The people's voice of reason


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  • A message from Sheriff Franklin:

    Sheriff Bill Franklin|Apr 1, 2016

    The Elmore County Sheriff Office strives to do the best job possible and readily recognize the fact that each citizen that provides input and assistance regarding matters relating to our duties only makes our mission more effective. There are a number of links that can be visited here on our website at and, if necessary, call our secret witness hotline at 334-567-5227. Please know that we do appreciate your input and support. Pistol Permit Requirements In order to obtain a...

  • 2016 Political Year "STRANGER than EVER"

    Andrew Stuttaford|Mar 1, 2016

    Let's get the easy stuff out of the way. Hillary Clinton had a good night, stumbling in places where she was expected to stumble. But she benefited from a solid African-American support in the south and snatched a significant victory over Bernie Sanders in Massachusetts. Senator Sanders is not going to give up his quest any time soon, but, in the absence of an indictment arising out of Clinton's email adventures, Hillary looks well set to take the Democratic nomination in due course. And that...

  • Employee Recognition

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Mar 1, 2016

    In January of this year, I had the pleasure of swearing in Deputy Courtney Ward. You might recognize Deputy Ward's name as an all-star basketball player from Florida State University. Below is the article recently published on The ACC Women's Basketball Legends program honors both players and coaches from each of the ACC's 15 schools who have contributed to their respective institutions rich tradition. Ward contributed to the FSU program in many ways as a solid point guard...

  • Prattville Service League

    Sheriff Joe Sedinger|Mar 1, 2016

    The Autauga County Sheriff's Office would like to say a big “Thank You “ to the Prattville Service League for their continued support for the Sheriff's Office and the McGruff the Crime Dog campaign. The Sheriff's Office received a $1000 grant to purchase McGruff books, bags, bookmarks, and other items used to promote the McGruff campaign. We appreciate all the support from the community so the Sheriff's Office can continue to move forward....


    Staff Writer|Feb 1, 2016

    In Remembrance of the astronouts who give their lives for America and NASA, the greatest space program in the world. The Challenger burst into pieces after taking off over Cape Canaveral for its tenth mission....

  • Firearms Familiarization Course

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Feb 1, 2016

    We have already begun our firearms course to "familiarize"Montgomery County citizens about the laws and proper use of a firearm. We know that learning how to protect yourself is very important in today's world. Our course is held one Saturday a month and has been scheduled for the following dates: Saturday, February 13th • Saturday, March 12th • Saturday, April 23rd • Saturday, May 14th • Saturday, June 11th • Saturday, July 9th • Saturday, August 13th • Saturday, September 24th • Saturday, O...


    Sheriff Joe Sedinger|Feb 1, 2016

    The Autauga County Sheriff’s Office received a grant from the National Rifle Association (NRA) for an Eddie Eagle mascot costume. Eddie Eagle is the mascot of the NRA that teaches children about gun safety. Eddie says if your child sees a gun to “STOP, DON’T TOUCH, LEAVE THE ROOM, TELL AN ADULT”. Coloring books and sticker are available with this program. The Autauga County Sheriff’s Office promotes gun safety whenever possible. Eddie Eagle made his debut in the Martin Luther King parade on...

  • Alabama's gets its 4th National Championship in Seven Years!!

    Staff Writer|Jan 1, 2016

    WON and DONE!...for the fourth time in seven years. It was a thrilling game but I guess it was expected by the way the national media has avoided it. Yes, Alabama can and does get it FINISHED. Congratulations on a well earned win!...

  • Here Are Obama's New Executive Actions On Gun Control|Jan 1, 2016

    President Obama introduced a new group of executive actions to reduce gun violence at an emotional press conference Tuesday. The order, which has not yet been signed into legality, is designed to bypass a gridlocked Congress. Republicans have roundly condemned the executive action. House Speaker Paul Ryan predicted it’d be challenged in the courts, and many 2016 presidential candidates have vowed to overturn the measure. Here’s exactly how Obama aims to improve background checks on gun buyers, community safety, mental health treatment and smart...

  • A Christmas Gift for Gazette Readers

    John Martin|Jan 1, 2016

    Almost everybody is familiar with the song, “My Favorite Things,” that Julie Andrews sang in the movie, “The Sound of Music.” Here is a new version with a special lyric to fit these troubled times when one of our most precious assets, individual liberty, is being gravely compromised by various forms of corruption. One of the greatest treasures anyone can bestow is to do whatever he can to protect it. The protection of our liberty is dependent primarily on one thing—limiting the size and power...

  • Christmas for the Homeless

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Jan 1, 2016

    We would like to thank everyone for the generosity in donating to the homeless. We have been overwhelmed with all the donations over and beyond the items requested. Thank you again to all those that gave to this worthy cause so that even the less fortunate could have Christmas! ~~~~~~~ Montgomery County Sheriff's Office K-9s Aros, Blade, Doerak, Hoss, Ipo and Johnny to get body armor Montgomery County Sheriff's Office K-9s Aros, Blade, Doerak, Hoss, Ipo and Johnny will receive bullet and stab...

  • Autauga County officers receive medals

    Sheriff Joe Sedinger|Jan 1, 2016

    On August 13, 2015 while headed towards the Sheriff's Office from a call Sgt. Steve Adams and Deputy Jeff Bert were flagged down by a man in pick-up truck. They followed the subject in the pick-up truck to an address on Co. Rd. 85. As they exited their vehicles to see what the issue was someone ran out of the residence saying there was a "drowning baby" inside. Sgt. Adams and Deputy Bert went inside the residence where they located a female with an infant that was unresponsive and not...

  • For unto us a child is born. Unto us a Son is given.

