The people's voice of reason


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  • Appomattox Sesquicentennial

    John Sophocleus|Apr 1, 2015

    For obvious reasons, this will be my last War Between the States sesquicentennial column given Gen. Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox. The only one penned with greater despair was four years ago on First Blood and Treason in Baltimore. Massachusetts troops shown themselves eager to assemble in the sovereign State of Maryland (still in the voluntary Union at the time) uninvited by the Governor and/or Legislature of that State to kill and wound persons of Maryland. This made painfully clear...

  • Deputy Dave Day

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Apr 1, 2015

    Deputy Dave Day will be here before you know it! Each year we celebrate Deputy Dave Day whereas children visit Dunbar-Ramer School and meet & greet with the Sheriff's Office mascot, Deputy Dave. Please bring your children out to see a different side of law enforcement. Many times children think law enforcement are bad people which couldn't be farther from the truth so we take this time each year to show our youth we are here to help and protect you and your family! Please come out and enjoy...

  • Southern Cuisine

    David Spooner|Apr 1, 2015

    My past articles have been about the role of family in Southern cooking, a little history of Southern Cuisine and the types of food and what ingredients were found in Southern cooking. A hodgepodge of different topics that were racing through my mind at the time. Also some Southern recipes for dishes that were and are still popular and some that aren't common in the everyday menus of people today. There are several topics that I will keep focusing on; the need to use the freshest ingredients...

  • No Homeland Funding without Prohibition on Amnesty Actions

    Rep. Martha Roby|Mar 15, 2015

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representative Martha Roby (R-AL) today voted against the Senate’s Homeland Security Appropriations Title because it did not contain language prohibiting funding from being used to implement President Obama’s unlawful actions on illegal immigration. “I could not support a Homeland Security Appropriations Title that does not prohibit funds for implementation of executive amnesty. Yes, the recent court action gives us some hope that the Judicial Branch will finally rein in...

  • Montgomery County Law

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Mar 15, 2015

    The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office would like to recognize one of our own, Corporal Jodie Woodfin, as an outstanding Investigator with our agency From the beginning of his tenure in Investigations, Corporal Woodfin has exceeded many of the expectations of a new Investigator. His work ethic and desire to help others has proven him to be a vital asset to our agency. In addition to solving numerous property crimes, Corporal. Woodfin has also worked directly and indirectly on several cases...

  • Southern Cuisine

    David Spooner|Mar 15, 2015

    I touched on the need for a stocked pantry in my last article. There have been books and websites about pantry stocking and I don't want to dwell too long on the subject. If you are starting out in a new apartment fresh from college, your pantry will be basic and mostly stocked with comfort food. Southern Living's Test Kitchen has a quick list of 10 items that could be a good start for you: Beans-great for side dishes, salads, or in pasta. Rice-easy and versatile side dish. Pasta-Quick main...

  • Mar 15, 2015

    A special publication by the Alabama Gazette....

  • Inside The Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Feb 15, 2015

    February 18, 2015: The legislature and the governor are preparing for the first Regular Session of the quadrennium. The Session will begin March 3. Legislators need to arrive in Montgomery with their lunch pails and sleeves rolled up ready to go to work because the proverbial chickens have come home to roost. They are facing a gargantuan budget crisis in the State General Fund. They cannot spend this four years cussing Obama Care and passing unconstitutional and meaningless bills dealing with...

  • The New Sheriff in Town

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Feb 15, 2015

    For those that don't know my background, I was appointed by former Sheriff D.T. Marshall in 1999 to come aboard as Chief Deputy of the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office. My duties entailed being the point of contact for Homeland Security of Montgomery County, overseeing the daily operations of the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office and most importantly managing a budget for the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office. Prior to my appointment, I served as a Montgomery Police Officer in both the...

  • I Feel Vindicated!

    David Spooner|Feb 15, 2015

    I have always enjoyed peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches. I like peanut butter, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato and cheese between two slices of white toast. But when I tell people that I eat PB&M sandwiches, reactions range from "Oh, How disgusting" to "You're weird". Then I found an article in Garden and Gun by Jed Portman, titled "A Forgotten Southern Sandwich". The peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich! The picture in the magazine is even with my favorite mayonnaise, DUKE'S. I did not know...

  • Roby Celebrates School Choice Week

    Rep. Martha Roby|Feb 15, 2015

    WASHINGTON, D.C. - "Every student deserves a chance, and every parent deserves a choice," U.S. Representative Martha Roby said marking National School Choice Week in a special video message. "I'm Martha Roby and I'm proud to celebrate School Choice Week. "Every student deserves a chance, and every parent deserves a choice. My state of Alabama is going to be making another big push on improving school choice this year, and we are going to do our part in Congress to make sure federal laws support...

  • There's A New Sheriff In Town

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Jan 15, 2015

    I am honored to introduce to everyone Kevin Murphy. He will assume the position of Chief Deputy on January 20, 2015. I am glad to have him by my side, and I know he will do a great job for the citizens of Montgomery County. Murphy possesses the necessary knowledge and experience that will guarantee his success as Chief Deputy. Chief Murphy began his tenure with law enforcement in 1984, as a patrol officer with the Ozark Police Department. In 1986, he joined the Montgomery Police Department....

  • Inside The Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Jan 15, 2015

    During the 2010 Governor’s Race, I continuously made the statement that whomever won the 2010 Governor’s Race would be a one-term governor. My prophecy was based on the fact that the state was flat broke and it would take a lot of tough decisions and probably tax increases to fix the mess. Former Gov. Bob Riley was not helping his successor any either in a concerted mission to spend every cent in an already barren cupboard. There was nothing in the state rainy day funds and all the federal stimu...

