The people's voice of reason


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  • Autauga County Sheriff's Office Launches New Website

    Sheriff Joe Sedinger|Mar 1, 2017

    The Autauga County Sheriff’s Office launched a new Website on February 1, 2017 where residents can find the latest information regarding the operations of the Sheriff’s Office. The new Website will serve as an information resource for the public and assist with community policing efforts. The new Website,, features press releases, messages from Sheriff Joe Sedinger, as well as pages on the services of each division of the Sheriff’s Office. Other features of the Websi...

  • The Undoing Project

    Michael Lewis|Mar 1, 2017

    It was a clear day in San Fransisco. Bay area rivals faced off in game 3 of the 1989 Baseball World Series pitting the Athletics against the Giants. ABC had just begun its pregame analysis with Al Michaels and Tim McCarver when cries of fear and terror erupted throughout Candlestick Park. What is now known as the World Series quake rocked the coast causing extensive damage and resulting in almost 4,000 injuries and 63 deaths. The Athletics went on to win the Series. But the aftershocks to the...

  • Alabama House Speaker Mac McCutcheon Ready for Business

    Staff Writer|Feb 1, 2017

    Vital issues for our 2017 Alabama Legislature House Convenes: 2/07/2017 ~ 12:00 noon Senate Convenes: 02/07/2017 Budget Crisis top priority! The budgets will be the biggest problem facing lawmakers this session. House members remain largely opposed to tax increases. It is expected that the ongoing struggle on gambling legislation will be prominent again this session. Gov. Bentley has indicated he will propose a plan similar to his plan last year to borrow $800 million to build four new prisons....

  • House Votes to Stop Tax Dollars from Funding Abortion

    Rep. Martha Roby|Feb 1, 2017

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representative Martha Roby (R-Ala.) today praised House passage of H.R. 7, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2017, saying the bill’s passage is a victory for American taxpayers and the pro-life community. “Since the infamous Roe v. Wade decision 44 years ago, nearly 60 million unborn children in this country have had their lives ended by abortion,” Roby said. “I believe in order to build a culture that truly values li...

  • News from the Montgomery County Sheriffs Office

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Feb 1, 2017

    Neighborhood Watch/Crime Prevention If you are planning to develop a Neighborhood Watch or Crime Prevention Program, please do not hesitate to contact the Sheriff's Office at 832.7106 to set up a time for us to come out and speak to your group! ~~~~~~ MCSO Firing Range Building Dedication On December 1, 2016, the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office Training Facility and Firing Range was officially dedicated to retired Sheriff D.T. Marshall, who passed away earlier this year. The Firing Range was...

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Parade

    Feb 1, 2017

    Sheriff Joe Sedinger, Captain Larry Nixon and Deputy Josh Averette participated in the Martin Luther King Jr. Parade that was held on Monday January 16, 2017 in downtown Prattville. A great time was had by all that participated. Pictured are snapshots from the starting lineup of the parade....

  • Look inside for these thought provoking articles!

    Staff Writer|Jan 1, 2017

    BAMA - CLEMSON, Kiffen Out - Sarkisian In, Ed Jones, Page 7A Legal Issues for the New Year, Ron Holtsford, Page 2A WELCOME TO THE MAD DOG!!, Rob Tate, Page 3A Inside the Statehouse, Steve Flowers, Page 5A Turning the Page, The Marshall Moment, Rick Marshall, Page 9A Southern Cuisine, David Spooner, Page 7B...

  • Martha Roby is sworn in for her 4th Term

    Rep. Martha Roby|Jan 1, 2017

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representative Martha Roby (R-Ala.) was sworn in for her fourth term in the U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday, vowing to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States... bear true faith and allegiance to the same... and faithfully discharge the duties of the office." As the 115th Congress begins, Roby said she would continue to prioritize issues of particular importance to Alabama's Second District, including properly funding the military, improving v...

  • News from the Montgomery County Sheriffs Office

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Jan 1, 2017

    MCSO Firing Range Building Dedication On December 1, 2016, the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office Training Facility and Firing Range was officially dedicated to retired Sheriff D.T. Marshall, who passed away earlier this year. The Firing Range was renamed the Sheriff D.T. Marshall Firearms Training Center, in his honor. Many friends and family spoke on behalf of Sheriff Marshall including Montgomery County Commissioner, Ronda M. Walker, House of Representative, Dimitri Polizos and Bobby...

  • News from the Autauga County Sheriffs office

    Sheriff Joe Sedinger|Jan 1, 2017

    This year the Autauga County Sheriff's Office worked with Mrs. Alice Smith from Community Action of Central Alabama to provide meals for Christmas for 12 families in need. Monetary donations were given by the Sheriff's Office employees to purchase the items provided for the meal. This project was headed up by Warrant Clerk Ngozi Agee with the full support of Sheriff Joe Sedinger. The meal provided consisted of a turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, collard greens, yams, water, fruit, rolls, pound...

  • It was a Season for Giving! $1,000

    Staff Writer|Jan 1, 2017

    “My parents just celebrated 55 years of marriage on November 25th. They are the sweetest example of love, marriage and family there is. Their home is warm and inviting to all family members and their selfless giving is without end. Please present this precious couple the gift so they can go out for a lovely Christmas dinner!” “I am a widow, age 75. My friend surprised me last summer with picking, snapping and canning 12 pints of home grown snap beans!! She is a very rare, faithful and true...

  • A Season for Giving!

    Staff Writer|Dec 1, 2016

    The Alabama Gazette will again present $100 cash to ten deserving people in the Tri-County area. Send in your nomination letter stating why you think your friend or family deserves $100 cash for Christmas. Please include address and phone numbers of your nominee. All nominations must be received by December 16th. Winners will be notified by December 19th. Email the Gazette at; or send your letter to; The Alabama Gazette, 12 E. Jefferson Street, Montgomery, AL...

