The people's voice of reason

Articles from the December 1, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 24 of 24

  • What has changed regarding Christmas Celebrations and Governmental Entities?

    Ron Holtsford|Dec 1, 2018

    Little has changed since earlier appellate cases and one will note slight subjective language in the subsequent decisions. These cases have arisen using the Establishment Clause of the Constitution of the United States to back up the adverse claims of individuals or groups in what they perceive as being unconstitutional. The Establishment Clause is a part of the First Amendment and reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” followed by the Free Exercise C...


    Robert Tate|Dec 1, 2018

    Hey, folks. Here we go again with another edition of "Bits and Pieces." There is so much going on right now that I would like to address just a few of them now and then perhaps expand upon some of them at a later date. Here we go! 1. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ: The woman is living, breathing proof that one can make it into politics with absolutely ZERO common sense. Before anyone goes Democrat on me, NO I am not slamming all politicians. Not even close. All I am saying is that she continually...

  • Alabama vs. Auburn Game

    Steve Flowers|Dec 1, 2018

    The only sport that Alabamians enjoy more than Alabama politics is college football. We especially love the Alabama vs. Auburn football game. Folks, this is Alabama/Auburn week in Alabama. The Alabama vs. Auburn annual event is one of the fiercest of college football rivalries. It is the game of the year. It is a state civil war that divides friends and even families. It is bragging rights for the entire year. The loser has to live with his boasting next door neighbor for 364 days. It seems...

  • MILLENNIAL MUSINGS (Or, the Terror of Climate Change)

    Ethan A. Wilkinson|Dec 1, 2018

    We would like to enjoy the world after you’re gone, please. And spare me the “well, it’s cold right here, right now, so it couldn’t possibly be warming in general” spiel. (By the way, this is the exact same argument that leads to people continuing to spank their children despite literally every single medical, psychological, and children’s group that has studied it saying it is terrible. The planet is getting hotter, and we are the cause. In the words of the report commissioned by the United...

  • Salt and Light

    Marcia Chambliss|Dec 1, 2018

    It was Tuesday evening, one week prior to the November mid-term elections, and I was in attendance at the annual His Vessel Ministries Celebration Dinner listening to the featured speaker, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Admittedly, I wasn’t a supporter of Gov. Huckabee during his most recent presidential campaign, my lack of enthusiasm due largely to how he had embraced the Common Core State Standards Initiative back in 2013 while numerous conservatives were fighting tooth and nail to stop...

  • The Day of Infamy

    John Martin|Dec 1, 2018

    In the 1920’s and ‘30’s, we the people of the United States still retained vivid memories of the horrors of World War I—“The War to End all Wars.” Two decades later, when WWII erupted in Europe, we held a strict non-interventionist attitude to getting entangled into another one. A Gallup poll revealed that 88 percent were solidly against it. In a 1940 election year speech, our notorious President Franklin Delano Roosevelt announced a campaign promise, “I have said this before, but I shall say i...

  • The Scourge of 'Straight Ticketers'

    John Sophocleus|Dec 1, 2018

    Straight-ticket voting enables a voter to cast all their votes for one party with a single mark at the top of the ballot. This duopoly party enhancing practice finally died in most States. Little surprise it remains in uncompetitive/ballot access blocked Alabama which will be among the last of seven States still suffering this practice when Texas (increasingly more a ‘battleground’ State) abolishes it for the 2020 election cycle. Texas will become the 15th State since 1994 to end this scourge, r...

  • Perfection in Crimson?

    Ed Jones|Dec 1, 2018

    Alabama has had a special season so far, even measured by Alabama standards. They started the season ranked number one and have maintained the ranking every week of the 2018 season. If the Tide can beat Georgia in the SEC Championship Game, win two games in the four team national championship playoff, it will accomplish a feat that not many teams have been able to do. They will have gone through the entire season from start to finish ranked number one. They also will be 15-0, a record that has...

  • Lets Build A Positive Image

    Steve Long|Dec 1, 2018

    I know a lot of you folks have deer on the brain for just about every waking moment, and I can say that I’m no different. I’m always thinking about all the different things that go with it, and with my work at QDMA, I’m also looking at what hunting means to us as both individuals and as members of society at large. Ultimately, I’m also thinking about what will lead to maintaining deer hunting as one of our great heritages that we can proudly pass down to the next generation. For starter...


    Ron VanHerwyn|Dec 1, 2018

    Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth and are also known to be extremely intelligent. They have characteristic long noses, or trunks; large, floppy ears; and wide, thick legs. A group of elephants is called a herd. The herd is led by a matriarch, which is the oldest female. Females, as well as young and old elephants, stick together in a herd. Adult males tend to wander. Elephants also have certain rules. For example, when they are meeting each other, they expect the other elephant to...

  • WWII Prisoner of War Survivor: Roy McGinnis

    Staff Writer|Dec 1, 2018

    Roy McGinnis, was held as a Prisoner of War (POW) in Stalag 17 for 19 months during World War II. On his fourth combat flight as a gunner, Roy's B-17 bomber was shot down over Schweinfurt, an industrial city on the Main River in the German State of Bavaria. Roy survived the crash along with his 10 member crew of airmen, and they were taken to Stalag 17 for imprisonment until Allies liberated Austria and Germany. In 1943, as American air attacks against Germany increased, the Nazis moved the...

