The people's voice of reason


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  • Montgomery County Sheriff's Office

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Jun 1, 2018

    MCSO K-9 Deputy in training with new body armor. Youth Fishing Rodeo Sheriff Derrick Cunningham and the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office invites boys and girls ages 6-12 to grab their fishing rods, bait and tackle and join us for our annual Youth Fishing Rodeo. Please make sure a parent/guardian attends but only kids are allowed to fish. Saturday, June 16, 2018 6:00 a.m.-12:00 noon Montgomery County Ponds, Highway 231 South (Troy highway) Across from Meriwether Road **We will have our Senior...

  • Memorial Day - May 28th

    Staff Writer|May 1, 2018

    Memorial Day is May 28, 2018...

  • How far have we come? How much further do we need to go? Civil War ~ Civil Rights

    Staff Writer|May 1, 2018

    The historical events are important to not only acknowledge wrongs, but find healing, forgiveness, and positive action for the future of everyone's peace and posterity. See related stories on pages 2, 3 and 4 Send us your comments. MEMORIAL DAY or DECORATION DAY is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces.[1] The holiday, which is currently observed every year on the last Monday of May, will be held on May 28, 2018....

  • History vs History... Civil War Can We UNITE in today's society?

    Staff Writer|May 1, 2018

    This article is a summary of much longer articles written by David Barton and Stephen McDowell. You can access these articles by clicking on the links at the end. Introduction One objection to America being a Christian nation and our founders being strong believers is the question of slavery. How could we have been a Christian nation and have allowed slavery? And how could men like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington have been such great men when they owned slaves? These questions deserve an...

  • History vs History

    Staff Writer|May 1, 2018

    The origins of the word "lynch" probably originated during our revolution. The verb comes from the phrase "Lynch Law", a term for punishing someone without benefit of a trial. Charles Lynch, an American, is given credit for coining the phrase. He lived in Virginia in the 1780s and was known to have used the term. In 1782, Charles Lynch wrote that his assistant had administered "Lynch's law" to Tories "for Dealing with Negroes." Lynch was a Virginia planter and American Revolutionary who headed...


    Staff Writer|May 1, 2018

    Knee replacement is performed approximately 700,000 times per year in the United States. The history of knee replacement has been one of steady technological improvements, and the latest innovation has now come to Montgomery. Computer assisted robotic arm knee replacement is now being performed in Central Alabama. While traditional knee replacement has been very successful in improving quality of life, studies have shown that robotic arm knee replacement is over three times more precise than man...


    Buddy Hicks|May 1, 2018

    Look back over the past decade at some of the things you have done or accomplished. You may have gotten married, graduated college, had a baby, started a business, bought or sold a house or retired. Now examine the financial moves that you made regarding those accomplishments. Other than right now, how often have you thought about or reviewed those financial decisions? If your answer is not very often or never, then now is the time to do so. Now, when you talk about looking back over that past...

  • Montgomery County Sheriff's Office

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|May 1, 2018

    Youth Fishing Rodeo Sheriff Derrick Cunningham and the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office invites boys and girls ages 6-12 to grab their fishing rods, bait and tackle and join us for our annual Youth Fishing Rodeo. Please make sure a parent/guardian attends but only kids are allowed to fish. Saturday, June 16, 2018 6:00 a.m.-12:00 noon Montgomery County Ponds, Highway 231 South (Troy highway) Across from Meriwether Road **We will have our Senior Fishing Rodeo on Tuesday, September 11th...more...

  • Autauga County Sheriff's Office

    Sheriff Joe Sedinger|May 1, 2018

    Prattville Cityfest Friday, 5/11 and Saturday 5/12...

  • No Name Literary Club 125th Anniversary Tea at the home of Mary McLemore ~ April 18, 2018

    Anne Tidmore|May 1, 2018

    In 1893 a group of forward thinking ladies formed the first literary club in Montgomery and the second in the State at that time. They named their club No Name because they could not agree on a name, and it still goes by the same name today! Recently, the No Name Club celebrated their 125th anniversary with an afternoon tea at the home of Mary and Price McLemore in Rosemont Place. Guests included friends of members as well as Presidents and Vice ­­­­Presidents of other Literary Clubs in Montgome...

  • May 1, 2018

    Showcasing Tallassee, Alabama businesses and activities.........

  • May 1, 2018

    Your vote becomes your voice!...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|May 1, 2018

    We are less than four weeks away from our June 5th primary. Those of us who follow Alabama politics have pointed to this year as being a very entertaining and interesting gubernatorial year. However, last year’s resignation by former Governor, Robert Bentley and the ascension of Kay Ivey from Lt. Governor to the Governor’s office has put a damper on the excitement we anticipated in the governor’s race. Kay took over the reins of state government and her appearance as a seasoned veteran of state...

  • Making America Great Again

    John Martin|May 1, 2018

    Today, we are nearing the midpoint of Donald Trump’s second year. So far, he has done some very good things: 1. Ended our subjugation to the Paris Climate Agreement. 2. Put the brakes on mass m igration ofpotentially dangerous people. 3. Reduced illegal immigration by 67%. 4. Re-opened the coal mines and re-established jobs for the miners. 5. Withdrew from the job-threatening Trans-Pacific Partnership. 6. Revived essential pipelines that will ensure a dependable supply of petroleum. 7. S...

