July!...
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. House of Representatives recently voted to advance a bill setting strict parameters for how international trade negotiations are reviewed and ratified, sending a standalone Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill to the Senate. The House passed the same measure, but it was linked to a separate Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) bill that failed to pass when U.S. Representative Martha Roby (R-AL) and a majority of Republicans voted against it. Thursday, the House voted o...
The nation's two-decades-long crime decline may be over. Gun violence in particular is spiraling upward in cities across America. In Baltimore, the most pressing question every morning is how many people were shot the previous night. Gun violence is up more than 60% compared with this time last year, according to Baltimore police, with 32 shootings over Memorial Day weekend. May has been the most violent month the city has seen in 15 years. In Milwaukee, homicides were up 180% by May 17 over...
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montgomery's "Fighter Ace," Lt. Gen. Charles "Chick" Cleveland met with U.S. Representative Martha Roby (R-AL) and her staff on Wednesday, May 20. Gen. Cleveland and his fellow "Fighter Aces" were later honored with the Congressional Gold Medal in a special ceremony in the U.S. Capitol. Rep. Roby thanked Gen. Cleveland for graciously visiting and sharing stories about his service. "It was such an honor to have Gen. Cleveland in my office this morning. He was kind enough to s...
The question sounds almost silly (pardons to the submitting reader), but there are legal consequences of sorts and in many years gone by it was taken much more seriously in certain cases. Beginning with life insurance, the industry typically will not pay life insurance proceeds to beneficiaries in cases where someone has taken their own life within two years (may vary by company) of the policy being issued. So if anyone is so compelled to financially benefit their beneficiaries, they will have a...
A children's worker spoke to a group recently about innovative teaching. She said an intrepid Sunday School teacher brought fish sticks, a loaf of bread and a toaster oven to the class. She heated the fish and let the children slather them with ketchup. She then taught about Jesus feeding the 5000 with five loaves and two fish. His parents asked one little boy what he learned that day. "We learned about when Jesus fed the crowd with fish sticks and Wonder Bread!" he said. John is the only gospel...
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Eight C-130 aircraft will remain with the 908th Airlift Wing at Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base in Montgomery, according to recently released Air Force plans. The Air Force Report on C-130 Force Structure reinforces a temporary November 2012 decision not to move forward with a plan to transfer the aircraft away from unit. After scrutiny from Rep. Roby and other members of Alabama's Congressional Delegation, the Air Force elected not to transfer the existing aircraft as p...
The name Flakka comes from the Spanish word "flaca," which means "skinny girl." The drug is sold in other parts of the United States as "Gravel." The drug comes in the form of a white crystal (Gravel) or a pink crystal (Flakka) that is foul-smelling. Flakka can be snorted, swallowed, injected or vaped in an e-cigarette. While its effects are generally felt for three or four hours, they can continue for days. This new synthetic drug has increasingly been reported in Ohio, Texas, and several recen...
Something A Little Different I love watching the “Chopped” series on Food Network. How else are you going to learn to prepare an entree with a whole catfish, a bottle of cherry soda, broccoli and goat cheese? Some of the combinations the contestants make to prepare their dish at first sounds horrible. But most of the time it works. There is a time that a chef will be asked to cook from a Mystery Basket. To be successful, you need to think outside the box and be a master of the basics. Thinking o...
I was saddened to hear of Robert Schuller's passing last week. In his heyday he was a preacher to the nation, including many of the nation's leaders. Politicians and Hollywood celebrities came to be interviewed by him on TV, and he was the minister the family called to visit John Wayne when he lay on his deathbed. Schuller began his work in Southern California preaching at a drive-in theatre with the mantra, "Come as you are in the family car." Then he built the Crystal Cathedral--an all-glass...
- Good news: The House has passed a Budget Resolution that increased critical funding for national defense, a key budget component that I strongly pushed for in negotiations. For the last few months, we have been discussing ways to prevent devastating cuts to military funding known as sequestration from taking effect in the next fiscal year. As Congress began its negotiations for a Budget Resolution, I worked to build a bi-partisan coalition to support increased defense funding. It wasn’t a...
For obvious reasons, this will be my last War Between the States sesquicentennial column given Gen. Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox. The only one penned with greater despair was four years ago on First Blood and Treason in Baltimore. Massachusetts troops shown themselves eager to assemble in the sovereign State of Maryland (still in the voluntary Union at the time) uninvited by the Governor and/or Legislature of that State to kill and wound persons of Maryland. This made painfully clear...