  • Do I Need To Think About Any Legal Issues For The New Year?

    Ron Holtsford|Jan 15, 2015

    You have not mentioned specifics about yourself so I’ll make this answer generic in a personal and in a business sense. I’m sure that you looked at your financial estate planning (401k, mutual funds, stocks and bonds, life insurance, etc) and as you do you also think about your legal estate planning. Your financial estate planning goes hand in hand with your legal estate planning and you should discuss that with your lawyer, not that he or she will try to advise you on whether your inv...

  • Southern Cuisine

    David Spooner|Jan 15, 2015

    As I was scouring my news apps the other day, I came across an article about food you should never buy, but make at home. The article said that the items made at home are cheaper and healthier than the store bought items. At first glance, I agreed with most of the list. Peanut butter, mayonnaise, applesauce, hummus, and pesto can be made with a good food processor. Granola needs a sheet pan and a bowl and a list of your favorite nuts and grains and fruit. Pancake and waffle mix is nothing but...

  • Welcome Sheriff Elect Derrick Cunningham

    Derrick Cunningham|Dec 1, 2014

    First, let me start off my very first article in the Gazette by thanking the voters in Montgomery County for their overwhelming support and encouragement. I feel that I have been very fortunate in having the best trainer, mentor, and most of all, friend, for the past 16 years in preparation for the position of Sheriff of Montgomery County. I would like to thank Sheriff D. T. Marshall for this opportunity to learn the responsibilities of this job from a dedicated law enforcement officer. I...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Dec 1, 2014

    Mike Hubbard is the political story of the year because our 2014 state elections were so mundane. The October indictment of the Speaker of the Alabama House of Representatives overshadows all other political events in the state, even the reelection of Gov. Robert Bentley, which was a foregone conclusion. In fact, if Hubbard had not been indicted, it would have been the political story of the year. Speculation had been rampant for well over a year that the very powerful leader of the House would...

  • Southern Cuisine

    David Spooner|Dec 1, 2014

    The story of Southern Cuisine makes for many cookbooks and even novels, but I am not here to write a literary masterpiece. I have stories to tell, but its practical information that will make your life in a kitchen easier and more enjoyable. Friends have asked for information on basic cooking techniques and simple recipes. They liked the hints I gave them about what to keep in a pantry, especially since we live twenty miles from a major grocery store. It is so easy these days to go to the store...

  • Selecting a Locally Grown Christmas Tree

    Mallory Kelley|Dec 1, 2014

    Can you believe Christmas is right around the corner? Next week many people will start putting up there Christmas trees. Here are some helpful tips and things to consider when purchasing a Christmas tree. You often hear "Buy Fresh, Buy Local" and that not only goes for fruits and vegetables, but also Christmas trees. There are many advantages to buying an Alabama-grown Christmas tree instead of an artificial tree or a live tree grown in another state. Alabama has between 50 and 60 Christmas...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Nov 1, 2014

    The 2014 General Election is Tuesday. It is set to be uneventful. I predicted over a year ago that this election year was going to be dull and, folks, my prognostication has come to fruition. This year has been a yawner from the get go. Even the GOP and Democratic primaries in June were void of any drama. As the results trickled in from the summer primaries, there were absolutely no surprises or upsets. Even in the face of historic low voter turnout, every favorite or incumbent prevailed and...

  • Farewell To D. T. Marshall

    Sheriff D. T. Marshall|Nov 1, 2014

    This is probably my last article I will write for the Gazette. By the time this issue is published the election for Montgomery County Sheriff will be decided and I will be ending my 36 year career in law enforcement, 20 years at the Montgomery Police Department and 16 years as your Sheriff. I announced last summer that I was retiring and I was supporting Chief Deputy Derrick Cunningham as the next Sheriff of Montgomery County. I have known Derrick since he worked for me investigating violent...

  • Southern Cuisine

    David Spooner|Nov 1, 2014

    Writing about such a broad topic as Southern Cuisine sends my mind in so many directions. In my last article, I introduced a part of my childhood and memories of spending time with my grandmother and recipes that have been pasted on. My picture in the last issue was an old picture taken when I won my first SPAMERICA'S CUP. I have updated my picture from a cook that experimented with a fusion of techniques and flavors to a chef that likes to cook foods the way they used to be prepared. Simple ing...

  • Alabama Gazette - 15th Anniversary

    Oct 1, 2014

    The Gazette began with only a vision in year 2000 . . . and now prints approximately 180,000 copies yearly and estimates 300, 000 readers yearly. We hope you enjoy reading The Alabama Gazette, (formerly The County Gazette and The Tri-County Gazette). We strive to keep it "FREE" just for you! We appreciate the support of our all of our staff, contributing writers, readers and our advertisers! We are a locally owned and operated newspaper. Our focus is God, family and our great USA. May this...

  • To Arm Or Not To Arm Yourself

    Sheriff D. T. Marshall|Oct 1, 2014

    I am often asked by citizens what my thoughts are about them purchasing a firearm for self protection. My answer to them is usually the same for everybody, they have to make that decision for themselves. I advise them that they have to know in their heart and mind that they will be able to use that weapon for what it was designed, to kill or injure another person. If they cannot, without a doubt, convince themselves that they will be able to pull the trigger if the time ever came, I do not...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Oct 1, 2014

    When Guy Hunt won the Governor’s race over Bill Baxley in 1986 it was well publicized that he was a part-time Primitive Baptist preacher. He was also billed as a part-time Amway salesman. These common man vocations appealed to the average Alabama voter. It was Hunt’s calling as a Baptist preacher that resonated warmly with his constituency. Alabamians are very religious and very Baptist. Hunt had done surprisingly well as governor for four years and turned back Paul Hubbert’s Democratic challeng...

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