  • Is This the Beginning of More "BIG GOVERNMENT" in the Name of Safety?

    Staff Writer|Apr 1, 2018

    Can we protect ALL of our citizens (from birth to death) without giving up our freedoms – or is this a picture of "big money" negating our Constitution and destroying the fundamental source of our Republic? Does this picture represent the "pleas of our youth" or the "manipulation of our youth" for political reasons. This is a big question we all must ask ourselves. Our youth should never fear for their lives at school or in their communities! They do deserve better! As adults can we not come u...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Apr 1, 2018

    Republicans took control of federal offices and presidential races in 1964 in Alabama. It was referred to as the Goldwater Landslide. The Baxley-Graddick fiasco in 1986 was the game changer for governor. In the last 32 years there have been eight governor’s races. Republicans have won all of them, with one exception. Don Siegelman was an interloper in 1998. During that same period, Alabamians have elected all Republicans to every secondary, statewide office. There are six secondary c...


    Buddy Hicks|Apr 1, 2018

    Ok, so you’ve heard me talk about the importance of life insurance and long term care insurance. But there is another type of insurance that is very important as well. If something happened to you today and you were not able to work anymore or at least for a long period of time, how would you pay your bills, buy food for your family or buy anything else needed for your family. Now, most of you might have a good six months or more worth of income saved up which could cover you or at least buy y...

  • Trump's Tariffs

    John Martin|Apr 1, 2018

    As we forge ahead into the Donald’s second year of office, we are witnessing some serious improvements in America’s economy—taxes are being cut, production is up, wages are up, and unemployment is down. The future hasn’t looked this bright since the best days of Dwight D. Eisenhower. But then, suddenly, Trump dropped his hammer—punitive tariffs on three very essential imported items—steel, aluminum, and photovoltaic cells. The rates are steep—10% for aluminum, 25% for steel, and 30% for solar...

  • Montgomery County Sheriff's Office

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Apr 1, 2018

    Camp Show n´ Tell July 31st - August 3rd It's almost that time! Applications began on April 2nd to attend a week long, free camp hosted by Sheriff Derrick Cunningham and the Staff of the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office. Youth will explore and enjoy a week of outdoor fun and recreation. This mentoring-based camp, also offers workshops addressing bullying and the effects of bullying behaviors, substance abuse awareness and prevention and environmental safety and education. It's for those that...

  • Autauga County Sheriff's Office

    Sheriff Joe Sedinger|Apr 1, 2018

    This year for the Dunk – A – COP We hope everyone will come out and take a shot a deputy, police officer or news anchor during the Prattville City Fest on May 12th. All proceeds raised will go to the Central Alabama CrimeStoppers to be used to pay reward money for crime tips....


    Lexi Elgin|Apr 1, 2018

    Legislators and other state elected officials gathered at the Alabama State House on March 8 with more than 100 Girl Scouts, volunteers, and Girl Scout staff in order to educate and raise awareness about issues important to girls and young women. The day began with Girl Scouts leading the Legislature in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Girl Scouts then greeted elected officials at their offices with Girl Scout Cookies and questions targeting what their specific duties were to Alabama....

  • "Racial and ethnic hostility is the foremost social problem facing our world today"

    Staff Writer|Mar 1, 2018

    Reverend Billy Graham November 7, 1918 - February 21, 2018 He actually physically took ropes down and symbolically, in doing so, said, “Look, we’re all equal before God, we’re all one together and every man has his right for the rights that we enjoy and want.” He took a lead in the stand way back in those early days when it wasn’t popular. He has always had a love for people and has appreciated and understood in a very unique dimension the worth of an individual no matter what his or her race,...


    Buddy Hicks|Mar 1, 2018

    You’ve been working the same job for years and dutifully contributing to your 401k and receiving matches. You’ve built up quite a nest egg. Then one day you leave for a new job with benefits that include a 401k. Now you are faced with a dilemma of what to do with your 401k assets at your old job. Before you make any hasty decisions, please sit down with an advisor and learn what your options are and how each would affect your retirement going forward. One option may be to leave your money right...

  • The Safety Nazis

    John Martin|Mar 1, 2018

    Some of the biggest public menaces that have developed over the years have been the overbearing numbers and intensity of safety regulations. They have gone far beyond anything we need for reasonable public safety and protection. America was founded as a free country, where individual liberty is paramount. People would be free to act on their own behalves and look after themselves. On the other hand, the duty of government is to protect our shores from foreign invaders and protect people from...


    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Mar 1, 2018

    Easter Egg Hunt On Saturday, March 31, 2018, Sheriff Derrick Cunningham and the Staff of the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office will host their annual Easter Egg Hunt. The event will begin at 4:00 p.m. on the campus of Auburn Montgomery (near the old duck pond). Montgomery County youth between the ages of 1-11 are invited to grab their baskets or pales and come out to join the fun! Firearms Familiarization Course March 10 May 12 June 9 July 14 August 11 October 13 December 8 We know that...

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