    Staff Writer|Dec 1, 2015

    2 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. 2 And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria. 3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) 5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with...

  • House Takes Important First Step to Mitigate Risks of Syrian Refugee Resettlement

    Rep. Martha Roby|Dec 1, 2015

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – The House of Representatives took an important first step to mitigate the national security risks presented by President Obama’s plan to allow as many as 10,000 Syrian refugees to resettle in the United States in 2016. H.R. 4038, the American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act of 2015, seeks to ensure ISIS terrorists cannot infiltrate the country through the refugee resettlement program. ISIS has said it would use refugee resettlements to infiltrate western cou...

  • New from the Montgomery County Sheriffs Office

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Dec 1, 2015

    Thank you to everyone that attended our annual Halloween Spooktacular! If you had your picture taken during the event, please visit our website and click the “Flickr” link to view the photos. ~~~~~~~ MCSO Mobile App The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office has launched an app called “MCSO Mobile”. You can install the app on your phone directly from your app store. It is compatible with apple or android phones. This new innovation will give you “breaking news” as ne...

  • Prattville Veterans Day

    Sheriff Joe Sedinger|Dec 1, 2015

    During the Prattville Veteran's Day Ceremony that was held on November 11, 2015 at 11am, Sheriff Joe Sedinger honored the Veterans who work for him at the Autauga County Sheriff's Office and Autauga Metro Jail. These Deputies and Corrections Officers were presented with a ribbon to wear on their uniform, a U.S. Flag with the branch of service they served. A few of the Deputies and Corrections Officers were also presented with Combat Service Medals for Iraq, Desert Shield/Storm and Vietnam....


    Staff Writer|Nov 1, 2015

    "I am writing about a lady, one of God's angles. She is a very caring person. Nineteen years ago my grandson was born. His mother went to prison and his father died. Mrs. ___ took him in as her own and raised him and he graduated. God was always there. He was in an accident, she continues to care for him. She really is a mother by God's blessing and my grandson is so lucky. Thank God for Mrs. ____." Ft. Deposit, AL. "I think ______should be one of the $100 winners because he is handicapped and...

  • Turning Point in Congress

    Rep. Martha Roby|Nov 1, 2015

    This week marked a significant turning point in Congress as Paul Ryan was elected to be the new Speaker of the House. Of course, outside of his service in Congress, Paul Ryan is best known as Mitt Romney’s running mate in the 2012 presidential election. He has spent this year as Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee and was previously Chairman of the Budget Committee, both important positions with considerable influence on fiscal policy. He has been a leading voice for supply-side, c...

  • All the Speaker's Men and the Collapse of AU Athletics

    John Sophocleus|Nov 1, 2015

    For those not in total denial, it is difficult to avoid burning eyes from the proverbial smoke surrounding Auburn. Two revealing articles [11/11/14 and 8/27/15] in the Wall Street Journal, considered the most prestigious national newspaper in the world by some, reported a local contractor with connections to Auburn's athletics director Jay Jacobs was somehow able to buy large quantities of football tickets to high demand games - including the 2013 Iron Bowl. Many see this exacerbating the...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Nov 1, 2015

    November 4, 2015: The 2016 Presidential election has not only begun, it is well under way. It is now a lengthy process that spans the entire four-year presidential term. The race essentially begins the day a president is sworn into office. Aspirants begin jockeying for the brass ring of American politics the next day and the marathon begins. It becomes exponentially more intriguing when there is no incumbent in the fray as will be the case in 2016. We have an Electoral College system that makes...

  • New EPA Regulations Harm Alabama

    Chris Beeker Jr|Nov 1, 2015

    When a politician keeps a campaign promise, it is generally regarded as a pleasant surprise. But, when that promise is to dramatically increase electricity bills, breaking that promise will not disappoint many people. When he first campaigned for president, Barack Obama said that due to his energy policies, electricity bills would “necessarily skyrocket.” In August of this year, Obama made good on his promise as his Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) unveiled its latest overreaching reg...


    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Nov 1, 2015

    MCSO Mobile App The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office has launched an app called “MCSO Mobile”. You can install the app on your phone directly from your app store. It is compatible with apple or android phones. This new innovation will give you “breaking news” as news happens in and around the community. You can also check to see if someone is in the County Jail, has an active warrant or if someone is a registered sex offender. You get all the latest and greatest news from the Sheriff’s...

  • Autauga County Law

    Sheriff Joe Sedinger|Nov 1, 2015

    The Autauga County Sheriff's Office participated in the Autauga County Fair held October 13-17, 2015 at Mac Gray Park in Prattville, AL. Each night employees of the Sheriff's Office, including Sheriff Joe Sedinger, maned our booth to speak with the public on any issues they might have and to pass out literature for all ages. The crowd enjoyed the times when McGruff the Crime Dog would make his appearance each evening of the fair. The Autauga County Sheriff's Office was presented with the first...

  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month; Breast Cancer Awareness Month; National Bullying Month

    Staff Writer|Oct 1, 2015

    A Month to re-evaluate our society! Family Life ~ Health & Wellness ~ Our Faith ~ Commitments ~ Safety for our children! Teaching children that friendships are not a right and must be earned. The short and long-term consequences of being a bully. Teaching children ways to be a good friend. The importance of forgiveness, and how parents, teachers and guardians can act as role models. "The bully's point of view."...

  • Telling the Truth about "Women's Health"

    Rep. Martha Roby|Oct 1, 2015

    Thomas Jefferson once wrote, “To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” This simple principle explains why I have fought alongside fellow pro-life colleagues for years to prohibit federal funding from going to organizations that perform abortions, including Planned Parenthood. Not everyone is pro-life like I am, but those who are should not be forced to have their tax dollars fund an org...

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