The people's voice of reason


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  • Southgate to Lake Martin

    The 19th Annual "Battles for the Armory" Civil War Reenactment Reenactment will be held on November 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th, 2017 at Gibson's View Plantation on Rifle Range Road 2-miles south of Tallassee. Thursday, November 9th will be "School Day" as students from public, private and home schools from all over east-central Alabama will learn about life in the Confederate Armory and about life in the 1860s. There will various period demonstrators including a Blacksmith, Field Artillery,...

  • From The Book Shelf

    Staff Writer

    GO SET A WATCHMAN By Harper Lee PAGE 103 CHANGED EVERYTHING. Or did it? In the end the self righteous Jean Louise proclaims to Atticus, " I think I love you very much". But wait a minute. Everyone has said Atticus is a racist. How can Jean Louise love this turncoat? The much anticipated sequel of Harper Lee's novel To Kill A Mockingbird flew off the shelves around America. Sadly, it landed with an enigmatic thud in most readers' concept of how things are supposed to be in the small rural...

  • The Alabama Gazette Celebrates Its 14th Year of Publication

    The Gazette began with only a vision in year 2000 ...... and now prints approximately 180,000 copies yearly and estimates 300, 000 readers yearly. We hope you enjoy reading The Alabama Gazette, (formerly The County Gazette and The Tri-County Gazette). We appreciate the support of our all of our staff, contributing writers, readers and our advertisers! We are a locally owned and operated newspaper. Our focus is God, family and our great USA. May this newspaper never compromise its’ standards! W...

  • I Am Your Flag

    June 14 is Flag Day and July 4 marks our Independence Day, and I want to thank all of you for taking time out of your busy schedules to remember me and honor me on those days and throughout the year. I am your flag, the flag of the United States of America. I am the red, white and blue. I am the same old flag that has flown over our great land for some 236 years, but many stars have been added and much blood has been shed for me since I was first raised up a flagpole. I was created by the...