  • News from the Montgomery County Sheriffs Office

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Dec 1, 2016

    Sheriff's Office APP The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office has a new phone app called "Montgomery County AL Sheriff" that can be accessed through your phone's app store. Once you have added this app to your phone, you can easily set your phone up to receive important push notifications. Push notifications are quick, important messages that can notify you of road closure(s), blocked road(s), anything pertinent to your travel, escapee, etc. While our app can help you with many things including...

  • News from the Autauga County Sheriffs office

    Sheriff Joe Sedinger|Dec 1, 2016

    On October 18, 2016 Attorney General Luther Strange presented the Sheriff's Office with a flag and certificate in of Deputy Sheriff, Sergeant Troy Seamon; End of Watch: April 4, 2016. Lt. Steve Adams accepted the items during a presentation during the 17th Annual Alabama Attorney General's Law Enforcement Summit that was held in Montgomery. On November 1, 2016, Sgt. Steve Campbell was designated Law Enforcement Officer of the Year by the Prattville Exchange Club. The plaque was presented during...

  • Dec 1, 2016


    Staff Writer|Nov 1, 2016

    The Alabama Gazette will again present $100 cash to ten deserving people in the Tri-County area. Send in your nomination letter stating why you think your friend or family deserves $100 cash for Christmas. Please include address and phone numbers of your nominee. All nominations must be received by December 16th. Winners will be notified by December 19th. Email the Gazette at or send your letter to The Alabama Gazette - 12 E. Jefferson Street - Montgomery, AL 36104 ALSO...

  • Out of over three hundred million people we have come to a choice between Donald and Hillary; why vote?

    Ron Holtsford|Nov 1, 2016

    Some of you that read this article will still be waiting to vote and see where our future will go or wonder where it will go and there are others that will read this after the election. After the Constitutional convention ended, a Mrs. Powell was able to query Ben Franklin on what form of government had been hammered out, Ben Franklin responded to the question, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" Without hesitation, Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."...

  • News from the Montgomery County Sheriffs Office

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Nov 1, 2016

    Sheriff’s Office APP The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office has a new phone app called “Montgomery County AL Sheriff” that can be accessed through your phone’s app store. Once you have added this app to your phone, you can easily set your phone up to receive important push notifications. Push notifications are quick, important messages that can notify you of road closure(s), blocked road(s), anything pertinent to your travel, escapee, etc. While our app can help you with many things including...

  • News from the Autauga County Sheriffs office

    Sheriff Joe Sedinger|Nov 1, 2016

    National Night Out The Autauga County Sheriff's office participated in National Night Out that was held on Tuesday October 4, 2016. It was a great night to meet and interact with the public. The Autauga County Fair was a great success! The Sheriff Office also had a booth set up at the Autauga County Fair that was held October 11 – October 15, 2016. We enjoyed everyone that stopped by to talk, or get a photo made with McGruff the Crime Dog or Eddie Eagle....

  • Nov 1, 2016

  • Exhibit Coming to Montgomery

    Lyn Stuart|Oct 1, 2016

    Magna Carta is the charter of liberties that England's King John granted to his barons in 1215. In the centuries since its creation, Magna Carta has become one of the most enduring symbols of liberty and the rule of law. The American Bar Association Standing Committee on the Law Library of Congress and the Law Library of Congress have selected the Heflin-Torbert Judicial Building in Montgomery, Alabama, to host the exhibit "Magna Carta: Enduring Legacy 1215-2015." The Supreme Court of Alabama,...

  • Behavior Toward Iran Baffling

    Rep. Martha Roby|Oct 1, 2016

    As more details surface about the Obama Administration’s decision to pay Iran $1.7 billion in settlement money, arguments that it was anything less than an ill-conceived ransom deal are becoming pretty flimsy. In January, President Obama announced the United States had reached a settlement with Iran over a decades-long arms deal dispute, in which $1.7 billion would be transferred from a Treasury fund set up to cover court judgments and settlements. Even though the deal directly coincided with Ir...

  • Why are Self Help Books like Go to the Light by G.C. Cline Helpful?

    Hector Oswaldo Chavez|Oct 1, 2016

    Before I started my career as a counselor, I found it difficult to communicate with others what I thought and felt. At that time in my life self help books gave me a safe environment in which I could read a book and be uplifted from my point of view with whatever the problem was. I often read spiritual based self-help books because I felt that God had to be part of positive change. It is not to say that others books that have no spiritual basis are not helpful, but that is what I connected to....

  • Voter Education Workshop was held at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, Sept. 29th

    Staff Writer|Oct 1, 2016

    Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, Public and Community Relations Committee and the following collaborative partners: Pan Hellenic Council Central Alabama; the Links; and the Cosmopolite Civic Club, hosted a Voter Education Workshop which was held at 452 Cramer Avenue, Montgomery, AL, at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 29. The presenters were: Christopher Turner, Montgomery County Election Center; the Honorable Tiffany McCord, Circuit Clerk for Montgomery County. and the Honorable Alabama State...

  • News from the Montgomery County Sheriffs Office

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Oct 1, 2016

    Spooktacular The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office will host our annual Halloween Spooktacular on Monday, October 31st from 6-8 pm at the Alcazar Shriner's Temple located at 555 Eastern Boulevard. Youth 12 years old and under are invited to come out and bring their Halloween bucket to trick-or-treat in a safe, family-friendly atmosphere with Sheriff Cunningham and staff. There will be 40+ vendors there handing out candy to everyone. We will not be issuing candy to anyone over 12 years of age...

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