  • GOD AND COUNTRY: Christian Self Government with Union: The Birth of American Federalism

    Bobbie Ames|Dec 1, 2018

    President Ronald Reagan and both Houses of Congress were united in Proclaiming 1983 as The Year of The Bible. The President and the Joint Resolution of the Congress had the dynamic purpose of embracing the influence of the Bible in the founding of our nation. It was the Biblical teachings which inspired our Founders to establish Christian Self-Government with Union, and a Nation of American Federalism. Its very foundation is based on The Bible and The Constitution. The Foundation for American Ch...

  • Potpourri for December

    Judge Peggy Givhan|Dec 1, 2018

    December is always a busy month being with friends and family, cooking, buying and wrapping gifts, trimming the tree, decorating the home...and finally, eating all the treats that come in for the season. This is why we have New Year's resolutions-- to purge the extra calories from the Holidays, so eat, drink and be merry. I was at a presentation recently where lecturer shared a delightful idea for teaching gardening techniques to some very young grandchildren ages three and four, visiting...

  • Southern Cuisine for December

    David Spooner|Dec 1, 2018

    Pundits of the food industry and marketing have released their food trends for the upcoming year. Much of which is the same as last year. Healthier food is always an up and coming trend. Some of the trends were trendy in the past, then lost some of their appeal, and are now becoming trendy again. An example is tea. There are three cups of tea consumed in the world for every cup of coffee. Nevertheless, in the United States tea is making a comeback because of its health benefits. The health...

  • Tears and Laughter: The ghost of dentistry's past...

    Amanda Walker|Dec 1, 2018

    I cracked-up in the middle of a root canal a few days ago. I didn’t just giggle. No. I went all out. I laughed until the dental assistant, the dentist, and an assistant in training who was just observing this fine spectacle all laughed too. This of course from my perspective and angle – at that moment – was hilarious. Things have sure changed. When I was a kid, my mom came home from work one day and announced that there was a new dentist in Grove Hill and she had made us appointments. My broth...

  • "The True Meaning of Christmas"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Dec 1, 2018

    With the most popular holiday just around the corner, it seems like everyone is trying to get into the Christmas spirit. Stores are lining their aisles with Christmas goodies and decor, TV shows have switched to the theme of giving and love, and Santas are starting to float about. And why shouldn't they, after all it is that time, the meaning of the season, right? Yet, the very first Christmas seemed to do without all of these. The very first Christmas somehow started a frenzy without the power...

  • Honoring Our Heroes: Helen Lattal

    Martha Simmons|Dec 1, 2018

    Helen Lattal is a veteran of the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) having served with 8th Air Force Headquarters at High Wycombe, England. Her three years of service were 1942-1945 during WWII. Not only was she active in the Selma, AL, community for many years, but she also served three terms as the Commander of American Legion Post 20. She is well known in the veteran community and is a very passionate patriot. A special article about Helen was published by the Selma Times-Journal on Wednesday, January 14, 2004. Helen was born in Norwalk, C...

  • (Grace to the Third Power) A Wesleyan View of Grace "Sanctifying Grace"

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Dec 1, 2018

    “For you are saved by grace through faith…” [Paul, Ephesians 2:8] “Be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect.” [Jesus, Matthew 5:48] “I’m just an old lump of coal, dear Lord, but I’ll be a diamond one day.” [Johnny cash] Sanctifying Grace Sanctify – (Sank’ tə Fī) – To set apart as holy, to consecrate, to make holy, to purify. In this article, I’m going to be talking about sanctifying grace. Over the last two months, we've covered two other kinds of grace that John Wesley taught us about...

  • Montgomery County Sheriff's Office

    Sheriff Derrick Cunningham|Dec 1, 2018

    Christmas Angel Tree We would like to thank the community for stepping up and helping those in need this holiday season! Our Christmas Angel Tree was a huge success and made many wishes come true for Friendship Mission and the Children Specialty Center. We couldn't make this happen without you, our community! Firearms Familiarization Course Register NOW for our final class of 2018 to be held on Saturday, December 8th!! We know that learning how to protect yourself is very important in today's...

  • Autauga County Sheriff's Office

    Sheriff Joe Sedinger|Dec 1, 2018

    Merry Christmas from the Autauga County Sheriff's Office!...

  • Seasonal Reasoning: Getting In The Corner

    Hannah Johnson|Dec 1, 2018

    The uncertainty of the future is real for many. It’s been real since the fall from grace. The forbiddenness of the fruit. The realization of the bareness of ones self in the midst of The King. But wait, future? How can you even think of the the future if you’ve ignored the past? Ignoring the past makes for an uncertain future. Luke 2:19 “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Can you imagine the relationship Mary must’ve had with God? In Luke 1:38 Mary spoke to...


    Kylle McKinney|Dec 1, 2018

    Each year we announce the annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA). Usually, there is an increase in the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit amount people receive each month, starting the following January. Law requires that federal benefit rates increase when the cost of living rises, as measured by the Department of Labor’s Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W). The CPI-W rises when prices increase for the things the average c...

  • Dec 1, 2018

    Showcasing Tallassee, Alabama businesses and activities......

  • Dec 1, 2018

    Special Edition - Governor Ivey Canvas...